Page 13 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 13

BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 13

        way for impactful,  long-term solu-  hten the Manufacturing, Trade and                                and strengthen the bond between In-
        tions  that  will  benefit  both  nations   Commerce relations with count-                            dia and its diaspora, which is crucial
        and the world at large.           er patrs in India.  I expect that PM                                for fostering strong US-India rela-
                                          Modiji’s visit to US will not only                                  tions. Modi often highlights the role
                                          give new directions to Indo Amer-                                   of the Indian-American community
                                          ican bilateral relationship, but will                               in strengthening bilateral relations
                                          also open new avenues for Business,                                 between the two countries. He fre-
                                                                                                ÉÝ ÉÝ lí ßëÜ
                                          Trade and Commerce.”                                                quently emphasizes the cultural ties
                                                                                                              between India and the U.S., cele-
                                                                                                              brating Indian heritage and contri-
                                                                                                              butions  of  the  diaspora.  This  helps
                                                                                                              to enhance the visibility of Indian
                                                                                                              culture and values in the U.S. and
                                                                            ed States from September 21st to   fosters a sense of pride within the
                                                                            24th, 2024, is poised to be a pivotal   community. The same is expected to
                                                                            moment in global diplomacy.       be repeated this time.
                                                                                The  visit will commence  with    On the 22nd afternoon, PM
                                                                            the highly anticipated QUAD Sum-  Modi will meet with American busi-
              Hemant Bhatt                                                  mit in Delaware on September 21st,   ness leaders at his hotel to enhance
             Chairman, Asian American                                       followed by a series of crucial en-  economic ties and attract investment
               Republican Coalition                                         gagements in New York City. These   in key sectors such as technology, en-
                                                                            include  addressing  the  Summit  for   ergy, and manufacturing. Following
            he biggest highlight of India                                   Future, holding meetings with glob-  this, PM will engage in bilateral dis-
        TPrime Minister Narendra Mo-            Rajendra Vora               al CEOs, attending diaspora events,   cussions with global leaders, demon-
        di’s US visit will be the Quad leaders’   Founder & President, Jain Social Group   and engaging in bilateral discussions   strating his commitment to building
        summit in Wilmington in Delaware   Beverly Hills; International Vice Pres. of   with world leaders.   strong international relationships.
        hosted  by  US  president  Joe  Biden   Jain Social Group Intl Federation  The QUAD Summit, a vital plat-  Modi’s government has worked
        and his address to the ‘Summit of the   join millions of Global Indian Di-  form for cooperation between India,   to increase trade and investment
        Future’ at the United Nations     I aspora in welcoming you. You are   the United States, Japan, and Aus-  flows  between  the  two  countries.
            on  the  theme  of ‘Multilateral                                tralia, will focus on pressing issues   Trade between India and the U.S.
        Solutions for a Better Tomorrow’.   the beacon of hope not only to Indi-  such as regional security, Indo-Pa-  has grown, with the U.S. becoming
                                          ans in India but globally.  Your mes-
        He will also address the largest gath-  sage of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”   cific strategy, and global diplomacy.   one of India’s largest trading part-
        ering of Indian Americans’ diaspora.  is a reminder to consider the world as   Chinese increasing aggression every   ners. There has been a focus on en-
            Once banned from entering                                       day in the South China Sea is likely   hancing investment ties, with Amer-
        United States, Modiji, the Prime   a family, and to prioritize the collec-  to be the hottest topic on the table.   ican companies showing increased
                                          tive good over individual interests.
