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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 30

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                                  SAM JOSHI                                                          RAJ PAREKH

          Mayor-led Crime Bill passes NJ                                           Attorney named as Chief of

                              Legislature                                      Corporate Enforcement at BIS

              crime bill advocated by Mayor Sam Joshi has passed the state assembly
              on Monday  and will be sent to Governor Phil Murphy’s desk in 45
              days. According to this bill, home invasion is classified as a first-degree
        offense and residential burglary as a second-degree offense. It extends impris-  he US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
        onment for those convicted of a home invasion or burglary in possession of a   recently  announced  the  appointment  of  Raj  Parekh  as  its  first-ever
        firearm and permits juveniles to be tried as adults if charged while in posses- TChief of Corporate Enforcement. He will serve as the primary interface
        sion of a firearm.                                                  between BIS’s special agents, the Department of Commerce’s Office of Chief
            “Edison has been hit by home invasions and burglaries. I have been   Counsel for Industry and Security, and the Department of Justice to advance
        pushing penalties for any individual including juveniles who commit home   significant corporate investigations.
        invasions and burglaries. This effort has led to my testimony before the New   Parekh joins BIS from the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern
        Jersey Senate and Assembly committee. I am pleased to announce that the   District of Virginia (EDVA), where he served as Acting United States Attor-
        senate and the assembly have passed the bill. I thank Senator Pat Diegnan,   ney and for four years as First Assistant United States Attorney. Parekh was
        Assemblyman Sterley Stanley, Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak, Assembly   the highest-ranking career (non-political) official in EDVA and led a staff of
        Speaker Craig Coughlin, Senator Vin Gopal, and Senator Brian Stack, as well   more than 300 federal prosecutors, civil litigators, and support personnel in a
        as all of those involved in advocating for this bill,” said Joshi in a released   district that serves more than six million residents.
        statement, “I look forward to the passage of this bill for the safety and security   This is the first time BIS has appointed a Chief of Corporate Enforce-
        of our residents.”                                                  ment, further reflecting BIS’s commitment to this effort.
            Joshi has been discussing this issue with members of the state assembly
        since March 2023. In that time, Joshi hired more police officers to make the   “Today’s appointment of Raj Parekh as Chief of Corporate En-
        department the largest it has been in 15 years, according to the Mayor’s office.
            Chief of Edison township Police Department, Thomas Bryan, said “This  forcement is an important step in institutionalizing the progress
        legislation is a major step forward in our ongoing efforts to combat the rise of   we’ve made over the past three years to strengthen our adminis-
        burglaries and home invasions. In addition to this legislative victory, we have
        increased our Police force to 195 officers, the most in 15 years. We launched a  trative enforcement program,” said Assistant Secretary of Com-
        street crimes unit and expanded our K-9 unit.”                      merce for Export Enforcement Matthew S. Axelrod.
            Added DEP chief Robert Dudash, “ We have also installed over 100 li-
        cense plate readers throughout Edison township. We have also opened two
        police stations for a greater police presence.                          Parekh is an experienced litigator, having tried more than 40 cases to
            Mayor Sam Joshi concluded, “The safety of Edison residents remains our   verdict throughout his career and having previously worked at EDVA, the
        top priority and we will continue fighting until this bill becomes a law.”  Department of Justice’s National Security Division, a major technology com-
            Mayor Joshi and the Edison Police have been urging the state to enact   pany, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, the
        stricter sentencing for juveniles since March, when three teenagers attempted   Central Intelligence Agency, and an international law firm.
        to steal a car outside of the Patel Brothers.                                                                Continued on next page... >>

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