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OPINION                                                             OCTOBER 04, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 11

         Bangladesh Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus meets with US President Joe Biden on   Bangladesh Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus meets
          the margin of the UN General Assembly meeting, in New York last week as the US govern-  with Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly,
                   ment’s offered full support to the Bangladesh government (ANI)                  in New York last week (ANI)

        of Jinnah, Pakistan and Urdu in Ban-  ing of Mujib.                 ical Islamists from prisons and cor-  ed efforts underway to of re-invent
        gladesh, eschewing mention of any     In  another  event,  controversial   rection centers. Releasing Jashimud-  the Bangladeshi identity. Regime
        positive role of India in the region.   Bangladeshi academic Dr Shahiduz-  din  Rahmani  Hafi,  the  chief  of  the   changes have always been followed
            Many governments have come    zaman, at a seminar organized by   terrorist  group  al-Qaeda’s  affiliate,   with attempts on re-writing history
        and gone including multiple inter-  the  Retired  Armed  Forces  Officers   Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) by   and this is what is being witnessed in
        im governments from 1971. During   Welfare Association (RAOWA) in   Yunus raises doubts with regard to   Bangladesh now. However, it is high-
        such regime changes, incumbent    Dhaka on 14 September 2024, made   the path the interim government is   ly unlikely that any radical narrative
        governments  made  minor  changes   some statements that are notewor-  charting for the future of Bangla-  founded on hatred and negativity
        like changing the name of the in-  thy. In that seminar, which was at-  desh. Rahmani, after being freed   will make any positive impact on the
        ternational airport or government   tended by retired Bangladesh Army   from prison, in a video message,   growth chart of Bangladesh for the
        policies, or amending some policies   officials, he stated that Pakistan and   warned India that he would seek as-  future  but  will  certainly  challenge
        adopted  by  the  previous  govern-  Bangladesh should establish an alli-  sistance from China, Pakistan and   the peace and security of the region.
        ment. However, there is an attempt   ance in the realm of nuclear defense   Afghanistan for carrying out myriad    *****
        of erasing or re-writing history of the   to deter the hegemonic tendencies of   terrorist and secessionist activities   Dr. Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharjee is a
        nation presently, which seems un-  its larger neighbor in the region. He   throughout India. No steps or state-  Research Fellow at the Indian Council
        precedented.                      further went ahead to state that Pa-  ments have been made by the Yunus   of World Affairs, New Delhi. Views
            After  the  Liberation  War  of   kistan is a “most trusted and reliable   government against such statements
        1971,  Sheikh  Mujibur  Rahman  was   partner of Bangladesh”. Such narra-  or videos.                        expressed are personal
        universally recognized as the “Fa-  tives are strengthening the anti-1971   The events and initial steps of   This article first appeared in the View-
        ther of the Nation”. The residence   forces, re-vitalizing voices that were   the Yunus’ administration narrat-  point section of the website (www.icwa.
        of Mujib, where he and his family   suppressed in the past.         ed above remain a fraction of the   in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
        were assassinated in a military coup   Assessing the altering narrative   overall developments and concert-  New Delhi, on September 26, 2024
        on 15 August 1975 was turned into a   that is being set forth or permitted
