Page 14 - The Indian EYE 100424
P. 14

North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024

               AAPI Spells Out Ways to Leverage

                   Resources and Skills to Support

         Healthcare Initiatives in India and US

         At a press conference, AAPI chief Dr. Satheesh Kathula asks the media to be the link and

             a channel between the association and the larger community in sharing its message

        OUR BUREAU                        AAPI’s contributions to India and the   port “to help to get the message out,  sionals, policymakers, and industry
                                          US during the past 43 years.      in reaching out to the general public   leaders to address the prevention of
        New York, NY
                                              Dr. Kathula urged the media to   here, the Indian diaspora and in In-  cancer and heart attacks in the Indi-
              t a historic Press Conference   be the link and a channel between   dia, especially for providing health  an population with lifestyle modifica-
              with nearly two dozen media  AAPI and the larger community in   education on preventive measures.   tion and technology.
        Apersons from the electronic,  sharing AAPI’s message and about         Dr. Kathula along with Dr. Hetal   Dr. Kathula invited all the AAPI
        print and visual media in attendance   the noble initiatives that benefit the  Gor, a member of the AAPI Board   members to attend the next edition of
        at the Indian Consulate in New York  Indian American community and the   of Trustees, briefed the media on  AAPI’s  annual  Global  Health  Sum-
        on a rainy Sunday evening, Septem-  people back home in India. Express- AAPI’s ongoing activities in the Unit- mit this October in New Delhi, with a
        ber 29, 2024, Dr. Satheesh Kathula,  ing his gratitude to the media persons   ed States and India, and highlighted   focus on preventing cancer and heart
        President of the American Associa- for their presence today and for the   the upcoming Global Health Summit  attacks through lifestyle changes and
        tion of Physicians of Indian Origin   support they have provided over the   in New Delhi, scheduled for Octo- technological advancements. AAPI
        (AAPI) shared about his vision for  past several decades to AAPI, Dr.  ber 19th to 20th.  This summit aims   has invited Prime Minister Naren-
        AAPI under his leadership and about  Kathula urged their ongoing sup- to bring together healthcare profes-   Continued on next page... >>

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