Page 24 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 24

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 24

          NYC Mayor Adams Celebrates Major

          Improvements in Safety, Affordability

          At the San Francisco Investment Conclave, the Tamil Nadu CM highlighted the state’s economic

                         achievements, including its status as India’s second-largest economic state

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY

               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams on Mon-
               day celebrated another year of making New
        N York City safer, cleaner, and more afford-
        able for hardworking New Yorkers, as indicated by
        the latest   (MMR) for Fiscal Year 2024 — a report
        assessing city agency performance for all of Fiscal
        Year 2023, from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024.
            The report shows significant improvements in
        the areas New Yorkers care about most — public
        safety, housing, affordability, and quality of life.
           “New Yorkers elected this administration be-
        cause they wanted a safer, more affordable city,
        and this year’s MMR shows that we’re continuing
        to deliver exactly that,” said Mayor Adams. “We
        are moving full-speed-ahead on our initiatives to
        get illegal guns, illegal mopeds, and black trash
        bags off the streets; breaking housing record after
        housing record; and helping put billions of dollars
        back into the pockets of working-class New York-
        ers — and residents of the five boroughs are seeing
        the results. New York City isn’t just coming back,
        and it’s not just back — thanks to our administra-
        tion, it’s better than ever.”                   “This  administration  dedicates  itself,  among   Joshi. “From planting record numbers of trees to
           “The  latest  MMR  highlights  the  significant   many other things, to safe, quality, affordable   installing more safety infrastructure on our streets
        strides we’ve made in making New York City safer,  housing; getting New Yorkers into quality jobs   and keeping our parks and public bathrooms in
        more affordable, and a better place to live,” said   with family-sustaining wages; support for small   working shape for working people, we’re deliver-
        First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “This year,  businesses; putting money in New Yorkers’ pock-  ing a better, safer, cleaner city for all New Yorkers.”
        we’ve seen unprecedented reductions in crime, and   ets, and this MMR proves again that we’re surpass-  “New York City is safe and continues to move
        groundbreaking improvements in housing and af-  ing our goals,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing,   in the right direction,” said Deputy Mayor for Pub-
        fordability. I am proud to be a part of an administra-  Economic Development and Workforce Maria   lic Safety Philip Banks III. “People are safe and
        tion that remains focused on delivering results that   Torres-Springer. “We have to improve life for New   feel safe. From major crime to the ever-important
        enhance the quality of life for every New Yorker.” Yorkers on every possible level, and we’re doing   quality of life issues, like illegal cannabis shops and
           “Our North Star has always been building a   what the mayor has always directed us to do: get   ghost cars, the city is making significant progress.
        safer, more affordable city, and that’s exactly what   stuff done.”                        Jails are safer for not just the people in custody
        we’re doing,” said Chief Advisor Ingrid P. Lew-  “As individuals and families  continue to  nav-  but for the officers and visitors. We are better pre-
        is-Martin. “We, however, are not resting on our   igate life, they expect their government to work.   pared for emergencies. We thank all New Yorkers
        laurels: building more housing — and not just   Over the last year, we continue to do that work   who work hand-in-hand with this administration
        housing but affordable housing — creating more   and deliver across our  portfolios,” said Deputy   and will continue to work together as one team to
        jobs, initiating programs such as ‘Money in Your   Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Wil-  deliver on safety.”
        Pocket’ to do exactly that, and so much more.”  liams-Isom. “In the health arena, we’ve enrolled   “Every young person in our city, and their fam-
           “We are committed to data-driven strategies   more people in NYC Care and in Medicaid, both   ilies, deserve access to high-quality, inclusive sup-
        that ensure efficient, effective, and timely services   foundational supports to give more people access   port. I am committed to ensuring our policies and
        for all New Yorkers. Every day, this administration   to  the  health care they need. Additionally, we   programs embody this commitment,” said Deputy
        works to address the issues that matter most, striv-  moved 13 percent more single adults and 42 per-  Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Ana J. Almanzar.
        ing to make the city safer, more affordable, and   cent more families with children from shelter to   “As New York City advances in revitalization, our
        more inclusive” said Chief of Staff Camille Joseph   permanent housing. Over the coming year, we will   administration is dedicated to  equipping young
        Varlack. “We’ve increased availability to afford-  continue to build on efforts across the administra-  people with essential  tools and resources. Our
        able housing, had greater participation in youth   tion to help every New Yorker thrive.”  achievements this year, including improved and
        programs, invested in public health programs, and   “Investment in shared streets and parks is more   increased access to child care and a strong summer
        so  much  more.  We’ve  made  significant  progress,  than just nice to have; it is proof that our city cares   youth employment program, underscore our com-
        but the work doesn’t stop. We’re going to continue   about your lived experience no matter your zip   mitment to valuing investment in our youth, which
        to show up for New Yorkers, every single day.”  code,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera   is the future of our city.”

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