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BUSINESS EYE                                                        OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 39

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Apple likely to launch iPad-like smart home display next year

               The new device could allow users to control it with hand gestures from a distance

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            grated screen to a display attached to
                                                                                                              a robotic arm that can swivel for video
        Washington, DC
              pple is reportedly gearing                                                                          Recent reports by The Verge sug-
              up  to introduce  a  new  smart                                                                 gests that a new device, referred to
        Ahome display, reminiscent of                                                                         as “HomeAccessory,” could feature
        the iPad, as part of its renewed focus                                                                a square design and allow users to
        on home automation.                                                                                   control it with hand gestures from a
            According to reports obtained by                                                                  distance.
        The Verge, the device is expected to                                                                      Additionally, reports by Mac-
        launch next year and will be powered                                                                  Rumours  have  also  identified  code
        by a new operating system, dubbed                                                                     references related to the device and
        homeOS, which is based on the exist-                                                                  homeOS, further fueling anticipation.
        ing tvOS used in Apple TV.                                                                                This upcoming smart display ap-
            The anticipated display is de-                                                                    pears to be a more practical solution
        signed to run various Apple applica-                                                                  compared to previous concepts in-
        tions, including Calendar, Notes, and                                                                 volving robotics, potentially offering a
        Home. Notably, it is said to support                                                                  user-friendly experience without the
        Apple Intelligence, a feature current-                                                                complications of repurposing an iPad
        ly absent from the HomePod lineup.                                                                    as a dedicated smart home controller.
            Prototypes of the device have   Prototypes of the device have reportedly been tested with magnets for wall-mounting, enhanc-  As the launch date approaches,
        reportedly been tested with magnets             ing its versatility within home environments (File photo)  tech enthusiasts could explore how
        for wall-mounting, enhancing its ver-                                                                 Apple would redefine smart home in-
        satility within home environments,    Rumours surrounding this smart  with various  concepts being  consid-  teractions with this new device.  (With
        according to The Verge.           display have circulated for some time,  ered, from a HomePod with an inte-  agency reports)

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