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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

          Sardar Patel University Alumni holds 22nd Annual

                                          Convention in New Jersey

               r. Tushar Patel Sardar Patel                                                                   seminar  on  Artificial  Intelligence
               University (SPU) Alumni                                                                        Driven Entrepreneurship with spir-
        D22nd Annual Convention                                                                               ituality which was applauded and
        was held on Saturday, September 28,                                                                   well received by the attendees.
        2024 at Royal Albert’s Palace in New                                                                      The tribute was given to Late
        Jersey which was attended by more                                                                     Shobhana  Patel,  proud  alumna  of
        than  350  SPU  alumni  and  invited                                                                  SPU who passed away earlier this
        guests & dignitaries.                                                                                 year.    Mr.  Jatin  Desai,  Executive
                                                                                                              Vice-President of the SPU Alum-
        A renowned humorist, author,                                                                          ni made an appeal to donate to the
                                                                                                              Alumni Association’s scholarship
        poet & philosopher, the Padma                                                                         programs for the students.
                                                                                                                  Dr. Jagdish Trivedi started his
        Shree award recipient Dr. Jag-                                                                        program with some humorous talk
        dish Trivedi, made his humor-                                                                         inspiring donors to donate toward
        ous presentation with his witty                                                                       the wonderful cause of education
                                                                                                              and  reaching  underprivileged  girls
        wisdom was the highlight of the                                                                       to provide necessary resources to get

        evening where laughter was at                                                                         proper education.  Dr. Trivedi’s has
                                                                                                              a long history for his record-break-
        its best.                                                                                             ing charitable contributions for edu-
                                                                                                              cation and healthcare.
            Dr. Nita Patel, Ph.D., proud                                                                          Years ago, he affirmed to donate
        alumna of SPU and a renowned vac-                                                                     11 crores. This has been his remark-
        cinologist  who  led  the  COVID-19                                                                   able journey.  To this date, his dona-
        vaccine development of Novavax                                                                        tions to charities worth more than 60
        and Dr. K.V. Raman, Ph.D., were                                                                       percentage of his goal.
        the Chief Guests of this conven-                                                                          His appeal to donate to Alumni
        tion. They both received a plaque of                                                                  Association was effective simply be-
        honor for their contributions.  Dr.                                                                   cause he has been doing charitable
        Virendra Rawat, Founder Director                                                                      activities for long time.  The evening
        of Green Mentors were the Guest                                                                       raised more than $40,000 which can
        who attended the convention and                                                                       benefit the mission of SPU to pro-
        addressed the audience with his in-                                                                   vide support in India.
        spirational speech and was given a                                                                        The  SPU  Alumni Association
        plaque of honor for his commitment                                                                    has been organizing conventions
        in  sustainable future  in education                                                                  and reunions for the past more than
        which embrace climate readiness                                                                       two decades which gives unique op-
        and sustainability. Hitesh & Kim                                                                      portunity to meet all SPU alumni
        Bhatt of Bhatt Foundation, Dr. Ji-  tural tradition of Deep Pragatya  Alay Patel, in his introductory and  and re-live golden days as students
        tendra & Ramila Patel, Albert Jasani  followed by garlanding of Bharat’s  welcoming speech, provided objec-  and now provides an opportuni-
        & Dr. Dinesh Patel, Hasmukh Patel  beloved leader Pujya Sardar Val-  tives of SPU and their current activi-  ty to discuss ideas and projects to
        received recognition for their sup-  labhbhai Patel who was the force  ties and vision in the upcoming years.  support the university and those in

        port to SPU.                      behind the vision for the University  Prior to start of the convention, Dr.  need for education and other hu-
            The evening started with a cul-  in late 1940’s.  SPU’s President Mr.  Jatin Mehta provided an hour-long  manitarian efforts.

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