Page 23 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 23

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 23

        the statement read.
            Community members gathered
        at the site of the desecration to offer
        prayers for peace and unity and were
        supported by local, state and feder-
        al leaders representing Long Island,
        including  U.S.  Rep.  Nick  LaLota,
        U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi, Suffolk Coun-
        ty Executive Ed Romaine, Deputy
        New York State Assembly Speaker
        Phil Ramos, New York State Sena-
        tor Mario Mattera, New York State
        Assemblyman Keith Brown, New
        York State Assemblyman Steve Stern,
        Suffolk County Comptroller John
        Kennedy, Suffolk County Legislator
        Jason Richberg, Suffolk County Leg-
        islator Rebecca Sanin, Suffolk Coun-
        ty Deputy Under Sheriff Keith Tay-
        lor, Suffolk County Police Precinct
        Supervisor William Scrima, Hunting-
        ton Township Police Inspector Kev-
        in Williams, Huntington Township
        Superintendent Andre Sorrentino,  also were present to show their sup-
        Huntington Township Supervisor Ed   port – a powerful testament to our
        Smyth, Huntington Township Clerk   shared values of respect and unity.
        Andrew Raia, Suffolk County Assis-    Meanwhile, the Hindu Amer-
        tant District Attorney Allen Bode,  ican  Foundation  has  urged  the  US
        North Hempstead Town Clerk Rag-   Justice Department to investigate
        ini Shrivastava, Babylon Township   the attack on BAPS Hindu Temple
        Councilman Dwayne  Gregory and    in New York.
        Rod Calarco, Representative of the    In a post X, the Hindu American
        Governor of New York.             Foundation stated, “Hindu temple in
            Representatives  from  communi-  Melville, NY shared by OnTheNews-
        ty  organizations  including  NAACP   Beat after recent threats to Hindu
        President  Tracey  Edwards,  Rabbi   institutions as a large Indian commu-
        Susie Moskowitz from Temple Beth   nity gathering is planned in nearby
        Torah, Rabbi Elizabeth Zeller from   Nassau County this weekend.”
        Temple Chaverim, Pastor Tom John-     Earlier in July, the BAPS Swa-
        son from St. Lutheran Church and   minarayan Mandir was vandalized   du-Canadian communities.         last few years, Hindu temples in the
        Hassan Ahmed of Masjid Darul Qu-  in Canada’s Edmonton. Canadian        In a post on X, Chandra Arya   Greater Toronto Area, British Co-
        ran as well as a representative from   MP Chandra Arya voiced deep con-  stated, “The Hindu temple BAPS   lumbia, and other places in Canada
        American Jewish Committee and the   cern over the escalating incidents of   Swaminarayan Mandir in Edmon-  are being vandalized with hateful
        various Hindu Mandirs in the area   hate-fueled violence directed at Hin-  ton is vandalized again. During the   graffiti.”

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