Page 37 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 37

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 37

                Annual health fair at Durga Mandir

                       provides services to 100 persons

        OUR BUREAU
        South Brunswick, NJ
              he Health Camp of New Jer-
              sey’s  annual  health  fair  at
        TDurga Mandir in South Bruns-
        wick, NJ, on Sunday, September 15,
        2024, successfully provided health
        services to 100 individuals. The fair
        likely offered various medical screen-
        ings, counseling, and wellness infor-
        mation, contributing to the health
        and well-being of the local  commu-
        nity. Events like these can help im-
        prove access to healthcare services
        for underserved populations and
        raise awareness of preventive health
            Health Camp of New Jersey
        (HCNJ) held its annual Health Fair
        at Durga Mandir in South Brunswick
        Township, NJ, on Sunday, Septem-
        ber 15, 2024, benefiting 100 partici-
        pants with various health screenings,
        disease   prevention,  education,
        and  counseling services.  HCNJ, a
        non-profit organization under tax-ex-
        empt code 501(c)(3), has been orga-
        nizing these health fairs since 1999 to
        support the South Asian community,
        particularly uninsured or underin-
        sured individuals.
            This year’s health fair provided
        comprehensive screenings, including
        blood tests, EKGs, vision screening
        for glaucoma and diabetic retinopa-
        thy, physical exams, cardiology and
        neurology evaluations, mental health
        services, pharmacy and physical ther-
        apy  counseling,  influenza  vaccina-
        tions, and alternative medicine coun-
        seling. Participants also received
        education on chronic diseases such
        as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovas-
        cular disorders, cancer, and mental
        health conditions. The event catered
        specifically to the South Asian pop-
        ulation, with medical professionals
        from various specialties, including
        internal medicine, cardiology, neu-
        rology,  and  mental  health,  offering
        their services.
            In addition to individual health
        screenings, the fair had contributions
        from organizations like Legacy Phar-
        macy Group, Penn Medicine Princ-  wick, and their youth interactive club   13,000 individuals and detected over   As part of its 25th-anniversary cele-
        eton, LabCorp, NJ Commission for   and NJ Youth Artists Leo Club also   4,000 chronic disease abnormalities.   brations, HCNJ aims to open a com-
        the Blind, and SAMHIN. Volunteer   provided essential support.      The next health fair will be on Sun-  munity health center in New Jersey
        groups, including the Rotary Club of   Since  its  inception  in  1998,   day, October 20, 2024, at Shree Swa-  by 2026 to provide follow-up services
        Plainsboro-North and South Bruns-  HCNJ has screened more than      minarayan Temple in Secaucus, NJ.   throughout the year

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