Page 12 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 12

BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 12

        US-India relations but also influence   Modi to strengthen military ties with   try. And  make Number 3 countries   the government can not only foster
        US policies in favor of India. A strong   the U.S. to ensure national security   and economy too.     a  sense  of belonging  and  security
        diaspora creates a chance of greater   and regional stability.                                        among the community but also con-
        economic and social integration be-   Modi is expected to advocate for                                tribute to the broader stability and
        tween the two nations. Diaspora influ-  collaborative efforts on renewable                            peace in Kashmir. The effective im-
        ences politics of host country (USA)   energy and climate change initiatives.                         plementation of these measures will
        in favor of our country of origin (In-  We hope for commitments that will                             serve as a testament to the govern-
        dia). Indian-Americans help in lobby-  support India’s sustainability goals and                       ment’s commitment to the welfare of
        ing India’s interest not only in USA   address environmental challenges.                              all its citizens, especially those who
        but around the globe. Positive impact   There is a strong expectation                                 have faced decades of turmoil and
        of diaspora is making Indian govern-  that Modi will engage with American                             displacement.
        ment closer to Indian-American and   companies to promote job creation in
        this way they both benefit from each   India, especially in technology and in-
        other. PM Modi will do exactly that   novation sectors. The public hopes for
        by addressing in Nassau Coliseum.   partnerships that will facilitate tech-
        Diaspora will make huge investment   nology transfer and skill development.
        into their home countries and will also   Following the pandemic, there is
        help transferring advanced technolo-  significant anticipation for discussions
        gy to India.                      on healthcare collaboration, including   Dr. Archana Kokroo
            By addressing UN on September   vaccine distribution, research partner-  President, CEO and Chairperson,
        23rd, PM Modi will reestablish him-  ships, and investments in the health-  Kashmiri Overseas Association- USA
        self as global leader. This will impact   care  sector to  improve  public health   he Kashmiri Pandit communi-
        the future decisions on different is-  systems in India.            Tty  has  placed  significant  expec-
        sues that members of United Nations   Cultural and people-to-people   tations on Prime Minister Naren-
        will make. India is also looking to be   connections are also a priority. The   dra Modi’s government to address
        permanent member of UN and Mo-    Indian diaspora in the  USA is  sig-  long-standing concerns of Kashmiri
        di’s presence is a step towards that.   nificant,  and  many  expect  Modi  to   Pandits and ensure their safety and
            I do not expect PM to discuss   strengthen cultural ties and facilitate                                  Priya Samant
        domestic policies of India during his   exchanges in education, arts, and tech-  justice in Kashmir. One of the fore-  CEO and Co-Founder, Abris Inc
                                                                            most demands is the “Ghar Wapsee”
        address to  Indian-Americans  but  I   nology, promoting a positive image of   initiative, aimed at creating a secure   am hopeful that Prime Minister
        do want him to take away good ex-  India globally.                  and  conducive  environment  that   I  Modi’s upcoming visit will fur-
        periences of us living in USA and try   We also anticipate that Modi will   allows displaced families to return   ther strengthen the vibrant US-In-
        to explain to people back home that   address key global concerns such as   home without fear.        dia relationship across multiple
        laws, orders, corruption free society   terrorism, cybersecurity, and trade   This requires robust measures to   sectors,  particularly  in  technology,
        and patriotic approach and is abso-  imbalances,  and  we  hope  for  firm   ensure law and order, as well as com-  trade, and security. As the CEO and
        lute necessity if Indians want to have   stances in support of India’s interests   prehensive rehabilitation programs   Co-Founder of Abris Inc., a startup
        much better living standards in India.   on platforms like the United Nations.  that foster community integration   specializing in frontier technologies,
                                              In summary, we, as Indian Amer-
                                          icans, expect Prime Minister Modi’s   and peace.                    I see AI playing a pivotal role in
                                                                                                              shaping the future. I expect deeper
                                                                                Additionally, the communi-
                                          visit  to  yield  tangible  benefits  across   ty seeks justice for the families of   collaboration between our nations
                                          economic, security, and social dimen-  Kashmiri Pandits who were tragical-  in this area, as AI holds the potential
                                          sions, ultimately enhancing India’s po-  ly killed by terrorists during the peak   to address global challenges such as
                                          sition on the global stage and improv-  of the insurgency. The expectation is   food security, climate change, and
                                          ing the quality of life for its citizens.
                                                                            that the government will pursue a re-  health—critical issues that require
                                                                            lentless campaign to bring these per-  urgent action as we transition to-
                                                                            petrators to justice, restoring faith   ward a more sustainable and inclu-
                                                                            in the legal system and ensuring ac-  sive digital future.
                                                                            countability for heinous acts.        Moreover,   I’m   passionate
                                                                                Moreover, the plight of Kashmiri   about how cultural diplomacy can
                                                                            Pandits currently residing in camps in   bridge gaps between our coun-
                                                                            Jammu remains a pressing concern.   tries, fostering a strong exchange of
                                                                            Many families continue to languish   ideas, talent, and innovations. This
               Anupama Jain                                                 in these makeshift accommodations,   is especially crucial given the cur-
            Trusty, Jain Center of America                                  facing economic hardships and so-  rent geopolitical landscape, where
           he Indian diaspora has high ex-                                  cial marginalization. The community   enhanced  trade  and technology
        Tpectations for Prime Minister Na-                                  looks to the Modi administration for   partnerships between the US and
        rendra Modi’s upcoming visit to the                                 tangible improvements in their living   India not only influence global se-
        USA, focusing on various issues that                                conditions, including better housing,   curity but also drive economic re-
        directly impact our lives and India’s                               education, and employment oppor-  silience.
        global standing.                        Harshad Patel               tunities.                             With this visit coinciding with
            We hope that Modi will secure    Community leader, Umiya Mata       A comprehensive approach      the United Nations General As-
        trade agreements that boost econom-            Temple               that combines security, justice, and   sembly (UNGA), there is a unique
        ic growth and create jobs. With ris-                                socio-economic upliftment is cru-  opportunity to prioritize sustain-
        ing geopolitical tensions, particularly   met  Modi  2004  in  Office.  Modiji   cial for addressing the grievances   able development goals and address
        concerning China and regional secu- I  loves tourism. To bring more tour-  of Kashmiri Pandits and ensuring   shared global priorities. I’m optimis-
        rity threats, we anticipate a focus on   ism from all countries. Modiji always   their rightful place in the region’s fu-  tic that this moment will pave the
        defense cooperation. We also expect   focus on tourism and grow our coun-  ture. By fulfilling these expectations,   Continued on next page... >>

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