        Minister of world’s largest democ-    Your leadership has implement-    Following this, PM Modi will   interest in investing in India’s infra-
        racy’s visit here, is, particularly   ed a Transparent & Corruption-Free   proceed to New York City to contin-  structure, technology, and manufac-
        of  immense  significance,  as  many   Governance. India has become the   ue his high-profile engagements.  turing sectors. His administration
        parts of the world are in turmoil,   fastest-growing economy in the     Prime  Minister’s  first  event  in   has aligned closely with the U.S. on
        engulfed in wars and little hope   world under your leadership.     New York is an important Diaspora   regional security issues, particular-
        is seen on the horizon for peace      You focused on giving a boost to   Event from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at   ly  in  the  Indo-Pacific  region.  Both
            which may come up during his                                    Nassau Coliseum in Long Island on   countries have worked together to
        meetings with President Biden and   Entrepreneurship, Swachh Bharat,   September 22nd. This is a significant   ensure maritime security and count-
                                          Digital India, Make in India, Nama-
        Republican Party’s nominee for US’s   mi Gange & many more. Your    opportunity for PM Modi to address   er regional threats.
        Presidmetial Elections Mr. Donald   ‘Make in India’ initiative is remark-  the  Indian  American  community   We welcome you to the US.
        J. Trump. He may discuss the pos-  able. Under your leadership, India
        sibility of a peace accord between   has become a fast-growing, diverse
        Russia  and  Ukraine,  which  are   economy with a large, skilled work-
        countries  that have  been engaged   force.  After  the  launch of Digital
        in war for a very long time and may   India initiative in 2015, India has
        have something to discuss after his   more than 850 million internet users,   ‹ËΉÌfl ¿S›ÎHÎ ±fiı ω¿ÎÁ ÀˇVÀ ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiÌ Áı‰Î ¿Î›˝fl÷ »ı. ±Î T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ fiÎ÷-Ω÷, µE«-
        recent visit to both countries.  Also,   enjoying some of the cheapest data   fiÌ« ‘‹˝ ¿ı ¤ıÿ¤Î‰ ÏÁ‰Î› ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. µ’fl ±Î¿Î ˢ› fiÌ«ı ‘fl÷Ì‹Î÷ÎfiÎ ÁËÎflı ∞‰fi
        Indo- American relationships, which   costs in the world.            √Ωfl÷Πˢ› ÷ı‰Î ÏfiflΑÎfl …ı‹fiÌ ¿˘≥ ÁÎflÁ_¤Î‚ flάfiÎfl fi ˢ›, ÏfiflΑÎfl ω‘‰Î ⁄Ëıfi˘, ±_‘-±’_√,
        are almost directionless at this time,   You have leveraged technology   ⁄ËıflÎ-‹_√α˘fiı ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. ±Î Á_V◊Î Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷α˘fiÎ ÁË›˘√◊Ì «Î·ı »ı. ¿˘fl˘fiο΂‹Î_
        may get a direction, if the President   to  transform  Governance, to  make   ±‹ÎflÎ CÎHÎÎ-⁄‘Î ÿÎ÷Îḻ˘ V‰√˝‰ÎÁ ◊›Î ±ı‹fiÌ ±ÎI‹Îfiı ’fl‹¿Ú’΂ ’fl‹ÎI‹Î ¬Ò⁄ ¬Ò⁄ ÂÎ_Ï÷ ±Î’ı ÷ı‰Ì
        Donald J. Trump is elected as US’s   it  more  efficient,  inclusive,  faster   ’˛¤ ’˛Î◊˝fiÎ. ±Î Á_V◊Îfiı Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷ÎfiÌ ÷Î÷Ì …wfl »ı. e· fiËŸ ÷˘ e·fiÌ ’Î_¬ÕÌ w’ı ¤ıÀ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿˘ »˘.
        President. The US and India have   and transparent. Your unique digital   T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÿkο ›˘…fiÎ Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ¿˘≥ ’HÎ Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î ÿkο ›˘…fiÎfi˘ ·Î¤ ·≥
        many things in common and are nat-  identity platform, Aadhaar, covers   ¿ı »ı. ±ı¿ ‰Ê˝ ‹ÎÀı w. 20000, » ‹ÏËfiÎ ‹ÎÀı w. 10000 Á_V◊Îfiı FCRAfiÌ ‹_…^flÌ ‹‚ı· »ı. ÿÎ÷ÎlÌfiı flÁÌÿ
        ural partners for world peace, pros-  more than 1.3 billion Indians.  ¥-‹ı¥· ‹ÎflŒ÷ı ‹˘¿·‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰Âı. ¿˘fl˘fiÎ ¿Î‚‹Î_ V‰…fi˘ Q≤I› ’΋ı·Î ˢ› ÷ı‹fiÎ fi΋fiÌ fi΋Ή·Ì ÷¿÷Ì
        perity and a terrorism free world.                                   ‹¿‰Îfi_ ±Î›˘…fi Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ±Î_√‚Ì Ï«_K›Îfi_’ÒH› V‰ˆ„E»¿ Á_V◊α˘, Ï·Ï‹ÀıÕ ¿o’fi̱˘,
            As India takes center stage as                                   Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘, Á_√Ãfi˘, ‹ÏË·Î ‹_Õ‚ ›◊΄@÷ ŒÎ‚˘ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿ı »ı. ¤Ï‰W›fi_ ¤Î◊ …L‹Ïÿfi,
        the world’s most populous country,   Ankush Bhandari                 lÌ‹_÷, ‰ÎV÷, ’ÒH›◊ÌÏ÷ fi˘¿flÌ ‹‚‰‰ÎfiÌ ¬ÂÌ T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÷ÌÏ◊ ¤˘…fi ±Î’Ì Â¿Â˘. ωÿı‹Î_ flËı÷Î ‹ÎflÎ
        one of the fastest growing econo-  Author, Strategic Thinker & Geo-Pol-  ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î’÷˘ ÿÎfi-’ÒH› …wfl ¿fl÷Î_ Ë¢. ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiı ·Î_⁄˘ ËÎ◊ ¿flÌ ‹Îfi‰÷ÎfiÌ F›˘÷
        mies and a powerhouse for tech and   itics Analyst and a co-founder of   ’˛√ÀΉ˘. ±Î F›˘÷ «Î·_ »ı, Œ@÷ F›˘÷‹Î_ CÎÌ ¥…‰ÎfiÌ …wfl »ı. ¤Ò·˘ ¤·ı ⁄Ì…\ ⁄‘ _‹Î-⁄Î’fiı ¤·Â˘ fiÏË.
        innovation,  PM  Modiji  will  also  be        CoHNA                  ‰‘ ‹ÎÏË÷Ì ‹ÎÀı Á_’¿Û— ’˛‹¬ lÌ ‹Î‘‰·Î· ’fl˘ÏË÷ (‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹, ωl΋B≤Ë ±Î√‚, ⁄Ì·Ì‹˘flÎ
        meeting Business Leaders, CEOs of   ndian  Prime Minister Narendra                   (Ô‰ıVÀ) 396321, ÷Î. √HÎÿı‰Ì, Ï…. fi‰ÁÎflÌ, √…flÎ÷
        American Corporations to streng-                                      Mobile +91 99256 73021 (Office) +91 2634 285121 Email : [email protected]
                                          IModi’s upcoming visit to the Unit-

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