        museum on 14 August 1994. During   by the interim government, the Pa-
        the recent August uprising, the mu-  kistani foreign office has revived its   Mobile +91 99256 73021 (Office) +91 2634 285121 Email : [email protected]
        seum was not only vandalized but   Bangladesh policy. Pakistan High
        also  set  on  fire.  Such  vandalism  or   Commissioner Syed Ahmed Maroof           (Ô‰ıVÀ) 396321, ÷Î. √HÎÿı‰Ì, Ï…. fi‰ÁÎflÌ, √…flÎ÷
        desecration was never seen during   during a courtesy call at the Bangla-  ‰‘ ‹ÎÏË÷Ì ‹ÎÀı Á_’¿Û— ’˛‹¬ lÌ ‹Î‘‰·Î· ’fl˘ÏË÷ (‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹, ωl΋B≤Ë ±Î√‚, ⁄Ì·Ì‹˘flÎ
        past regimes. Numerous iconic stat-  desh foreign ministry has not only   ’˛√ÀΉ˘. ±Î F›˘÷ «Î·_ »ı, Œ@÷ F›˘÷‹Î_ CÎÌ ¥…‰ÎfiÌ …wfl »ı. ¤Ò·˘ ¤·ı ⁄Ì…\ ⁄‘ _‹Î-⁄Î’fiı ¤·Â˘ fiÏË.
        ues  of  Mujib  have  been  vandalized   proposed  to  revive  the  Joint  Eco-  ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î’÷˘ ÿÎfi-’ÒH› …wfl ¿fl÷Î_ Ë¢. ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiı ·Î_⁄˘ ËÎ◊ ¿flÌ ‹Îfi‰÷ÎfiÌ F›˘÷
        and demolished by third-generation   nomic Commission between the two   lÌ‹_÷, ‰ÎV÷, ’ÒH›◊ÌÏ÷ fi˘¿flÌ ‹‚‰‰ÎfiÌ ¬ÂÌ T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÷ÌÏ◊ ¤˘…fi ±Î’Ì Â¿Â˘. ωÿı‹Î_ flËı÷Î ‹ÎflÎ
        protestors, who are either bereft of   nations but also requested to ease   Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘, Á_√Ãfi˘, ‹ÏË·Î ‹_Õ‚ ›◊΄@÷ ŒÎ‚˘ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿ı »ı. ¤Ï‰W›fi_ ¤Î◊ …L‹Ïÿfi,
        the narrative and memory of the mis-  the issuance of visas and resump-  ‹¿‰Îfi_ ±Î›˘…fi Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ±Î_√‚Ì Ï«_K›Îfi_’ÒH› V‰ˆ„E»¿ Á_V◊α˘, Ï·Ï‹ÀıÕ ¿o’fi̱˘,
        ery, sacrifice and victory of the com-  tion of direct flights between the two   ¿ı »ı. ±ı¿ ‰Ê˝ ‹ÎÀı w. 20000, » ‹ÏËfiÎ ‹ÎÀı w. 10000 Á_V◊Îfiı FCRAfiÌ ‹_…^flÌ ‹‚ı· »ı. ÿÎ÷ÎlÌfiı flÁÌÿ
                                                                             ¥-‹ı¥· ‹ÎflŒ÷ı ‹˘¿·‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰Âı. ¿˘fl˘fiÎ ¿Î‚‹Î_ V‰…fi˘ Q≤I› ’΋ı·Î ˢ› ÷ı‹fiÎ fi΋fiÌ fi΋Ή·Ì ÷¿÷Ì
        mon  man  in  gaining  independence   countries to enhance people-to-peo-  T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÿkο ›˘…fiÎ Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ¿˘≥ ’HÎ Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î ÿkο ›˘…fiÎfi˘ ·Î¤ ·≥
        or only identify such national icons   ple  contacts.  The  last  direct  flight   ’˛¤ ’˛Î◊˝fiÎ. ±Î Á_V◊Îfiı Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷ÎfiÌ ÷Î÷Ì …wfl »ı. e· fiËŸ ÷˘ e·fiÌ ’Î_¬ÕÌ w’ı ¤ıÀ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿˘ »˘.
        and history as political symbols as   between Pakistan and Bangladesh   ±‹ÎflÎ CÎHÎÎ-⁄‘Î ÿÎ÷Îḻ˘ V‰√˝‰ÎÁ ◊›Î ±ı‹fiÌ ±ÎI‹Îfiı ’fl‹¿Ú’΂ ’fl‹ÎI‹Î ¬Ò⁄ ¬Ò⁄ ÂÎ_Ï÷ ±Î’ı ÷ı‰Ì
        the propaganda of the ousted Awa-  was operated by the Pakistan Inter-  ⁄ËıflÎ-‹_√α˘fiı ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. ±Î Á_V◊Î Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷α˘fiÎ ÁË›˘√◊Ì «Î·ı »ı. ¿˘fl˘fiο΂‹Î_
        mi League. Protestors stopped com-  national  Airlines  in  2018.  Maroof   √Ωfl÷Πˢ› ÷ı‰Î ÏfiflΑÎfl …ı‹fiÌ ¿˘≥ ÁÎflÁ_¤Î‚ flάfiÎfl fi ˢ›, ÏfiflΑÎfl ω‘‰Î ⁄Ëıfi˘, ±_‘-±’_√,
        memoration of the death anniversa-  also stated that Bangladeshis will not   fiÌ« ‘‹˝ ¿ı ¤ıÿ¤Î‰ ÏÁ‰Î› ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. µ’fl ±Î¿Î ˢ› fiÌ«ı ‘fl÷Ì‹Î÷ÎfiÎ ÁËÎflı ∞‰fi
        ry of Mujib on 15 August throughout   have to pay visa fees anymore for   ‹ËΉÌfl ¿S›ÎHÎ ±fiı ω¿ÎÁ ÀˇVÀ ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiÌ Áı‰Î ¿Î›˝fl÷ »ı. ±Î T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ fiÎ÷-Ω÷, µE«-
                                          travelling to Pakistan.
        were even found celebrating the kill-  One more policy by the interim
                                          government has been to release rad-


        the nation, while some protestors  ÉÝ ÉÝ lí ßëÜ
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