Page 11 - The Indian EYE 092024
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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 11

        ships and position the country as a for-  Indo-Pacific region. The outcomes of   healthcare, and academia. Modi’s out-  The Business community views
        ward-thinking,  influential  player  on   this visit could significantly influence   reach also encourages philanthropic   his visit as an opportunity to deepen
        the world stage. I hope he also raise   regional stability and the  global bal-  efforts, with the diaspora increas-  economic ties. Many Indian Ameri-
        the issues faced by Indians across the   ance of power.             ingly involved in supporting India’s   cans, successful entrepreneurs, and
        world and USA.                                                      social development through educa-  corporate leaders are eager to hear
                                                                            tion, healthcare,  and  disaster  relief.  PM Modi’s plans on trade, invest-
                                                                                In conclusion, Modi’s visits to   ment, and technology partnerships.
                                                                            New York strengthen India’s global   Expanding business between the U.S.
                                                                            image, enhance diplomatic ties, and   and India could foster job creation
                                                                            empower the Indian diaspora to con-  and economic growth.
                                                                            tribute to India’s growth and interna-  Golden Agers hope that Modi
                                                                            tional aspirations. These visits under-  will recognize their contributions and
                                                                            score the interconnectedness between   help reinforce ties with India. They
                                                                            India and its diaspora, helping shape   are interested  in hearing PM Mo-
                                                                            India’s path as a global leader.  di’s thoughts on dual citizenship, im-
                                                                                                              proved access to travel, healthcare,
                                                                                                              and cultural exchange.
                                                                                                                  Overall, the Indian communi-
                                                                                                              ty sees Modi’s visit as a chance to
                                                                                                              strengthen relationships, encourage
                                             Inderpal Chhabra                                                 growth, and solidify cultural and eco-
              Avinash Gupta                      President of AAPIQLI                                         nomic ties between both nations.
                  President, FIA
                                             rime Minister Narendra Modi’s
             e are very excited about Prime   Pvisits to New York hold significant
        WMinister Narendra Modi’s visit   diplomatic, economic, and cultural
        to the United States. The highly antic-  importance,  impacting  both India’s
        ipated visit is very important in light of   global standing and its diaspora in the
        the ongoing geopolitical developments   U.S. His participation in multilateral
        where two countries can play a key   forums like the United Nations Gen-
        role in addressing these developments.   eral Assembly (UNGA) emphasizes   Prudvi Chintareddy
            The  expected  QUAD  meeting   India’s commitment to global issues        President, ICA
        will be one of the highlights when Na-  such as climate change, security, and
        rendra Modi will be meeting with his   sustainable development.        rime Minister Modi’s upcoming
        counterparts from the US, Japan and   Modi’s bilateral meetings with  Pvisit is highly anticipated, espe-
        Australia. The grouping has become   U.S.  leaders  strengthen  the  strate-  cially from the perspective of the
        increasingly important in addressing   gic partnership between the two na-  Indian  community  in  the USA. As
        regional security concerns, promoting   tions, focusing on areas like defense,   the  president of  the Indo-American   Rakesh Sharma
        free and open Indo-Pacific, and coun-  counter-terrorism, and trade. His   Community Alliance (ICA), I have   Secretary, Hindu Physicians Internation-
        tering challenges posed by China’s   engagement  with  global CEOs  and   the  privilege  of  engaging  with  Indi-  al, USA, and Chief Advisor, Indo-Ameri-
        growing influence.                business leaders promotes initiatives   an Americans at various levels. ICA’s   can Festivals, NY
            The Prime Minister’s visit will also   like “Make in India,” encouraging   foundation rests on four key pillars:
        deepen the ties between India and the   foreign investment and economic   Youth, Women, Business, and Gold-  rime Minister Modi’s visit includes
        U.S.  The world’s two largest democ-  collaboration in sectors like technol-  en Agers. Each group has specific ex- PQUAD Summit in Delaware, with
        racies are natural allies and have seen   ogy, energy, Health and infrastruc-  pectations from this visit, hoping for   President Biden, a series of important
        significant growth in trade, defense co-  ture.                     initiatives that strengthen the bond   meeting in New York, United Nation
        operation, and technology exchange in   For the Indian diaspora, the   between the Indian community in the   address and a pact Indian diaspora
        recent years. The two nations are com-  Prime Minister’s visits boost cul-  US and India while fostering growth.  event on Sunday at Nassau Coliseum
        mitted to maintaining a rules-based in-  tural pride and identity. His public   Youth are excited about discus-  in Long Island, where he will address
        ternational order.                addresses celebrate their contri-  sions on education, technology, and   the Indian American community.
            Modi should raise the issue of eas-  butions, fostering a sense of unity.   innovation. Young Indian Americans   PM Modi’s participation in highly
        ing H-1B visas for Indians and empha-  Long Island is home to over 150,000   hope for increased collaboration be-  anticipated QUAD Summit in Dela-
        size economic collaboration. With the   people who call India their country   tween Indian and U.S. universities,   ware will be the most important part
        global economy facing uncertainties,   of origin. It is a matter of pride for us   as well as initiatives that encourage   of his US visit. This is a critical plat-
        Modi should seek to strengthen trade   at AAPIQLI that the Prime Minister   entrepreneurial  ventures.  With  In-  form for corporation between four na-
        ties and attract American investments   will be welcomed here. AAPIQLI   dia’s rise as a tech hub, young people   tions of QUAD. This is extremely im-
        in sectors such as renewable energy,   represents the prominent physician   look forward to cross-border innova-  portant for Indo-Pacific strategy and
        healthcare, and digital technology. Ini-  community of Queens, Long Island   tion and career development.  for India to prove to the world that
        tiatives like the India-U.S. Economic   and Brooklyn.                   Women are optimistic that PM   India is a major player in global diplo-
        and Financial Partnership can play a   The upcoming U.S. elections   Modi will highlight the critical role   macy. This summit will also explore
        crucial role in facilitating this exchange.  are a significant moment for the In-  of women in India’s growth and   the opportunities in areas of tech-
            Ultimately, Modi’s visit rep-  dian diaspora, with one candidate   continue to advocate for gender   nology, security and climate change.
        resents a pivotal moment in solidifying   having maternal Indian roots and   equality. They seek more support   Diaspora event on September
        the partnership between India and the   the potential Vice President’s wife   for  female  entrepreneurs,  expand-  22nd at Nassau Coliseum will rein-
        U.S. It is an opportunity to address   also being of Indian origin.  ed STEM opportunities for wom-   force strong connection between India
        pressing global challenges collectively   The diaspora plays a vital role in   en, and collaboration on health and   and Diaspora in US. Indian diaspora
        and to lay the groundwork for a more   enhancing India’s soft power, con-  education issues affecting women in   not only plays a vital role in fostering
        secure  and  prosperous  future  in the   tributing  to  areas  like  technology,   both countries.          Continued on next page... >>

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