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BUSINESS EYE                                                     SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 43

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Google launches AI-driven podcast feature in NotebookLM

         Audio Overview allows users to input their research and receive a synthesized, audio-based summary presented by virtual hosts

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            displayed some quirks, such as spelling
                                                                                                              out words like “P-L-U-S” and using in-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              formal phrases like “bling bling metal”
              oogle   has  introduced  a                                                                      for platinum, according to The Verge.
              groundbreaking feature in                                                                           While the AI-generated  con-
        Gits AI note-taking app, Note-                                                                        versations  can  be  entertaining  and
        bookLM, that transforms your re-                                                                      educational, there are  limitations to
        search into engaging, AI-generated                                                                    the feature. Google notes that Audio
        podcasts.                                                                                             Overview  is  intended  to  reflect  your
            This experimental functionality,                                                                  notes rather than provide a compre-
        known as Audio Overview, leverages                                                                    hensive or objective view of a topic.
        artificial  intelligence  to  create  pod-                                                                Additionally, the process of gen-
        cast-style discussions featuring two AI                                                               erating a podcast can be time-consum-
        hosts, according to The Verge.     Google notes that Audio Overview is intended to reflect your notes rather than provide a com-  ing, and the feature is currently avail-
            NotebookLM,     which    was                 prehensive or objective view of a topic (File photo)  able only in English, according to The
        launched last year, has been enhanced                                                                 Verge. Users should be cautious about
        with this new feature to offer a more  to “summarize your material, make  erated podcast provided a lively discus-  relying on it for critical information, as
        interactive experience for users man-  connections between topics, and ban-  sion on the invention of the lightbulb.   the AI is not always accurate.
        aging their notes and research mate-  ter back and forth,” creating an audio  The  hosts  conversed  about Thomas   To explore this new functionality,
        rials. With the integration of Google’s  version of the detailed summaries pre-  Edison  and  the  collaborative  nature   users can access it by opening a note-
        Gemini AI model, Audio Overview  viously available only in text form, ac-  of the invention, with remarks like   book in NotebookLM, selecting the
        allows users to input their research  cording to The Verge.         “in the end, it’s actually a story about   Notebook guide in the bottom-right
        and receive a synthesized, audio-based   The feature aims to make engag-  teamwork, making the dream work.”  corner of the screen, and then choos-
        summary presented by virtual hosts.  ing content out of research findings.  Despite their attempt to emulate a   ing the “Audio Overview” option
            These AI hosts are programmed     During an internal test, the AI-gen-  human-like conversation, the AI hosts   (With agency reports)

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