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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 19

        Dr. Parag Mehta, NY.                                                                                  has been a cornerstone of the Hin-
            A distinguished  lineup  of  dig-                                                                 du community, serving the spiritual,
        nitaries  and  community  leaders                                                                     social, and community needs of so
        graced the event. Among the nota-                                                                     many, and we are proud to commem-
        ble attendees were Binaya Shrikanta                                                                   orate their tremendous commitments
        Pradhan, Consul General of India in                                                                   to serving the needs of others.”
        New York, Dr. Varun Jeph, Deputy                                                                          Assemblymember Rozic added,
        Consul General, Congressman Tom                                                                       “It’s an honor to recognize the BAPS
        Suozzi, New York State Assembly-                                                                      Mandir  on  their  50th  anniversary.
        men Edward Braunstein and Ron                                                                         For 50 years, the Mandir has been a
        Kim, State Senator John Liu, and                                                                      center for worship, cultural heritage,
        Queens Borough President Donovan                                                                      and community service. Its contribu-
        Richards Jr.. Religious and commu-                                                                    tions to the lives of its members and
        nity leaders, including Mr. Jagannath                                                                 the community have been profound
        Rao from ISKCON Temple Brook-                                                                         and far-reaching. I am grateful to cel-
        lyn, Sister BK Tina from the Brahma                                                                   ebrate their dedication to promoting
        Kumaris, and Shiva Acharya,                                                                           unity, service, and spirituality with my
            Earlier this year, the New York                                                                   fellow leaders in government.”
        State Senate and Assembly passed                                                                          The  50th  anniversary  celebra-
        resolutions commemorating the 50th                                                                    tions in Flushing, NY mark the begin-
        anniversary  of  BAPS’s  first  mandir  brated  BAPS’s  spiritual,  social,  and  “This year marks the 50th anniversa-  ning of similar events across the U.S.
        in North America. The resolutions  community contributions.         ry of the BAPS mandir in Flushing, a   and Canada, continuing to showcase
        sponsored by Senator John Liu and     Senator John Liu reflected on the  historic milestone for the mandir and   BAPS’s dedication to fostering com-
        Assemblymember Nily Rozic cele-   significance of this moment, stating,  our community. The BAPS mandir   munity, spirituality, and service.

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