Page 26 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 26

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 26

        Representative Anthony D’esposito Joins India Caucus

                     Representatives Suozzi & D’Esposito Pledge to Expand India Caucus

        OUR BUREAU

        Washington, DC
              ongressman Anthony D’Es-
              posito  (NY  04)  has  officially
        Cjoined the Congressional Cau-
        cus on India and Indian Americans,
        following in the footsteps of Con-
        gressman Tom Suozzi (NY 03), who
        joined two months prior. This marks
        another milestone for the India Cau-
        cus Membership Drive Committee,
        which has been actively working to
        expand the Caucus’ membership.
            The Congressional Caucus on
        India and Indian Americans, a bipar-
        tisan group, is focused on strength-
        ening US-India relations through co-
        operation in bilateral trade, defense,          (From Left to right): Varinder Bhalla, Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori and Sudhir Vaishnav
        and cultural exchanges.
            D’Esposito decided to join the  expanding strategic and economic  man D’Esposito pledged to reach out   With two recent successes by the
        Caucus after meeting with the Mem-  ties between the two nations. Bilater-  and urge his fellow Long Island Re-  Membership Drive Committee, the
        bership Drive Committee, which in-  al trade, which stood at $4 billion in  publican colleagues,  Congressman   total strength of the India Caucus now
        cluded Chairman Varinder Bhalla  1993 when the Caucus was founded,  Nick Lalota and Congressman An-   stands at 143 members, The bipar-
        and committee members Dr. Dat-    has  since  surged  to  $200  billion  in  drew Garbarino, to join the Caucus.   tisan Caucus, led by Co-chairs Rep.
        tatreyudu  Nori,  Gunjan Rastogi,  2023.                                Congressman Suozzi, who joined   Ro Khanna, Democrat, and Rep. Mi-
        Gobind Munjal, Hussain Baqueri,       Gobind Munjal, who also serves  the India Caucus in July after meeting   chael Waltz, Republican is currently
        and Sudhir Vaishnav. The committee  as the National President of the As-  with Consul General Binaya Pradhan,   the largest country-specific caucus in
        also includes Dr. Sudhir Parikh, Dr.  sociation of Indians in America, high-  is also working to bring more Demo-  the U.S. House of Representatives.
        Thomas Abraham, Ratna Bhalla, Ra-  lighted  the  growing  defense  and  se-  cratic  support,  specifically  from  his   As efforts to expand its ranks
        jeev Bhambri, Sunil Mehra, and Dev  curity partnerships between the U.S.  colleagues in Connecticut, includ-  continue,  Chairman  Bhalla  is  confi-
        Viswanath.                        and India, a point that played a key  ing Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro,   dent that “U.S.-India relations will
            During the meeting, the Con-  role in securing D’Esposito’s support.  Congresswoman Jahana Hayes, and   continue to deepen with broader sup-
        gressman was briefed on the rapidly   In a show of solidarity, Congress-  Congressman Joe Courtney.   port from American lawmakers”.

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