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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 04, 2024 | The Indian Eye 15
dra Modi and the President of In-
dia Honorable Droupadi Murmu
to be the Honored Guests at GHS
2024 and to address the hundreds of
AAPI delegates at the Summit. Hon.
Health Minister J.P. Nadda has been
invited and he has agreed to meet
with AAPI delegates to formally to
discuss the healthcare issues espe-
cially the prevention aspect of cancer
and Heart attacks in India.
AAPI is planning to organize
bone marrow drives across
the nation, as the donor pool
among South Asians is very
limited, Dr. Kathula said. “So,
we are trying to recruit poten-
tial donors in the stem cell or
bone marrow transplant do-
nations. Because people are
getting affected by lymphomas
and leukemias, and they need
transplant. Since they do not
get the matched donors in this
country, we are trying to in-
crease that pool,” he added.
As the President of AAPI, the
largest ethnic medical organization,
representing the interests of over
120,000 physicians of Indian ori-
gin, Dr. Kathula said, AAPI is also
launching a program called “Million
Miles of Gratitude,” to honor veter-
ans by promoting physical activity,
he said. Participants can log their
walking or running miles, with each
mile serving as a tribute to the veter-
ans. The goal is to collectively reach
a million miles in the coming year.
According to Dr. Kathula, Natalie McKenzie, a health and fit- dinary people of the United States, expectation, my request has been
AAPI is planning to introduce heart ness coach and podcaster; Jyoti Soni, but even by the industry, and that’s that, this is the time for you to re-
screenings for the Indian American a catering and wedding planner with probably the reason why all these think about how you contribute back
community, as they are at higher over three decades of experience in industry entities are now present in home in India. I know all of you, in-
risk of experiencing heart attacks the culinary industry; and Dr. Sath- India in a much bigger way. So it’s dividually and collectively, do a lot
at a younger age, and that this ini- eesh Kathula, President of AAPI. going to be leading to bigger invest- of good work back home in India.
tiative will focus on prevention and The session was expertly moderated ment back within India.” The economy of India is undergo-
early detection. by Dr. Hetal Gor. Pradhan lauded the contribu- ing a massive transformation today.
Earlier during the day, AAPI Consul General, Honorable tions of “a strong Indian Associ- The Indian people are not looking
organized AAPI Leadership Re- Binay Pradhan, in his address high- ation of Doctors, AAPI. We feel for help in meeting their basic needs,
treat at the Indian Consulate in New lighted his long association with so lucky that we have their strong but would expect a strong Associa-
York City and was graced by the pres- AAPI from his past interactions presence, of this fraternity in this tion like yours to help them to touch
ence of Hon. Consul General Binay with AAPI members. Highlighting country. And I’m sure, going for- their aspirations. You have access to
Pradhan. The panel included sever- the recent meetings India’s Prime ward, you are going to be an anchor. the best of the medical technologies
al distinguished figures from various Minister Narendra Modi had with You will be bringing the relation- in this country. You can think about
fields, including Dr. Sanjeev Kaul, top CEOs from the United States ship between India and the United what you can do to touch the aspi-
Chief of Trauma; Sudeep Kapur, a during his recent visit, Pradhan States much closer, especially in the rations of the people, by using the
magistrate; Manee Kamboji, owner emphasized that India’s potential healthcare sector.” technology, and reach a much larger
of a highly successful IT company; is “not only appreciated by the or- Pradhan told AAPI that “My number of people in India.”