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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 30

                 IAA Concludes Season 2024 with Two Stellar

             Performances by Acclaimed Artist Sonam Kalra

           Sonam Kalra and her ensemble perform during “Ibadat” on Sep. 7. Courtesy: Chetna Samal  Sonam Kalra and musicians perform during Sarhad on Sep. 8. Courtesy: Golden Ray Photography

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            giving local audiences the opportuni-
                                                                                                              ty to experience fresh talent that they
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              may not encounter otherwise. By of-
              he Indo-American Association                                                                    fering a platform to these exceptional
              (IAA) celebrated the success-                                                                   performers, IAA fosters cultural ex-
        Tful completion of its 2024 sea-                                                                      change and innovation, allowing these
        son with two captivating performanc-                                                                  rising stars to showcase their skills to
        es by the internationally acclaimed                                                                   a discerning audience. Sonam Kalra
        Coke  Studio artist, Sonam  Kalra,                                                                    is one such performer whose music
        over the weekend of September 7                                                                       offered an immersive and heartfelt
        and 8. The unique shows mesmerized                                                                    experience that resonated with all in
        Houston audiences with their excep-                                                                   attendance. As Nick Dhanani, a val-
        tional blend of music, poetry and sto-                                                                ued IAA member and supporter, said,
        rytelling.                                                                                            “I haven’t experienced anything like
            Ibadat, a musical performance                                                                     this before … what singing, storytell-
        blending  Sufi,  Gospel,  and  Sikh                                                                   ing  and  visual  content.  It  was  really
        prayers, was held on Saturday, Sep-                                                                   breathtaking overall.”
        tember 7, at Zilkha Hall in the Hob-  The artist with IAA board members and audience (From left to right): Atul Bhatia, IAA Secretary,   “As IAA brings its 2024 season
        by Center. Introducing the artist,   sitarist Shubhendra Rao, Radhika Day, IAA Board Member, cellist Saskia Rao-de Haas, Sonam   to a close, we would like to thank
        Sheetal Bedi, the CEO and Execu-    Kalra, Sheetal Bedi, IAA CEO and Executive Director, Aparna Asthana, IAA Board Member).   our members and audiences for their
        tive Director of IAA, said, “Sonam is                    Courtesy: Golden Ray Photography             unwavering support of the arts. It is
        not just a performer. She is a messen-                                                                because of this continued dedication
        ger of love, peace and unity … Her                                                                    that we are able to bring the best art-
        music speaks the universal language                                                                   ists to showcase the performing arts
        of oneness, something our world                                                                       of the Indian subcontinent to enrich
        needs now more than ever before.”                                                                     Houston’s vibrant cultural landscape.
        Sonam’s soulful voice and original                                                                    We are excited to announce that the
        music scores created an unforgetta-                                                                   2025 Season will be revealed soon,
        ble  evening  of  transcendent  music,                                                                and we look forward to another year
        which deeply moved the audience.                                                                      of cultural excellence,” said the asso-
        Sonam’s  charisma  shone  bright  as                                                                  ciation in a statement.
        she interacted with the audience,                                                                         Indo-American     Association
        translating and beautifully explaining                                                                (IAA), a Houston Cultural Treasure,
        the poetry she sang, making the mu-                                                                   is a 31-year non-profit 501(c)(3) orga-
        sic accessible to all.                                                                                nization for the promotion of cultural
            On Sunday, September 8, Sonam                       The artist with the IAA members               arts of India. Our mission is to bridge
        presented Sarhad at MATCHBOX          (From left to right): Satish and Uma Sharma, Sonam Kalra, Ishu and Ashok Wadhwani  cultural divides by showcasing the rich
        4,  an  evocative  performance  blend-                                                                heritage  of  the  Indian  subcontinent
        ing music and theater, dedicated to   audience relived their heart-wrench-  ovation, leaving a lasting impact on   through multi-disciplinary performing
        stories of separation and hope from   ing memories. Sonam’s poignant sto-  all those in attendance.   arts, as well as cultural, educational
        the Partition of India in 1947. This   rytelling, combined with her musical   A unique feature of IAA’s mis-  and artistic expressions. IAA pres-
        emotionally  charged  performance   brilliance, captured the raw emotions   sion is its commitment to introducing   ents a thoughtfully curated season of
        recounted the harrowing tales of   of separation and loss, yet concluded   Houstonians to groundbreaking per-  exceptional live shows each year, in
        survivors of the Partition, and there   with messages of hope and resilience.   formances from both established icons   addition to participating in several
        was not a dry eye in the hall as the   The performance received a standing   as well as promising new artists alike,   community outreach initiatives.

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