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BIG STORY                                                           OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                         FOREIGN POLICY FOCUS


                       INDIA FIRST

                      Even as relations between New Delhi and Washington continue to grow,

         India makes it clear that any interference in its domestic affairs and foreign policy is not

                         acceptable. How Modi 3.0 is redefining India’s position in the world

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            cooperation.
                                                                                                                  On Tuesday, S Jaishankar held a
        New Delhi/New York, NY
                                                                                                              meeting with US Secretary of State
                odi 3.0 is engaging with the                                                                  Antony Blinken in Washington, DC.
                world like never before.                                                                      Jaishankar said that they followed up
        MAnd it is engaging with oth-                                                                         on the Delaware bilateral and quad
        er countries on its own terms – with                                                                  meetings.
        India’s national interest at the heart                                                                    “Delighted to hold talks with
        of its global discourse. After assuming                                                               Antony Blinken today in Washington
        office for the third consecutive term,                                                                DC. We followed up on the Delaware
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi has                                                                      bilateral and Quad meetings. Our dis-
        visited seven nations, including Russia                                                               cussions also covered deepening bi-
        and  Ukraine  and  the  US,  where  he                                                                lateral cooperation, situation in West
        participated in a Quad summit, met                                                                    Asia, recent developments in the Indi-
        the Indian community and addressed                                                                    an subcontinent, the Indo-Pacific and
        a UN meeting.                                                                                         Ukraine,” Jaishankar posted on X.
            After being sworn in for the third                                                                    Even as India and US continue
        time as PM, he first participated in the                                                              to develop close ties, New Delhi has
        G7 Leaders’ Outreach meeting in Italy                                                                 made clear that certain things are not
        at the invitation of Italian Prime Min-                                                               acceptable, especially any interference
        ister Giorgia Meloni in June. Earlier                                                                 in domestic affairs and India’s inde-
        in July, PM Modi travelled to Russia                                                                  pendent foreign policy.
        at the invitation of Russian President                                                                    During his US trip, S Jaishankar
        Vladimir Putin to attend the 22nd In-                                                                 highlighted the need  for mutual re-
        dia-Russia Annual Summit. PM Modi                                                                     spect and boundaries in international
        visited Poland and Ukraine in August.                                                                 diplomacy, particularly between de-
            During  the  first  100  days  of  his                                                            mocracies, during a recent discussion
        third term, PM Modi also visited Sin-                                                                 on India-US relations at the Carnegie
        gapore and Brunei.                                                                                    Endowment office in Washington, DC.
            After assuming office, PM Modi                                                                        During his fireside chat with Car-
        hosted the 3rd Voice of Global South      PM Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden at event in Delaware (ANI)  negie’s President Mariano-Florenti-
        Summit (VOGSS), which was attend-                                                                     no (Tino) Cuellar on Tuesday, when
        ed by 173 dignitaries. The dignitaries   External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar   Gordon.             asked about US leaders commenting
        who attended the VOGSS included 21   held a meeting with US National Secu-  Sharing details regarding his   on India’s democracy, Jaishankar stat-
        Heads of State/Government, 34 For-  rity Advisor Jake Sullivan on Wednes-  meeting with Gordon, Jaishankar   ed, “And my personal view, which I
        eign  Ministers  &  118  Ministers/Vice   day and discussed bilateral coopera-  in a post on X said, “Good to see @  have shared with many counterparts,
        Ministers - from 122 countries.   tion. In a post on X, Jaishankar stated,   PhilGordon46 during my Washington   is, look, you have every right to com-
            Modi’s visit to the US was huge-  “A great meeting with NSA @Jake-  visit. Appreciated the conversation on   ment. But I have every right to com-
        ly  successful,  with  the  Indian  Prime   Sullivan46. As always, a productive   our bilateral ties and various global   ment on your comment. So don’t feel
        Minister meeting President Joe Biden   conversation on bilateral cooperation   developments.”         bad when I do.”
        at the Quad summit and both the   and good insights into global politics.”  Gordon said that he and Jaishan-  Further, Jaishankar acknowl-
        countries asserting their close strate-  Jaishankar also met Assistant to   kar took stock of “important prog-  edged  the  globalized  nature  of  poli-
        gic partnership.                  the US President and National Secu-  ress” made in the bilateral ties, includ-  tics, where countries’ internal issues
            After PM Modi’s visit to the US,   rity Advisor to US Vice President, Phil   ing growing  defense  and  technology   Continued on next page... >>

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