Page 32 - The Indian EYE 092024
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 32

            IALI Revives its Scholarship Awards by Honoring

              Outstanding Students at Impressive Ceremony

                                 Caucus Membership Drive Gains Momentum

        OUR BUREAU
        Hicksville, NY
               n  Saturday,  September  14th,
               2024, the India Association of
        OLong Island (IALI) revived its
        Scholarship Awards, marking the re-
        turn of this vital initiative after many
        years. This year, IALI recognized stu-
        dents who demonstrated academic
        excellence, leadership, and a strong
        commitment  to  community  service.
        These  scholarships  highlight  IALI’s
        steadfast commitment to supporting
        the educational aspirations of young
        Indian Americans.
            The 2024 Scholarship Recipients
        are Janessa Sondhi, Jaskirat Singh,
        Karisma Pahuja, Kirpa Kaur, Krishiv
        Shah, Navya Gupta, Nikhil Janda, Ra-               All Scholarship Awardees with Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava and IALI President Pradeep Tandon
        jvir S. Masaun and Ria Bahl.
            These accomplished students,
        all children or grandchildren of IALI
        members, were honored  not  only
        for their academic achievements but
        also for their contributions to their
        communities. The event, attended by
        proud families, was a memorable cele-
        bration for all involved.
            IALI extends heartfelt gratitude
        to Ragini Srivastava,  Town Clerk of
        North Hempstead, for her support
        and presence at the event. Special
        thanks  also  go  to  the  Scholarship
        Committee and the generous donors
        who made these awards possible: Dr.
        Rajani Goyal, Dr. Sunil Mehra, Dr.
        Neeru Bhambri, Mr. Mukesh Modi
        and Dr. Usha Tandon.
            Secretary Dr. Neeru Bhambri wel-
        comed all guests and invited President
        Pradeep Tandon to start the event.
            President Pradeep Tandon wel-                                     Awardee Janessa Sondhi with her Family
        comed the attendees, emphasizing the
        importance of these awards in foster-  for excellence while remembering the  you every step of the way. The future  fostering educational growth, and nur-
        ing both academic achievement and  importance of giving back.”      is yours—go make it extraordinary!  turing a spirit of community involve-
        community service. He expressed deep   Addressing the scholarship re-   This scholarship is more than fi-  ment among young Indian Americans.
        gratitude to the sponsors for empow-  cipients directly, he added, “Congrat-  nancial aid—it’s a recognition of your   The India Association of Long Is-
        ering young scholars to pursue their  ulations on your hard work and com-  potential to lead and contribute to so-  land (IALI), established in 1976, is a
        dreams and positively impact society.  mitment. Remember, education is not  ciety. As you grow and succeed, we en-  non-profit  organization  dedicated  to
            In his remarks, President Tandon  just about learning, but about making  courage you to join IALI as members  promoting Indian culture, heritage,
        said, “Today, we celebrate the remark-  a positive impact on your community  and help take this organization to even  and education in Long Island and
        able accomplishments of our young  and shaping a brighter future.   greater heights.”                 New York.
        scholars. These students represent the   You each have the potential to   The scholarship program strength-  After many years, IALI has re-
        future of  our community,  and their  make a difference. Stay curious, em-  ens IALI’s mission to uplift and em-  vived its scholarship program to con-
        dedication to both academics and ser-  brace challenges, and remain true to  power the next generation of leaders.  tinue nurturing academic excellence
        vice is an inspiration to us all. I encour-  your values. We believe in your ability  Moving forward, IALI remains com-  and community engagement among
        age each of them to continue striving  to  succeed,  and  we are  cheering  for  mitted to continuing this tradition,  its young members.

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