Page 44 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 44

IMMIGRATION                                                      SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 44

                237(a)(1)(H) Waiver After Denial

                    of Naturalization Application?

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA          tion in exchange for receiving   Although in the asylum appli-  as she had stated in her asylum   employer as well as travel in and
                                   voluntary departure from the   cation she had  claimed to be   application. The examiner also   out of the US. And herein lies
              t the naturalization in-  Immigration Judge and the   a member of a political party   questions the client for not ad-  the paradox. If the USCIS is-
              terview the noncitizen   asylum application was never   that  resulted  in  her  arrest  for   mitting that she had been ar-  sues a Notice to Appear (NTA)
        Aapplicant could face a    adjudicated on its merits, leave   political reasons, the noncitizen   rested. The attorney is caught   and places the client in removal
        rude shock if the examiner re-  alone reviewed by the judge   failed to indicate in the I-485   by surprise and asks for a short   proceedings,  it  will  benefit  her
        veals that they made a misrep-  or  the  government  opposing   application that she had ever   break to speak to the client. The   as she will be eligible for a waiv-
        resentation in a long forgotten   counsel. The noncitizen timely   been a member of a political   client confesses to the attorney   er under INA § 237(a)(1)(H),
        application for an immigration   left the US timely under volun-  party or that she had been ar-  that she vaguely remembers that   which provides:
        benefit filed in the distant past.  tary departure, and a few years   rested. On the other hand, the   she was mislead into filing a fab-  Waiver authorized for cer-
            For example, the applicant   later, came to the US in H-1B   noncitizen disclosed in the I-485   ricated asylum application, but   tain misrepresentations. The
        could have been misled by an   status and ultimately obtained   application that she had been   she did not think much about   provisions  of this  paragraph
        unauthorized practitioner when   permanent  residence through   placed  in  removal  proceed-  it, as she withdrew the asylum   relating to the removal of aliens
        she first came to the US three   the employer who filed a labor   ings and had left the US pur-  application before an IJ in ex-  within the United States on the
        decades back in filing a fabricat-  certification,  an  I-140  petition   suant to voluntary departure.  change for voluntary departure.  ground that they were inadmis-
        ed asylum application who did   and subsequently an I-485 ad-  This individual retains an   The attorney explains all   sible at the time of admission
        not inform her about the asylum   justment of status application.  immigration attorney who in   of this to the naturalization ex-  as aliens described in Section
        interview. This ultimately result-  At  the  time  of  filing  the   good faith prepares and files the   aminer after conversing with his   1182(a)(6)(C)(i) of this title,
        ed in the issuance of a Notice to   I-485 application the noncit-  N-400 application. The attorney   client. The examiner believes   whether willful or innocent,
        Appear resulting in the appli-  izen failed to mention  in the   inquired about how his client   that if the client had filed a false   may, in the discretion of the At-
        cant being placed in a removal   I-485  application that she  had   obtained permanent  residency   asylum application, she should   torney General, be waived for
        proceeding. At the Master Cal-  made a misrepresentation to   and is satisfied with the expla-  have disclosed that she had   any alien (other than an alien
        endar  Hearing the noncitizen   obtain  an  immigration  benefit   nation from the client that she   sought  an  immigration  benefit   described in paragraph (4)(D))
        withdrew the asylum applica-  through the asylum application.   was sponsored by her employer   by lying in her I-485 applica-  who–
                                                                 through  a  bona  fide  labor   tion and should have  sought a   (I) is the spouse, par-
                                                                  certification,  I-140  peti-  waiver under INA § 212(i) prior   ent, son, or daughter of a
                                                                  tion and I-485 application.   to adjusting status and obtain-  citizen of the United States
                                                                  The client desires that the   ing permanent residence. The   or of an alien lawfully admit-
                                                                  N-400 application be filed   attorney argues that his client   ted to the United States for
                                                                  quickly so that she can be-  withdrew the application under   permanent  residence;  and
                                                                  come a US citizen in time   the supervision of the Immigra-  (II) was in possession of
                                                                  to vote in the presidential   tion Judge who granted her vol-  an immigrant visa or equivalent
                                                                  election and indicates to   untary departure. She was also   document and was otherwise
                                                                  her attorney that it would   misled  into  filing  this  asylum   admissible to the United States
                                                                  not  be  necessary  to  file  a   application.     at the time of such admission
                                                                  request for her records un-  Notwithstanding the attor-  except for those grounds of in-
                                                                  der the Freedom of Infor-  ney’s pleas on behalf of his cli-  admissibility  specified  under
                                                                  mation Act. When prepar-  ent, the USCIS issued a denial   paragraphs (5)(A) and (7)(A)
                                                                  ing the N-400 application,   of the N-400 application on the   of section 1182(a) of this title
                                                                  the attorney disclosed that   ground that she had not met all   which were a direct result of that
                                                                  his client had been placed   the requirements for naturaliza-  fraud or misrepresentation. OR
                                                                  in removal proceedings,   tion including having been law-  is a VAWA self-petitioner.
                                                                  but relying in good faith   fully  admitted  for  permanent   A waiver of removal for
                                                                  on what his client told him,   residence under INA §316. The   fraud  or  misrepresentation
                                                                  he did not acknowledge   client appealed the denial by fil-  granted under this subpara-
                                                                  in the N-400 that his cli-  ing Form N-336,  and a more se-  graph shall also operate to
                     m of                                         ent gave any information   nior naturalization officer again   waive removal based on the
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          that was false, fraudulent   affirmed the original denial.  grounds  of  inadmissibility  di-
                                                                  or misleading or had lied
                                                                                             Although the USCIS as-
                                                                                                                     rectly resulting from such fraud
                                                                                             to  a  government  official   serted  that  the  client  has  not   or misrepresentation.
             to obtain an immigration   been lawfully admitted for per-  A noncitizen in removal
                                                                  benefit.                manent residence, she sill tech-  proceedings may apply for this
                                                   
             ­       At the naturalization   nically remains a permanent   waiver under INA § 237(a)(1)
              ‚                                              
                                                                  interview, the examiner   resident until she is subject to a   (H) after being inadmissible for
                                                                  goes through the questions   final order of removal. She can   fraud or willful misrepresen-
                                                                  on the N-400 and then con-  continue to remain in the US as   tation under INA  § 212(a)(6)
                                                                  fronts the client for not ad-  a permanent resident as well as   (C)(i). The waiver would apply
          2              6th Floor                                mitting that she had been a   use the I-551 card if she needs   whether the noncitizen filed at
                member of a political party   to verify her status with a new   application for an immigrant

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