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OPINION                                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

               Charting A New Narrative:

                       Redrawing History and

                         Politics in Bangladesh

         With the August uprising in Bangladesh, a new narrative is being written, history and politics of the nation are
                being re-drawn. Will this new narrative bring forth a better tomorrow for the people of Bangladesh?


           n  the past,  whenever there has
           been a change of governance
        Iin Bangladesh, the incumbent
        government made attempts to glo-
        rify  specific  individuals  or  events,
        while demonizing others. This has
        involved changing the name of air-
        ports, government policies, buildings
        and institutions and extracting or in-
        cluding specific narratives in school
        textbooks. However, Bangladesh
        today, under the governance of an
        interim government, is witnessing
        the redrawing of Bangladeshi history
        and politics, building a new narrative
        that might impact the common na-
        tional identity of the masses and the

        From the month of August,
        some major events have been
        organized or policies adapted,
        creating this new narrative. For

        the first time in independent
        Bangladesh, the 76th death an-
        niversary of Muhammad Ali Jin-
        nah was commemorated by the                 Regime changes have always been followed with attempts on re-writing history and this is what is being witnessed

        Nawab  Salimullah  Academy  at                                         in Bangladesh now  (File photo/ANI)
        the National Press Club in Dha-
        ka on 11 September 2024.          from the Nagorik Parishad elucidat-  guage. From 1948, students in East   mother tongue in Dhaka, leading
                                          ed the crucial role that Jinnah played   Pakistan had agitated to protest the   to the killing of students on the uni-
                                          in the creation of East Pakistan and   omission of the Bengali language   versity campus on 21 February 1952
            Several speakers emphasized   Bangladesh, enumerating how India   from  official  use.  On  March  1948,   by armed police forces. This day
        Jinnah’s crucial role in the creation   remained to be an obstacle and chal-  Jinnah faced strong protests during   has been celebrated as the National
        of Pakistan and Pakistan’s positive   lenge  for  Bangladesh  all  through.   a speech in Dhaka clearly stating   Martyr’s Day in Bangladesh; the UN
        role in creating a unique identity for   The event was attended by the Paki-  that “Urdu, and only Urdu” was the   recognized  21  February  as  Interna-
        Bangladesh, stating that without Jin-  stani Deputy High Commissioner.  language that embodied the spirit of   tional Mother’s Language Day from
        nah, “Bangladesh too would not ex-    One of the principal identities of   the Muslim nations and Urdu will re-  1999.  It  is  difficult  to  comprehend
        ist”. The event saw speakers reciting   the people of East Bengal, later East   main as the state language.   how demagogic policies would ben-
        Urdu poetry and songs, a number of   Pakistan and now Bangladesh, has   Student protests continued for   efit Bangladesh by glorifying the role
        them dedicated to Jinnah. Speakers   been the pride of their Bangla lan-  the recognition of Bangla as the   Continued on next page... >>

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