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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 41

                  Achieve Your Goals with the GROW Model:

         Goal, Reality, Options, and Will (or Way Forward)

        Setting clear goals provides direction, motivation, and focus, guiding your actions and decisions towards desired outcomes

                                                                                                                sonal trainer, signing up for fitness
                                                                                                                classes, or following online workout
                                                                                                              • Assess Feasibility: After evaluating
                                                                                                                each option based on factors like
                                                                                                                cost, convenience, and effective-
                                                                                                                ness, you determine that joining
                                                                                                                a gym and following a structured
                                                                                                                workout plan is the most feasible
                                                                                                                and sustainable approach for you.
                                                                                                              • Narrow Down Choices: You nar-
                                                                                                                row down your options to joining a
                                                                                                                local gym that offers a variety of fit-
                    Hirav Shah                                                                                  ness classes and equipment, as well
                                                                                                                as  flexible  hours  to  accommodate
                                                                                                                your schedule.
           n  the  pursuit  of  personal  and                                                                 • Will (Way Forward): The final step
           professional growth, setting and
        Iachieving goals is paramount.     Exploring options expands your perspective, creativity, and problem-solving skills, enabling   in the GROW model is to commit
                                                                                                                to a plan of action.
        However, without a structured ap-   you to consider alternative pathways to success and overcome obstacles more effectively
        proach, many individuals struggle to                                                                  What is Will (or Way Forward)?
        turn their aspirations into reality. En-                    (File/Agency photo)                           Will, or Way Forward, involves
        ter the GROW Model—an effective                                                                       committing  to  specific  actions  and
        framework for goal setting and action   runs. You also have a busy sched-  • Goal Alignment: Your goal of run-  strategies for implementing your cho-
        planning. Let’s explore the GROW    ule that makes it challenging to   ning a 5k race aligns with your de-  sen options and achieving your goals.
        Model’s four components—Goal,       find time for consistent training.  sire to improve your physical health   Why is Will (or Way Forward) Important?
        Reality, Options, and Will (or Way   • Explore Options: You could ex-  and overall well-being, but your   • Willpower and commitment are
        Forward)—and learn how to apply     plore options such as following a   current work schedule poses a chal-  essential for translating ideas into
        them to achieve your goals with clari-  structured training plan, joining a   lenge.                    action, overcoming  obstacles, and
        ty and purpose.                     running group for accountability   • Explore Options: You could ex-  staying focused and motivated on
            Goal: The first step in the GROW   and support, or hiring a personal   plore options such as negotiating a   your journey towards goal achieve-
        model is to define your goal clearly.   trainer to provide guidance and   more flexible work schedule, find-  ment.
        What is it that you want to achieve?   motivation.                    ing ways to incorporate physical   Exercise for Will (or Way Forward):
        Your goal should be specific, measur-  • Reality: The second step in the   activity into your daily routine, or   • Clarify Commitment: You reaffirm
        able, achievable, relevant, and time-  GROW model is to check REAL-   seeking support from colleagues or   your commitment to improving
        bound (SMART).                      ITY. With your goal in mind, it’s   family members.                 your physical fitness by setting spe-
        What is Goal Setting?               crucial to assess your current reali-  • Options: The third step in the   cific goals, such as increasing your
            Goal setting is the process of   ty objectively. Where are you right   GROW model is Options. Once   running distance and improving
                                                                                                                your overall endurance.
        defining specific, measurable, achiev-  now in relation to your goal?  you’ve established your goal and   • Overcome Obstacles: You antici-
                                                                              assessed your reality, it’s time to ex-
        able, relevant, and time-bound objec-  What is Reality Assessment?    plore your options.               pate potential obstacles such as fa-
        tives that you aim to accomplish.     Reality  assessment  involves                                     tigue, lack of motivation, and busy
        Why is Goal Setting Important?    evaluating your current situation,  What are Options?                 work schedules, but you develop
            Setting clear goals provides direc-  strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,   Options refer to the various strat-
        tion, motivation, and focus, guiding   and threats in relation to your goals.  egies, approaches, and alternatives   strategies to overcome them, such as
                                                                                                                setting realistic goals, seeking sup-
        your  actions  and  decisions  towards   Why is Reality Assessment Important?  available to you for achieving your   port from friends and family, and
        desired outcomes. It helps you clari-  • Assessing reality provides clari-  goals.                      scheduling workouts in advance.
        fy your priorities, track progress, and   ty and awareness of your starting   Why are Options Important?  • Build Support: You enlist the sup-
        stay accountable.                   point, enabling you to identify po-  • Exploring options expands your   port of a workout buddy, join on-
        Exercise for Goal Setting:          tential obstacles, leverage strengths,   perspective, creativity, and prob-  line fitness communities for moti-
        • Define Your Goal: Let’s say your   and capitalize on opportunities for   lem-solving skills, enabling you to   vation and accountability, and seek
          goal is to improve your physical   growth.                          consider alternative pathways to   guidance from fitness professionals
          fitness by running a 5k race within   Exercise for Reality Assessment:  success and overcome obstacles   to ensure you stay on track.
          the next three months.          • Define  Your  Current  Situation:   more effectively.
        • Reality Check: Currently, you’re   You’re currently working a de-  Exercise for Generating Options:   The writer is a well known Business
          able to run 2 kilometers comfort-  manding job with long hours and   • Brainstorm Potential Solutions:   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
          ably, but you struggle with endur-  limited flexibility for personal activ-  You brainstorm potential solutions   and BestSelling Author.
          ance and pacing during longer     ities like exercise.              such as joining a gym, hiring a per-  [email protected]

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