Page 18 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 18
OPINION SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 18
Foreign Policy and Global for better awareness and flexibility. in achieving the goal of Viksit Bharat India hosts the next Quad summit
Engagement One of the largest in the world was 2047 were lauded by Prime Minis- next year, there will be a new presi-
To boost trade, investment, and the government’s response on a mas- ter Modi. “Youth power is both the dent in the US.
President Biden’s spokesperson,
strategic cooperation, the govern- sive vaccination drive. It was, and ef- agent of change and the beneficiaries Karine Jean-Pierre, noted that this
of change,” he stated.
fort to address healthcare infrastruc-
ment actively engaged with major ture gaps. The glorious struggle for free- summit reflects Biden’s strong per-
powers, counting on the United dom was reiterated by the Prime sonal relationships with the other
States, Japan, and the European Judicial and Legislative Minister as a source of motivation. Quad leaders and underscores the
Union. India has sought to reinforce Changes It was highlighted that each endeav- importance of the Quad alliance for
its global presence and improve its The Modi government has or, such as Satyagrah, revolution- all participating countries.
strategic partnerships under Mr Mo- sought to rationalize the judiciary ary movements, non-cooperation, In addition to Modi, the sum-
di’s leadership. and legislative processes to expand swadeshi, and social and educational mit will include Japan’s Prime Min-
Focusing on firming up ties efficiency and address long-stand-
with Southeast Asian nations, the ing matters. Various legislative re- reforms, was aimed at attaining free- ister Fumio Kishida and Australia’s
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
dom. During this period, universities
“Act East” policy marked a signifi- forms were introduced to simplify like Kashi, Lucknow, Vishwa Bharti, According to the MEA, the leaders
cant shift in India’s foreign policy. regulations, lessen bureaucratic Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Nagpur Uni- will review the progress made by the
Through trade agreements, infra- red tape, and boost governance. versity, Annamalai, Andhra, and the Quad over the past year and outline
structure projects, and security co- The Insolvency and Bankruptcy University of Kerala were instrumen- the agenda to support development
operation, the government wanted Code (IBC) was enacted to address tal in strengthening the national con- goals in the Indo-Pacific region.
to augment economic and strategic issues related to corporate insolven- sciousness.
relationships with countries in this cy and bankruptcy. The code aimed The Prime Minister emphasized
region. to provide an efficient process for “We have 25 years of Amrit Kaal in Following the summit, PM Modi
With neighboring countries, the deciding distressed assets and im- front of us. We must work 24 hours will address the Indian diaspora
Modi government also pursued clos- proving the ease of doing business. a day towards the goal of Viksit
er ties. It includes determinations to Ram Mandir at Ayodhya Bharat. This is the environment we at the Nassau Veterans Memo-
resolve age-old issues with Pakistan Faith weaves itself into every as- need to create as a family.” He re- rial Coliseum in New York on
and toughen economic and security pect of life in India. On January 22, marked, “This Amrit Kaal is ongo-
partnerships with Bangladesh, Sri 2024, Prime Minister Modi inaugu- ing” and “this is a pivotal period in September 22. Reports indicate
Lanka, and Nepal.
rated the magnificent Ram Mandir India’s history when the country is that over 24,000 members of
National Security and Defense in Ayodhya. Spanning 7.2 acres poised to take a quantum leap.” the Indian community have reg-
Rapidly increasing population of
National security has been a key within a sprawling 70-acre complex, the country is empowered by youth, istered for the event titled “Modi
priority in the Modi government. this majestic three-storey temple, and India is expected to lead in terms
adorned with stunning pink sand-
Conducted in 2016, the surgical stone and anchored by black granite, of the working-age population for & US: Progress Together.”
strikes marked a significant shift in features towering pillars and rests the next 25-30 years, a fact recog-
India’s approach to national securi- upon a vast expanse of pristine white nized globally. The Prime Minister Additionally, Modi will meet
ty in response to terrorist attacks on marble measuring 70,000 sq ft. stressed that the roadmap for prog- with CEOs from leading US compa-
Indian soil. The administration ad- At its heart, a 51-inch (4.25-ft) ress will not be determined by the nies to explore opportunities for col-
opted a more self-assured stance on idol of Lord Ram graces a beautiful- government alone but by the nation laboration in emerging fields such as
issues related to cross-border terror- ly crafted marble pedestal. The tem- as a whole. artificial intelligence, quantum com-
ism and regional security. ple is poised to welcome an impres- ‘Viksit Bharat @2047’ is envi- puting, semiconductors, and biotech-
Modernizing the armed forc- nology. He is also expected to en-
es and enhancing defense capa- sive 150,000 visitors daily. To realize sioned as a plan to transform India gage with thought leaders and other
this vision, the Modi government is
into a developed nation by 2047,
bilities was also focused on. To transforming Ayodhya—a serene marking the 100th year of indepen- stakeholders involved in enhancing
strengthen India’s strategic and pilgrim town nestled along the banks dence. This vision encompasses var- the India-US bilateral relationship.
tactical capabilities, several de- of the Saryu River, a tributary of the ious aspects of development, includ- Modi, known for his good gover-
fense procurement and modern- Ganges—into what officials describe ing economic growth, social progress, nance, exceptional oratory skills, vi-
ization programs were initiated. as a “world-class city for pilgrims environmental sustainability, and sionary leadership & organizational
In August 2019, the abrogation acumen, the BJP named him as its
of Article 370, granted special sta- and tourists.” This ambitious project good governance. PM candidate in 2014. Modi’s rep-
promises to enhance Ayodhya’s rich
tus to Jammu and Kashmir. It was spiritual heritage while inviting visi- Visit to US in September2024 utation as a skilled party organizer,
another major decision with implica- tors from around the globe to experi- PM Narendra Modi is sched- honed through his years as an RSS
tions for national security. ence its unique charm and devotion. uled to visit the United States from ‘Pracharak,’ have been critical to his
Economic Challenges and September 21 to 23, as announced political success. His decisive victory
Responses ‘Viksit Bharat @2047: by the Ministry of External Affairs in 2014 enabled him to reintegrate
Leading to lockdowns, disrup- Voice of Youth’ (MEA). His trip will commence with into the global political mainstream.
tions in supply chains, and a sig- The initiative ‘Viksit Bharat the Quad Summit in Wilmington, He embarked on extensive interna-
tional travels, addressing large gath-
nificant economic slowdown, the @2047: Voice of Youth’ was launched Delaware, hosted by US President erings of non-resident Indians in the
COVID-19 pandemic pretended a by Shri Narendra Modi. During the Joe Biden. US and the UK, which interprets
severe challenge to the economy. program, the Vice Chancellors of The highlight of Modi’s visit as his strategic announcement of
The government instigated var- Universities, Heads of Institutes, will be the Quad leaders’ summit on
ious measures to alleviate the influ- and faculty members were addressed September 21. This meeting, taking his global presence. With Narendra
Modi emerging as the world leader,
ence. It included economic stimulus by the Prime Minister in workshops place in Biden’s hometown, carries Bharat has been recognized as the
packages, support for small business- organized at Raj Bhawans across the particular significance, as it will be lightning rod of knowledge and guid-
es, and efforts to upgrade healthcare country to mark the beginning of his first time hosting foreign leaders ance to the world.
infrastructure. this initiative. Their contributions to in Wilmington as president. It also
The pandemic also highlighted uniting all stakeholders responsible comes at a pivotal moment, with Jagdish Sewhani is President of Ameri-
issues in public health and the need for guiding the youth of the nation Biden not seeking re-election; when can India Public Affairs Committee