Page 42 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 42

BUSINESS EYE                                                     SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 42

            Adani Group denies Swiss accounts frozen as

         Hindenburg throws another ‘baseless allegation’

           The Indian Group says the allegations are clearly preposterous, irrational, and absurd

            and it is yet another orchestrated and egregious attempt by the same cohorts acting in

                                      unison to inflict damage on the group’s reputation

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                Adani  Group  said  it  remains
                                                                                                              steadfastly committed to transparen-
        Washington, DC/Ahmedabad
                                                                                                              cy and compliance with all legal and
            n a post on X, US-based short                                                                     regulatory  requirements  and  con-
            seller Hindenburg Research cit-                                                                   demned any such effort at baseless
        Ied a news report by Swiss media                                                                      allegations.
        outlet Gotham City and alleged on                                                                         Meanwhile, Adani Green Ener-
        Thursday that Swiss authorities have                                                                  gy completed the redemption of all
        frozen over USD 310 million in funds                                                                  outstanding USD 750 million 4.375
        across multiple Swiss bank accounts                                                                   per cent Holdco Notes due on 8 Sep-
        as part of an investigation into the                                                                  tember 2024, the company said on
        Adani group.                                                                                          Monday.
            The Adani Group has rejected                                                                          This follows the company’s an-
        and  denied  “baseless  allegations”                                                                  nouncement, in January 2024, to fully
        over reports concerning freezing of                                                                   backstop the Holdco Notes through
        some funds in Swiss bank accounts.                                                                    a fully funded redemption reserve
        The Business conglomerate assert-                                                                     account maintained eight months
        ed that it has no involvement in any                                                                  prior to the redemption date to fa-
        Swiss court proceedings, nor have any                                                                 cilitate full redemption of Holdco
        of the company accounts been sub-                                                                     Notes upon maturity in compliance
        ject to sequestration by any authority.             Adani Group chairman Gautam Adani (ANI)           with applicable guidelines.
            The Adani Group said in a state-                                                                      It also emphasized the struc-
        ment that the allegations are clearly                                                                 tured approach to accomplish cred-
        preposterous, irrational, and absurd   counts been subject to sequestration   ly disclosed, and compliant with all   it metrics akin to investment grade
        and it is yet another orchestrated and   by any authority. Furthermore, even   relevant laws. These allegations are   profile for its underlying debt capital
        egregious attempt by the same co-  in the alleged order, the Swiss court   clearly preposterous, irrational, and   raise program.
        horts acting in unison to inflict dam-  has neither mentioned our group   absurd. We have no hesitation in   With this, the company added
        age on the group’s reputation.    companies, nor have we received any   stating that this is yet another or-  that it is committed to having cap-
           “We unequivocally reject and   requests for clarification or informa-  chestrated and egregious attempt   ital market issuances tailored for
        deny the baseless allegations present-  tion from any such authority or regu-  by the same cohorts acting in unison   long-term infra-asset class supported
        ed. The Adani Group has no involve-  latory body,” the statement said.  to inflict irreversible damage on our   through the predictable and  robust
        ment in any Swiss court proceedings,   “We reiterate that our overseas   group’s reputation and market val-  cashflow stream to attain long curve
        nor have any of our company ac-   holding structure is transparent, ful-  ue,” the statement added.   emulating underlying asset life.

         Adani Ports and SEZ to develop multipurpose berth at Kandla Port

               dani Ports and Special Eco-  will further consolidate our position   ate, and Transfer) model, will handle   er and operator, APSEZ manag-
               nomic  Zone Ltd (APSEZ),   on the western coast and enhance   multipurpose clean cargo, includ-  es 7 strategically positioned ports
          AIndia’s leading port develop-  our ability to service customers in   ing containers. Berth No. 13, with a   and terminals on the west coast
         er and operator, has signed a con-  Gujarat and north India.”      length of 300 meters and an annual   (Mundra, Tuna, Dahej, Hazira in
         cession agreement with Deendayal     APSEZ has established a whol-  capacity of 5.7 million metric tonnes   Gujarat, Mormugao in Goa, Dighi
         Port Authority (DPA) to develop   ly owned subsidiary, DPA Container   (MMT), is expected to be operation-  in Maharashtra, and Vizhinjam in
         Berth at Deendayal Port in Kandla,   and Clean Cargo Terminal Limited   al by FY27.                  Kerala) and 8 on the east coast
         Gujarat.                         (DPACCCTL), to manage opera-          Adani Ports  and Special Eco-  (Haldia in West Bengal, Dhamra
             Ashwani Gupta, Whole-time    tions at the berth. In July 2024, AP-  nomic Zone Ltd (APSEZ), part of   and Gopalpur in Odisha, Gan-
         Director and CEO, APSEZ, “Berth   SEZ received the Letter of Intent   the Adani Group, has transformed   gavaram and Krishnapatnam in
         No. 13 will diversify our presence at   (LOI) for the berth’s development,   from a port operator into an Inte-  Andhra Pradesh, Kattupalli and
         Deendayal Port. We will now han-  operation, and maintenance under a   grated Transport Utility, offering   Ennore in Tamil Nadu, and Karai-
         dle multipurpose clean cargo at the   30-year concession.          comprehensive solutions from port   kal in Puducherry), accounting for
         port, in addition to dry bulk cargo   The project, following the DB-  to customer.                   27 per cent of India’s total port
         that we already handle. The berth   FOT (Design, Build, Finance, Oper-  As India’s largest port develop-  volumes.

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