Page 4 - The Indian EYE 092024
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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                         PM M  DI’S VISIT TO US

         ‘Modi’s visit to the US is a pivotal moment

          to solidify India’s role on the world stage’

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
           n an exclusive interview with The
           Indian EYE, Rakesh Kaul, who
        Iis an Author, Business Leader,
        Contributor to Indian Culture and
        Arts and a prominent member of the
        Indian community in  the  US, talks
        about  the  importance of the Indian
        Prime Minister’s visit to the US. Ex-
        cerpts of the interview:
            This is Prime Minister Narendra
        Modi’s first visit to the US in his third
        term. What is the importance of this trip
        as far as the Indian community here is
            For the Indian diaspora, Prime
        Minister Modi’s visit to the US rep-
        resents more than just continuity
        in leadership; it’s a pivotal moment
        to solidify India’s role on the world
        stage. As the only global leader with
        influence  across  all  internation-
        al blocs, Modi is seen as a force for
        good. The Indian community hopes
        he  will  confidently  showcase  India’s     Community members expect announcements that will accelerate value creation for both sides in financial capital,
        advancements. Yet, the key message
        must be that India’s reform agenda                                 human capital and technology capital (File photo)
        won’t slow down despite the recent
        electoral mandate. The visit should   value creation for both sides in finan-                         is America’s perceived role in the
        project that now is the time to accel-  cial capital, human capital and tech-                         regimes in India’s neighborhood and
        erate, not settle into a static relation-  nology capital. This trip is expected                      its impact on India’s security. Special
        ship between India and the US.
                                          to give a further boost to the US-In-                               interest American groups who push
            PM Modi will address a huge com-  dia relationship through increased                              agendas that seek to exploit divisions
        munity event during the trip. What are  collaboration in technology, defense,                         in India have created unnecessary
        the expectations of the community from  and trade. Areas like defense co-pro-                         negative vibes.
        the Prime Minister’s speech?      duction  (such  as  jet-engine  tech-                                   The Indian PM is travelling to the
            The Indian-American communi-  nology) and climate change will be
        ty expects PM Modi to address con-  significant  focal  points.  The  Indian                          US in the middle of a contentious elec-
                                                                                                              tion. Do you see the possibility of Modi
        cerns relevant to them—such as visa  diaspora sees these developments as                              meeting or endorsing either of the two
        reforms (especially H-1B) and invest-  ways to enhance India’s global stand-                          candidates -- Trump or Harris?
        ment opportunities.               ing and create more opportunities for                                   Given the political sensitivities
            There is also a desire to hear  Indians abroad.
        about Modi’s vision for NRIs’ role    In recent months, there has been                                and the non-partisan stance Modi
                                                                                                              typically takes on foreign trips, it
        in contributing to India, especially   some friction between India and the                            is  unlikely  that  he  will  publicly  en-
        in terms of economic growth and its   US over the Nijjar case and Ukraine.     RAKESH KAUL            dorse or meet any US presidential
        leadership in technology.
                                          Do you see these issues being resolved                              candidates. The focus of his visit
            How will this trip help in giving a  during Modi’s visit?       resolved during this visit. However,   will remain on enhancing India-US
        further boost to India-US relationship?  While  the  Nijjar  case  and  In-  both countries are prioritizing broad-  relations without delving into US
            The   community   expects  a  dia’s stance on Ukraine have created  er  strategic  and  economic  interests,   domestic politics . And it is unneces-
        strengthening of ties between the two  some friction, these issues are likely  and are likely to downplay these   sary since Indo US relationship now
        nations. Community members expect  to be handled delicately. There is lit-  differences  to  ensure continued  co-  enjoys broad bi-partisan support in
        announcements that will accelerate  tle expectation that they will be fully  operation . What is of some concern   both India and the US.

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