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NATION                                                              OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                    J&K ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS

               Peace and Politics: State witnesses

                    record voter turnout in the first

                          election in post-370 scenario

         The counting of votes will take place on October 8. In 2023, the Supreme Court directed the Centre

                         to hold Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir by September 30, 2024

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            pressed gratitude to the people of
                                                                                                              Jammu and Kashmir following a
        Srinagar (J&K)
                                                                                                              record voter turnout in the Assem-
              he Election Commission of In-                                                                   bly elections in the Union Territory.
              dia said on Thursday in a press                                                                 Addressing reporters at BJP head-
        Tstatement that an overall 63.88                                                                      quarters in Jammu, “Assembly elec-
        percent  voter  turnout  was  record-                                                                 tions have successfully been held in
        ed in the Assembly elections in the                                                                   Jammu and  Kashmir,  and  the  BJP
        Union Territory of Jammu and Kash-                                                                    expresses its gratitude to the people
        mir. The poll panel said that a voter                                                                 of Jammu and Kashmir. We express
        turn of 69.69 percent was recorded in                                                                 gratitude to its voters for overwhelm-
        the third phase held on October 1.                                                                    ingly participating in these elections.”
            Earlier the ECI stated that the                                                                       Referring to the Jammu and
        polling concluded peacefully in a cel-                                                                Kashmir Assembly elections, Union
        ebratory atmosphere. “The elections                                                                   Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said
        were a resounding statement in fa-                                                                    on Wednesday that a significant shift
        vour of democracy, in line with Chief                                                                 from a tumultuous past to a peaceful
        Election Commissioner Rajiv Ku-                                                                       democratic process marked a resto-
        mar’s  confidence  expressed  during                                                                  ration of democracy in the region.
        the announcement of the general                                                                           He noted that the region
        elections in J&K on August 16,” the                                                                   has transitioned from having a
        statement had said.                                                                                   “stone-pelting industry” to witnessing
            The three-phase assembly elec-                                                                    a remarkable 65-66% voter turnout
        tions concluded peacefully in Jammu                                                                   considering it a substantial victory.
        and  Kashmir  on  October  1.  These                                                                     “The ground situation in J-K be-
        were the first assembly polls held in   Voters wait in a queue to cast their votes for the final phase of the Jammu and Kashmir Assem-  fore the elections was, there was an
        Jammu and Kashmir since the abro-           bly elections at a polling station in Jammu on Tuesday (ANI Photo)  industry called  stone-pelting indus-
        gation of Article 370.                                                                                try...But yesterday’s voting turnout
            The Jammu and Kashmir Na-         The elections, which happened   sembly  elections,  after  a  decade  in   was 65-66 per cent, which is a huge
        tional Conference and Congress,   peacefully without any incidents of   J&K.                          victory for us...Peaceful elections
        partners in the INDIA alliance,   violence and re-polls so far, reaf-   This is the first election in Jam-  were held...There is a restoration of
        jointly contested the assembly elec-  firm  the  confidence  and  sentiment   mu and Kashmir after the abrogation   democracy,” Puri said.
        tions while the PDP and BJP fought   expressed by the Chief Election   of Article 370.                    Expressing  confidence  in  the
        the elections on their own.       Commissioner, (CEC) Rajiv Kumar       Among the 40 constituencies, 24   victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party
            Prominent leaders, including   while announcing the elections in the   are  in  the  Jammu  division  and  the   (BJP), the Union Minister said, “We
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi,     Union Territory of J&K.           rest in the Kashmir Valley. At least   are sure that the BJP will win the
        Union Home Minister Amit Shah         The CEC had said that the peo-  415  candidates,  including  former   elections...In the coming time, J-K’s
        (BJP), Lok Sabha Leader of Oppo-  ple of Jammu and Kashmir, with    deputy Chief Ministers Tara Chand   story will be one of the biggest sto-
        sition Rahul Gandhi, and former   their enthusiastic  participation, will   of Congress and Muzaffar Hussain   ries of independent India.”
        J&K Chief Ministers Farooq Abdul-  give a befitting response to the nefar-  Beig, are contesting in the third   Puri also attacked Congress na-
        lah, Omar Abdullah, and Mehbooba   ious forces trying to disrupt the dem-  phase.                     tional president Mallikarjun Kharge
        Mufti, campaigned extensively for   ocratic process. The foundation that   The West Pakistani refugee com-  for his remark about not dying until
        weeks.                            was built by the successful Lok Sabha   munity was exercising their right to   PM Modi is “removed from pow-
            The counting of votes will take   Election in 2024 has indeed been fur-  vote for the first time in the assembly   er,”  and  PM  Modi  will  not  be  the
        place on October 8. In 2023, the Su-  ther strengthened, as emphasised by   elections after gaining citizenship fol-  Prime Minister because he wants to;
        preme Court directed the Centre to   CEC Kumar. EC has delivered on   lowing the abrogation of Article 370.  instead, he will be the PM because
        hold Assembly elections in Jammu   its promise by walking the talk with   Now, Jammu and Kashmir BJP   the people want him to be the prime
        and Kashmir by September 30, 2024.  smooth and seamless conduct of as-  unit President Ravinder Raina ex-  minister of the country.

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