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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 22

        fit of the Indian community and the
        American society.
            Upendra Chivukula (Former
        Assembly Speaker of New Jersey)
        was happy to see so many Indian
        American turn out for this India Ini-
        tiative event and also hoped to see
        the community take active part in
        local politics so that this will help the
        community to have its voice heard in
        decision making.
            Former Andhra Pradesh and Tel-
        angana minister from India Ponnala
        Lakshmaiah who was also a former
        Resident of Parsippany said that he
        was happy to take part in the event
        in his former hometown and said life
        has come a full circle for him as he
        had started working at the age of 6
        in a library to fund his own education
        and today his autobiography along
        with other valuable books he donated
        were being put in the Parsippany li-
        brary. He thanked the organizers and
        wished success to the India initiative.  sage from the book, these books were   dia put together by Mrs. Man-  emony and cultural program were
            After the ceremony, some classic   presented to Library’s Head of Infor-  ju Bhargava, President of New   brief, people had ample to time to
        books in Hindi and half a dozen re-  mation Services Nicholas Jackson.   Jersey Telegu Association. The   meet and greet each other. “This was
        gional languages were presented by   These books will be catalogued and   dancers were Indian American   one of the best library launch of In-
        community representatives in their   will be available soon from the library.  high school and college students.  dia Collection of Books with wider
        traditional dress. After describing   A cultural program followed       The program continued  with  a   Indian community participation,’ re-
        about the book and reading a pas-  with music and dances from In-   networking reception. Since the cer-  marked Dr. Abraham.

        Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti, New York, Celebrates Hindi Divas

        OUR BUREAU                        tender Sharma, Sri Ravindra Kumar,    The evening’s highlights includ-  The event concluded with a lively
                                          Surinder Kathuria, and Purnima De-  ed vibrant performances by children   Kavi Sammelan (poetry recitation),
        Flushing, NY
                                          sai. Special guests included Dr. Raj   from the Hindu Center’s Hindi class-  organized by Dr. Mehta and Dr. Bin-
              he Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti,   Tiwari, President of the International   es, led by their dedicated teachers,   du Aggarwal. Local poets, including
              New York (AVHS) celebrated   Hindi Samiti, New York, and Pandit   Sri  Ashwani  Kumar  and  Professor   Priyanka Tripathi, Nayana Nigliye,
        THindi Divas with great enthu-    Ram Niwas Dixit Ji.               Rupam Saran. Dr. Mehta announced   Rajnish Sharma, Mangla Sand, Purn-
        siasm at the Hindu Center in Flush-   Although Executive Vice Presi-  that the Hindu Center would be of-  ima Desai, Jagdish Awasthi, and Dr.
        ing. The event opened with a tradi-  dent Pradeep Tandon, Akhil Vishwa   fering free Hindi classes to the local   Bijoy Mehta, captivated the audience
        tional lamp lighting ceremony led by   Hindi Samiti was unable to attend as he   community, emphasizing the impor-  with their poetic expressions.
        AVHS President Dr. Bijoy K. Mehta,   was at an event related to Prime Minis-  tance of preserving the Hindi lan-  The Hindi Divas celebration was
        joined by executive committee mem-  ter Shri Narendra Modi’s visit to Nas-  guage. He also awarded the children   a resounding success, leaving attend-
        bers Dr. Bindeshwari Aggarwal, Pro-  sau Coliseum, he sent his best wishes   with  certificates  of  recognition  and   ees inspired and proud of their lin-
        fessor Girija Shanker Dubey, Sri Ji-  for the grand success of the celebration.  gifts to encourage their efforts.  guistic and cultural heritage.

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