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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 26

                            SAGA celebrates 20th Annual

                     Golf Outing with SAGA Open 2024

        OUR BUREAU
        Lawrence Township, NJ
              he South Asian Golf Associa-
              tion (SAGA) held its 20th An-
        Tnual  Golf  Outing  on  Septem-
        ber  21  as  a  spectacular  celebration
        of the gentle game, community, and
        friendly competition.
            The daylong SAGA Open
        brought together over 70 enthusiastic
        golfers at Cobblestone Creek Country
        Club in Lawrence Township, NJ. Ev-
        erybody enjoyed an unforgettable day
        on the greens with clear skies, perfect
        weather, and a spirit of camaraderie.
            Known for its thrilling compe-
        tition and warm, welcoming atmo-
        sphere, the SAGA Open has estab-
        lished itself as a premier event for   SAGA Tour 2024 (Sponsor - NJ Group Services Amin Khatri - Left, Flight 1 Winners -  Deep   SAGA Tour 2024 Champion - Anish Johi
        the  South  Asian  golfing  community.               Thapliyal, Amit Parekh, Varun Malhotra)           Memorial Trophy Winner - Deep Thapliyal)
        Using a handicapped-based scoring
        system, players of all skill levels are in   In  other  SAGA  Open  maintained and stays true to the sport.
        contention to win the year-long com-  2024    Highlights,     Low       In keeping with SAGA’s commit-
        petition.                           Gross Score was carded by       ment to nurturing young talent, three
            This  year’s  final  tournament
        kicked off with a shotgun start. Both   Santosh Hanumaiah – Score of   deserving students were awarded the
                                                                            SAGA Junior / Anish Joshi College
                                            75 (Winner with Tie-breaker, tied
        seasoned players and eager new-     with Abdhullah Vohra).          Scholarships  ($1,650  each)  for  their
        comers teed off for a chance to win   • Closest to the Pin claimants were:   academic  and  golfing  achievements:
        prestigious prizes, including a Mer-  Hole #2: Tito Singh (6’ 9”); Hole   Tanya Chowdary – Bentley University,
        cedes-Benz for a hole-in-one, spon-  #4:  Romil  Bhagat  (18’  4”);  Hole   MA, Tanvi Samayam – Nova South-
        sored by Mercedes-Benz of Princeton.   #7: Amit Sud (1’ 9”); Hole #11:   eastern University, FL, and Vikram
            The Anish Joshi Memorial Tro-
        phy, awarded to the overall 2024 SAGA   Jassi Singh (5’ 4”); and Hole #14:   Bajaj – Stonybrook University, NY.
                                                                                As the sun set over Cobblestone
                                            Santosh Hanumaiah (8’ 5”). Clos-
        Tour Champion, was the highlight    est to the Line: Hole #13: Rajeev   Creek Country Club, golfers and
        of the day, which comes with a one-  Chaudhary (3”).                guests gathered in the ballroom for a   SAGA Open - Low Gross Winner - Santosh
        week vacation anywhere in the world,   The UnitedHealthcare Cup was   fun-filled  awards  ceremony.  Laugh-  Hanumaiah (Right), United Healthcare
        donated by Dr. Anil & Mrs. Anju   awarded to the victorious SAGA ‘The   ter, stories, and smiles filled the room
        Joshi, parents of late Anish Joshi - a   Gate Squad’ Team, led by captain   as everyone celebrated the 20th anni-  Sponsor (Madhura Inamdar-Left, Theresa
        former member and strong supporter.   Deep Thapliyal. His team, consist-  versary of the SAGA Golf Open.         Lee -Middle)
            Deep Thapliyal was declared the
                                                                                                                  With sponsorship support from
                                                                                SAGA Founder & President Ma-
        winner of the Anish Joshi Memorial   ing of Amit Parekh, Varun Malhotra,   hesh Yadav thanked all participants,   UnitedHealthcare, NJ Group Ser-
                                          Shashi Gautam, Sachin Mally, Sanjay
                                          Seth, Ashish Shah, and Uday Patel,   sponsors, and volunteers for contrib-  vices, Prajapati & Company, Optima
            Following are other SAGA  Tour   celebrated a hard-fought win, round-  uting to the successful and memora-  Global Solutions, TV Asia, and other
        2024 winners:                     ing off an incredible day of golf. The   ble event. The awards reception was   valued partners, SAGA Open has ce-
        • For Flight 1, Deep Thapliyal, Var-  SAGA Board and the Tour commit-  followed by dinner, dancing, and raf-  mented its place as one of the top golf-
          un Malhotra, and Amit Parekh    tee ensure that competitive integrity is   fle prizes.              ing events for South Asians in the US.
          took first, second, and third place,
        • For  Flight  2,  Niraj  Desai,  Jassi
          Singh, and Shashi Gautam took
          1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, respective-
        • For Flight 3, Ankit Patel, Haresh
          Majmundar,  and  Jayesh  Parikh
          claimed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
        • Ronak Patel, who reduced hand-
          icap  from  20.3  to  14.7,  was  de-
          clared  Most  Improved  Golfer.

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