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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 20

           GOPIO Launches India Collection of Books at The

           Parsippany Library with Help of Indian Consulate

        OUR BUREAU
        Parsippany, NJ
               lobal Organization of People
               of Indian Origin-North Jer-
        Gsey Chapter (GOPIO-North
        Jersey) in cooperation with the In-
        dian Consulate in New York, along
        with co-sponsors Parsippany Rotary
        International, Heart and Hand for
        Handicapped and Gandhian Society
        and with support from a dozen area
        community groups organized the
        launch the India Collection of Books
        at the Parsippany Library in New Jer-
        sey on Sunday, September 29th at the
        library. With a house full crowd with
        many standing on the side and back,
        the launch was inaugurated by Indi-
        an Consul for Visa and Community
        Affairs Pragya Singh in the presence
        of Library President Melisa Kuzma,
        Parsippany Mayor James Barberio,
        Former AP and Telangana Minister
        from India Ponnala Lakshmaiah,
        New Jersey Commissioner Upendra   pany, Mayor Jamie Barberio said
        Chivukula, the White House Policy   that Parsippany was a home to many
        Advisor on  Energy  Jai  Vaingankar   Indian Americans, and he was proud
        and community leaders.            that many of them have contributed
            The program started a welcome   to making Parsippany a better town.
        from the  Program  chair  Rajendar   Mayor  Barberio,  who  is  of  Italian
        Dichpally who serves as the Director   origin, also said that he always felt
        of Gandhian Society and Founder   Indian Americans and Italian Amer-
        of Zakir Hussain Foundation in the   icans have similar attributes and was
        USA. “Efforts like this will help the   happy to see that the India Initiative
        Indian American Community and     in Parsippany Library was seeing so
        also strengthen the bond between   much good response.
        the two largest democracies,” said    GOPIO International Chairman
        Dichpally.                        Dr. Thomas Abraham who initiat-
            In his welcome remarks, Pro-  ed and coordinated this effort from
        gram Co-chair Santosh Peddi, who   GOPIO told the audience that Indi-
        serves at the President of the Parsip-  an Americans have done extremely
        pany Rotary International said that   well professionally, politically and fi-
        Rotary was happy to co-sponsor the   nancially, and that community should
        event as part of its social/community   do more for the larger society. In this
        outreach. Singing of American and   regards, GOPIO chapters in the New   Dr. Abraham thanked the Par-  ed by those who were in traditional
        Indian National Anthems followed   York area have successfully launched   sippany Library for launching the In-  dress.
        by children.                      India Collection of books at the pub-  dia Collection of Books. The inaugu-  Consul Pragya Singh, who is
            The Library Director Melissa   lic libraries in Norwalk and Stamford   ration was done with the traditional   Head of Visa and Passport renew-
        Kuzma said she was happy to host   in Connecticut, Edison, New Jersey,   lighting of the lamp by the dignitar-  als in the Indian Consulate, and also
        India Initiative event at the library as   and Queens and Long Island in New   ies, GOPIO officials and co-sponsor-  Consul for Community Affairs said
        this reflects the diverse attributes of   York State.               ing organizations.                that India was a very diverse and
        the library. She was happy to receive   “We found that these books are   The books were provided by the   plural country and the consulate was
        so many books of different genre and   very valuable resources for the larg-  Indian Consulate and GOPIO fur-  happy to assist and work with local
        said  it  reflects  the  rich  and  diverse   er society to know about India and   ther supplemented books collected   Indian Organizations in strength-
        culture of India. She also said that   Indian culture, its democracy, po-  from our community who are down-  ening the bond between India and
        the library would be hosting an event   litical leaders and social reformers,   sizing. These included new books   USA with the help of initiatives like
        to celebrate Diwali in the later part   economy and India’s relations with   and old classics which are not avail-  this where the consulate donated di-
        of October.                       countries around the world,” said Dr.   able anywhere else now. Several lan-  verse and useful books for the bene-
            Welcoming  everyone  to  Parsip-  Abraham.                      guage-based classics were present-

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