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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 04, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
NYC Mayor Adams Appoints Allison Stoddart
As City Hall Chief Counsel
Mayor Announces The Intention To Nominate Muriel Goode-Trufant To Serve As New York City’s Corporation Counsel
OUR BUREAU recipient of the agency’s highest hon-
or, and a lawyer who has fought for
New York, Ny
equity and justice. As our next cor-
ew York City Mayor Eric poration counsel, Muriel is prepared
Adams today announced to serve our entire municipal govern-
Nthe appointment of Allison ment and use the full power of our le-
Stoddart as City Hall chief counsel, gal system to lead our city forward.”
effective immediately. Stoddart has “I am humbled and honored by
served as chief of staff in the Office the intention to be nominated by May-
of the Chief Counsel since the start or Adams to serve as the city’s next
of the Adams administration. During corporation counsel,” said New York
her tenure, Stoddart spearheaded the City Corporation Counsel Nominee
New York City Legal Fellows Pro- Muriel Goode-Trufant. “Through my
gram, a citywide initiative designed more than three decades as an attor-
to enable junior attorneys at law ney at the New York City Law Depart-
firms across New York City to serve ment, I am keenly aware of the vital
their fellow New Yorkers through a role the corporation counsel plays in
one-year appointment in the legal New York City government.”
department of a city agency. Stod- Allison Stoddart, left, nominated to be City Hall chief counsel, and Muriel Goode-Trufant, right, Muriel Goode-Trufant will
dart has worked alongside City Hall nominated to be New York City’s corporation counsel replace Judge Sylvia Hinds-Ra-
policymakers on a wide range of is- dix, who stepped down from her
sues, including the expansion of paid Administrative Justice Coordinator, Mayor’s Office, the Public Advo- post at the end of May. Judge
parental leave and family leave and and the Office of Administrative Tri- cate’s Office, the Comptroller’s Of- Hinds-Radix led the Depart-
the removal of sidewalk construction als and Hearings. fice, city agencies, and the City Coun- ment of Law since January 2022.
sheds and scaffolding. Allison Stoddart most recent- cil — in all affirmative and defensive Muriel Goode-Trufant began her
“I’ve always believed that the ly served as chief of staff to City civil litigation. career at the New York City Depart-
law and public service go hand-in- Hall’s chief counsel. Stoddart was “I am excited to announce my ment of Law in 1991 as an attorney
hand, and serving in the Office of appointed in January 2022, at the intention to nominate of Muriel in the General Litigation Division
the Chief Counsel to the mayor and beginning of the Adams administra- Goode-Trufant as New York City’s where she held numerous roles, in-
City Hall has been a defining privi- tion. Prior to that, she was counsel next corporation counsel,” said May- cluding assistant chief of the division.
lege of my career,” said City Hall at WilmerHale, where her practice or Adams. “Muriel’s record speaks She later became the agency’s Equal
Chief Counsel Allison Stoddart. focused on representing individuals, for itself — a dedicated public ser- Employment Opportunity officer
“I’ve been proud to serve as a chief corporations, and financial institu- vant with more than 30 years of ex- and rose to the position of chief in the
of staff, and now, as chief counsel, to tions in complex commercial litiga- perience at the Law Department, a Special Federal Litigation Division.
serve New York City. In this role, I tion, white-collar criminal defense,
will continue to collaborate with the regulatory enforcement proceed-
many committed public servants who ings, and internal investigations.
work so hard every day to shape the Stoddart previously served as a
future of our city. I look forward to law clerk for the U.S. District Court
continuing to work closely with new- for the District of New Hampshire.
ly-nominated Corporation Counsel She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins
Muriel Goode-Trufant and the other University and Boston College Law
members of the Law Department.” School. Stoddart will report directly
In addition to serving as both to Mayor Adams.
Mayor Adams’ and City Hall’s coun- Mayor Adams has announced
sel, Stoddart will oversee 10 agen- his intention to nominate Muri-
cies: the Mayor’s Office of Contract el Goode-Trufant as the city’s next
Services, the Mayor’s Advisory Com- corporation counsel. Goode-Trufant
mittee on the Judiciary, the Office is a longtime public servant, having
of Labor Relations, the Mayor’s spent more than 30 years in the New
Office for People with Disabilities, York City Department of Law, where
the Mayor’s Office of Risk Manage- she has served as acting corporation
ment and Compliance, the New York counsel since this summer. As corpo-
City Business Integrity Commission, ration counsel, Goode-Trufant will
the New York City Commission on lead the New York City Department
Human Rights, the New York City of Law, which is primarily responsi-
Department of Records and Infor- ble for providing legal representation
mation Services, the Office of the to the City of New York — for the