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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 04, 2024 | The Indian Eye 18
BAPS commemorates 50th Anniversary of
Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, New York
New York, NY
n 1974, the first mandir of BAPS
Swaminarayan Sanstha in North
IAmerica was inaugurated by His
Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj in
Flushing, New York. This year, BAPS
commemorated 50 years of spiritual
upliftment, community service, and
cultural preservation through a grand
celebration held in the same city
where it all began.
The celebrations spanned two
weekends and attracted thousands of
visitors from across the country. The
event highlighted BAPS’s remark-
able journey, which began with a few
devotees and has since grown into a
prominent Hindu organization in the
United States, with over 115 mandirs
across North America. An interactive
exhibition showcased BAPS’s history
and contributions over the past five
Honoring this milestone, Con-
gressman Tom Suozzi (NY-3) shared
his admiration, saying, “The journey
of BAPS is remarkable.” Congress-
man Suozzi presented the organiza- have been transformed by this ini-
tion with a U.S. Capitol flag flown in tiative of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
honor of BAPS’s 50 years of service and Mahant Swami Maharaj,” said
and dedication. Kishore Mehta from Houston, who
The roots of BAPS in North was the lead volunteer for BAPS ac-
America trace back to His Holiness tivities in 1974.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj (1921- “The NY50 celebrations help us
2016), whose life motto, “In the Joy realize that the seed sown 50 years
of Others, Lies Our Own,” continues ago has blossomed into a beautiful
to inspire millions. This sentiment tree, gifting society Akshardham in
was echoed by Pujya Chaitanyanand Robbinsville,” shared Smruti Brahm-
Swami from the International Society bhatt from Robbinsville, NJ.
of Krishna Consciousness, who re- “We had an amazing experience
marked, “BAPS is an example of how walking down memory lane during
society can live together and serve to- this celebration. These 50 years have
gether in a loving, friendly way.” transformed society, thanks to Pra-
The message of compassion, in- mukh Swami Maharaj for providing
tegrity, and devotion is carried for- a foundation of culture and respect,
ward by the current spiritual leader, where my children have benefited
His Holiness Mahant Swami Ma- immensely,” shared Tushar Patel
haraj, whose blessings for the event from Orlando, FL.
came from India. Inspired by his “Whether it’s Ukraine or Kutch,
leadership, 12,500 volunteers worked I’ve seen BAPS be the first to serve
tirelessly to construct BAPS Swami- the impacted people, pouring out
narayan Akshardham in New Jersey, their hearts. I am glad to be here at
a monumental symbol of devotion the 50-year celebration. The con-
and unity. cept to creation and the narration
Attendees shared personal re- mandir in a basement back in 1974, Western Hemisphere, BAPS Swa- of BAPS NY50 was absolutely phe-
flections on the significance of the we never imagined that BAPS would minarayan Akshardham. I am over- nomenal, showcasing the same spirit
celebrations: grow to over 115 mandirs worldwide, joyed to be here, participating in this of service and dedication,” remarked
“When we started with a single including the largest mandir in the event. It’s incredible how many lives Continued on next page... >>