Page 22 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 22

North                       The Indian Eye


         22                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 20, 2024
                                     Outrage and protest as

             BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in

                     Melville, New York, is vandalized

                  Community members and prominent leaders participate in appeal for peace

                                             after the desecration in New York temple

        OUR BUREAU                        General of India in New York stated,   Last night, the BAPS  Shri  Swa-  prayers for those who perpetrated
                                         “The vandalism of the BAPS Swam- minarayan Mandir in Melville, New  this crime to be released of their ha-
        New York, NY
                                          inarayan Temple in Melville, New  York, was desecrated with messages   tred and to see our common human-
              he Consulate General of India  York, is unacceptable; The Consulate   of hatred.  Unfortunately, this is not  ity.  The BAPS Mandir in Melville,
              in New York has condemned  @IndiainNewYork is in touch with  an  isolated  incident.  Similar  acts  of  New York, like all BAPS Mandirs
        Tthe vandalism of the BAPS  the community and has raised the        desecration have occurred at various   worldwide, stands as a beacon of
        Swaminarayan Temple in Melville,  matter with U.S. law enforcement  Hindu Mandirs across North Amer-  peace,  harmony,  equality,  selfless
        labelling it “unacceptable.” India’s   authorities for prompt action against  ica. We strongly condemn these acts   service, and universal Hindu values.
        Consulate  General  in  New  York  the perpetrators of this heinous act.”  and pray for peace amongst all com-  Upon learning of the hateful
        has raised the matter with US law     In a statement, BAPS said: “To- munities.  Peace, respect, and harmo- vandalism, the local authorities were
        enforcement authorities and urged   day, on September 16, 2024, we are   ny for all regardless of background   called, and BAPS is working fully
        them to take prompt action against   saddened that we must once again   or faith are the bedrock of religious   with the authorities to support their
        perpetrators of this act.         appeal for peace in the face of hate   freedom in the United States.”  investigation into this hate crime,”
            In a post on X, the Consulate  and intolerance.                    “We also offer our deepest            Continued on next page... >>

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