Page 10 - The Indian EYE 092024
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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 10

                                         PM M  DI’S VISIT TO US


                         CELEBRATE HISTORIC MOMENT

                                          is the people-to-people connection   remaining deeply connected to their
                                          between our nations. As an Indi-  roots  in  India.  Prime  Minister  Mo-
                                          an-American,  I’ve  seen  firsthand   di’s leadership has transformed In-
                                          how cultural exchanges and diaspora   dia into a global leader in healthcare,
                                          connections have enriched both soci-  technology, and innovation, and we, as
                                          eties. I hope this visit will foster more   a professional community, are excited
                                          such interactions, perhaps through   to contribute further to this vision.
                                          educational exchanges or collabora-   During his visit, we anticipate dis-
                                          tive research programs.           cussions and initiatives that will foster
                                              In conclusion, while I may not   enhanced collaboration in areas of
                                          be an expert in international rela-  mutual interest, such as healthcare,
                                          tions, my years of experience have   medical research, and public health
                                          taught me the value of collaboration   infrastructure. With the Indian dias-
                                          and mutual understanding. As Modi   pora playing a crucial role in both na-
         Dr Dattareyudu Nori              meets with US leaders, I hope they’ll   tions, Prime Minister Modi’s visit of-
           Senior Advisor to Government of   lay the groundwork for a partnership   fers an opportunity to strengthen this   Mahender Musuku
                 Andhra Pradesh           that goes beyond immediate strate-  dynamic relationship and explore new   Secretary, Hindu American Temple
            s an NRI oncologist, a Pad-   gic interests – one that contributes   avenues for growth and cooperation.  and Cultural Center
        Ama  Shree awardee, and some-     to global peace, health, and prosper-  AAPI remains committed to ad-   rime Minister Narendra Modi’s
        one who has worked to address     ity. The potential is immense, and as   vancing healthcare standards, improv- Pupcoming visit is highly anticipat-
        the  issue of cancer  in  India,  I  find   someone who has always believed in   ing patient care, and promoting cul-  ed, as it will likely focus on strength-
        myself keenly interested in  Prime   the  power of  cooperation,  I’m  cau-  tural ties between the U.S. and India.   ening India’s global standing, trade
        Minister Narendra Modi’s vis-     tiously optimistic about what this vis-  We are particularly eager to explore   relations, and diplomatic ties. As it is
        it to the United States this week.   it might achieve for both nations.  opportunities for collaborative work   UN visit the focus will kore on global
            From my perspective,  rooted                                    in areas like medical education, pub-  than US relations, although I am sure
        in years of observing and brokering                                 lic health initiatives, and global health   there will be lot of bipartisan discus-
        global health collaborations between                                challenges.                       sions especially with US.  His overseas
        the United States and India, I see                                      Prime Minister Modi’s visit marks   visits have often served as platforms
        immense potential for both nations.                                 a significant chapter in India-U.S. re-  to highlight India’s economic growth,
        The US and India have a history of                                  lations, and AAPI stands ready to   emerging technological innovations,
        cooperation in medical research and                                 support initiatives that will enhance   and strategic geopolitical role. I expect
        healthcare initiatives. I hope this vis-                            healthcare and contribute to the over-  this visit to continue that trend, with
        it will further strengthen these ties,                              all progress of both nations.     Modi focusing on further cementing
        perhaps leading to joint efforts in                                                                   alliances that can boost India’s infra-
        tackling global health challenges or                                                                  structure and defense capabilities.
        advancing medical technologies.                                                                           One of the key areas I hope to see
            Beyond healthcare, I’m optimis-                                                                   addressed is climate change and sus-
        tic about the broader implications of                                                                 tainability. India has a crucial role to
        this visit. As an NRI who has seen                                                                    play in the global fight against climate
        India’s growth from a distance, I be-                                                                 change, and any discussions that fos-
        lieve the country is poised to play a                                                                 ter international collaboration on this
        crucial role on the world stage. The   Dr Satheesh Kathula                                            front would be incredibly valuable.
        US, recognizing India’s strategic im-      President, AAPI                                            I’m  also eager to  see how this  visit
        portance, seems eager to cultivate    merican Association of Physi-                                   might influence India’s position in key
        this partnership. I hope to see con- Acians of Indian Origin (AAPI)                                   multilateral organizations, such as the
        crete steps towards cooperation in   welcomes India’s Honorable Prime                                 UN and G20, especially with India
        areas like technology, clean energy,   Minister, Narendra Modi, on his vis-                           hosting the G20 summit this year.
        and defense.                      it to the United States. This momen-                                    Moreover, Prime Minister Modi
            However, as a physician trained   tous occasion reflects the ever-grow-                           has shown a keen interest in bolster-
        to look at things objectively, I also   ing partnership between India and   Vinay Mahajan             ing India’s tech and startup ecosys-
        recognize the challenges. The two   the U.S., and the strong bond shared   Past President, ITSERVE BOARD  tem. A strong emphasis on fostering
        countries have had differences on   between these two great nations.   ooking forward to PM Modi visit.   partnerships in cutting-edge technol-
        various issues, from trade policies to   AAPI,  representing  over LWe hope this will be catalyst for   ogies like AI, green energy, and space
        geopolitical alignments. It’s crucial   100,000 Indian-American physicians,   growth in cooperation between US   exploration would be another signifi-
        that these discussions address these   is deeply honored to be a part of this   and India IT industry specifically be-  cant outcome I’m expecting.
        concerns openly and work towards   historic moment. Our members have   tween small and medium businesses   Overall, this visit has the potential
        mutually beneficial solutions.    made significant contributions to the   with a focus on innovation, startups   to deepen India’s diplomatic relation-
            What  I  find  most  encouraging   healthcare system in the U.S. while   and AI.                         Continued on next page... >>

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