Page 14 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 14

BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 14

                                         PM M  DI’S VISIT TO US

          What is the ‘Summit of the Future’ to

                      be addressed by Indian leader?

          The Summit of the Future seeks to achieve a broad spectrum of reforms and initiatives to equip the UN and the

                global community with the tools and frameworks necessary to confront the evolving global landscape

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              rime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the
              United States from September 21 to 23
        Pduring which he will address the ‘Summit
        of the Future’ at the United Nations General As-
        sembly in New York. Modi will address ‘Summit
        of the Future’ at the United Nations General As-
        sembly in New York on September 23. The theme
        of the Summit is ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Bet-
        ter Tomorrow’.
            A large number of global leaders are expected
        to participate in the Summit. On the sidelines of the
        Summit, the Prime Minister would be holding bilat-
        eral meetings with several world leaders and discuss
        issues of mutual interest.
            In June 2020, the 75th Anniversary of the UN
        was commemorated with a declaration from mem-
        ber states. This declaration outlined 12 overarching
        commitments and urged Secretary-General Anto-
        nio Guterres to provide recommendations address-
        ing both current and future challenges. Responding   A large number of global leaders are expected to participate in the Summit. On the sidelines of the Summit, the Prime Minister
        to this, in September 2021, the Secretary-General
        released the report titled ‘Our Common Agenda’.    would be holding bilateral meetings with several world leaders and discuss issues of mutual interest (File photo)
        This report served as a wake-up call, emphasizing the
        need to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s   sustainable, and prosperous future.”   ments are aligned with human rights and develop-
        Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fulfill   The Summit of the Future seeks to achieve a   ment goals. Focus will also be on reducing global
        the commitments outlined in the UN75 Declaration.  broad spectrum of reforms and initiatives to equip   disparities, including those exacerbated by the
            The  report  identified  gaps  that  had  emerged   the UN and the global community with the tools   COVID-19 pandemic, by promoting policies that
        since 2015, some of which required new intergov-  and frameworks necessary to confront the evolving   ensure fair distribution of resources, healthcare ac-
        ernmental agreements. Consequently, it proposed   global landscape.                        cess, and development opportunities.
        the convening of a Summit of the Future to estab-  The Summit will focus on revitalizing interna-  The Summit aims to adopt a declaration fo-
        lish a new global consensus, preparing for a future   tional cooperation and making global governance   cused on safeguarding the interests of future gen-
        marked by risks and opportunities. The General As-  more inclusive and effective in solving collective   erations, ensuring that today’s actions are sustain-
        sembly appreciated the report as “rich and substan-  problems. It will emphasize the need to protect   able and protective of long-term global well-being.
        tive”. The Summit was conceptualized following the   and promote global public goods like peace, public   “Young people are catalysts for change, but they
        UN General Assembly’s Resolution 76/307, adopt-  health,  economic  stability,  environmental  sustain-  need more support,” the Summit’s website states.
        ed in 2022, with the goal of revitalizing multilater-  ability, and cybersecurity.        “Giving them a seat at the table is crucial as they hold
        alism and strengthening international cooperation   The Summit will also discuss reforms in the   the key to success for a sustainable future. They
        to tackle emerging crises, such as climate change,  UN to make the organization more agile, respon-  also have the most to lose if a breakdown persists.”
        pandemics, inequality, geopolitical tensions, and   sive, and representative, considering the changing   It further states that it is essential that the “de-
        technological disruptions.                    dynamics of international politics. One major com-  cisions we make today safeguard the interests of
           “The Summit of the Future offers a chance to   ponent will focus on conflict prevention, sustainable   those who have yet to be born”.
        commit to bold new solutions,” the Summit’s web-  peace efforts, and reforming peacekeeping opera-  According  to  figures  shared  in  the  website,
        site states. “It provides an opportunity to create in-  tions to adapt to contemporary security challenges.  there are 1.2 billion young people alive today. Chil-
        ternational mechanisms that better reflect the real-  There will be a strong emphasis on implement-  dren and young people account for two-thirds of
        ities of the 21st century and can respond to todays   ing the goals of the Paris Agreement and working   the world’s poor. Over 10 billion people are project-
        and tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities. As a   towards more ambitious climate action.  ed to be born before the end of this century alone.
        global community, we have a role in setting a better   The Summit will address the governance of   It is in this context that the Declaration on Fu-
        course for our world. By working together, we can   emerging technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI),   ture Generations to be adopted following the Sum-
        achieve a safer, more peaceful, just, equal, inclusive,  and data management, ensuring these advance-  mit of the Future will assume significance.

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