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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 34

            Subhra Bhattacharjee has over
        20 years of experience in public
        policy  and  programming  in  climate
        change and sustainable develop-
        ment, having worked closely with
        governments, NGOs, academia, and
        the private sector worldwide. She has
        worked for the United Nations and
        Reserve Bank of India, with a brief
        stint in academia.
            Bhattacharjee aims to leverage FSC’s membership, network and collabo-
        rative partnerships to strengthen global forest stewardship for protection and
        sustainable management of the world’s forests.
            After this announcement, Bhattacharjee said, “It is an honour and a privi-
        lege to join FSC as Director General. We must act urgently to mitigate the on-  Sonora Jha is an acclaimed author having written the memoir How to
        going global climate and biodiversity crises, and the conservation, restoration,   Raise a Feminist Son and the novel Foreign. She had been a renowned jour-
        and sustainable use of forests with respect for forest-dependent communities   nalist covering crime, politics, and culture in Singapore and India. After that,
        is critical for this. In this context, today FSC’s mission and role are more rele-  she moved to the United States to earn a PhD in media and public affairs.
        vant than ever. I look forward to working with the whole FSC community and   Her op-eds, essays, and public appearances have been featured in the New
        partners to maximize the contribution of forests to sustainable development.”  York Times, and on the BBC. As per the New York Times Book Review, ‘The
                                                                            Laughter’ is not just a campus novel. it’s also the story of America’s changing
                                 SONORA JHA                                 cultural landscape and the major political and philosophical shifts needed to
                                                                            uplift and protect the marginalized. This is a smart and hilarious book not just
            Writer wins 2024 Washington                                     for anyone who wants to laugh at the absurdity of academia, but for anyone
                                                                            who wants to become a better person by doing it.
                                                                                Upon hearing the announcement of the award, Sonora Jha said, “The
             State Book Award for Fiction                                   Laughter satirizes, critiques and also turns a loving eye on our region and on
                                                                            America, so this award feels especially meaningful to me.”
              he Washington Center for the Book (an affiliate of the Library of Con-  Sonora Jha, PhD, is Associate Dean for Faculty Scholarship and Academ-
              gress Center for the Book administered by Washington State Library)   ic Community and a Professor in the Communication Department at Seattle
        Trecently selected Sonora Jha’s novel ‘The Laughter’ under the catego-  University.
        ry of Fiction Winner. ‘The Laughter’ by Sonora Jha of Seattle won the 2024
        Washington State Book Awards (WSBA) for outstanding books published by   To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
        Washington authors in 2023. This is the 58th year of the program, formerly            our website
        called the Governor’s Writers Awards.

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