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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                         PM M  DI’S VISIT TO US

                           10 YEARS, TWO

           TERMS AND 7 TRIPS

                            Prime Minister Narendra Modi has undertaken several visits to US

           as India’s Prime Minister in his two terms in office so far. As he undertakes the first trip to
                   the US in his third term, we look back at his previous visits to the United States

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              s many as nine Indian prime
              ministers, including Naren-
        Adra Modi and his predecessor
        Manmohan Singh, have undertaken
        official  visits  to  the  United  States.
        While Manmohan Singh went there
        8 times, Jawaharlal Nehru, the coun-
        try’s first PM, made as many as four
        visits, the same number as Atal Bihari
        Vajpayee, who preceded Manmohan
        Singh in the office.
            Others are Indira Gandhi and
        Rajiv Gandhi (three visits each),
        PV Narasimha Rao (two visits), and
        Morarji Desai and IK Gujral (one
        visit each).
            Modi, however, has undertaken
        several visits to US as India’s Prime
        Minister. Here is a look back at his
        previous visits to the United States.
        To date, Narendra Modi has visited
        the United States seven times in his
        capacity as the Prime Minister of In-
            However, his last visit -- from
        June 21 to June 24 in 2023 -- holds                                  PM Modi with then president Barack Obama
        special importance due to its clas-
        sification as a ‘state visit’, which, as   maiden speech in the 69th session of   yoga for a sustainable world.  from the financial sector. As per nar-
        per diplomatic protocol, is the high-  the United Nations General Assem-  He also met with the-then US, he also had “extensive
        est-ranked visit.
                                          bly on 27 September 2014.         President Barack Obama and sought   talks” with the-then PM of Bangla-
                                                                            investment from prominent CEOs.   desh Sheikh Hasina, PM of Saint
                                                 Modi UN speech 2014
            We take a look at all the         As per the UN website, in his    September 24–30, 2015          Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph
         previous visits Modi to the US:   speech, Prime Minister Narendra      In 2015,  Narendra  Modi com-  Gonsalves and Guyana resident Da-
                                          Modi highlighted the global surge of   menced his visit to the United States   vid Arthur Granger.
                                                                                                                  Modi also met heads of various
                                          democracy, expressed India’s willing-  of America on September 24th. It
           September 26–30, 2014          ness to engage in bilateral dialogue   was part of a trans-Atlantic trip that   business firms.
            In 2014, Indian Prime Minister   with Pakistan, emphasized the need   included a visit to Ireland.   March 31 - April 1, 2016
        Narendra Modi  visited  the  US, for   for global partnership to combat ter-  During the first leg of the visit,   The following year, Modi was in
        what was categorized as a working   rorism and pursue inclusive develop-  in New York, he had a roundtable   the US for the Nuclear Security Sum-
        visit. During the visit, delivered his   ment, and promoted the practice of   meeting with top American CEOs   Continued on next page... >>

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