Page 16 - The Indian EYE 092024
P. 16

OPINION                                                          SEPTEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 16

         Ten Glorious years of Narendra Modi Government

         Narendra Modi Government administration has executed a range of policies and creativities over

              the past decade. Hence it has left a thoughtful impact on various aspects of Indian society

                                                                                                              Digital India and Technological
                                                                                                                  The Digital India initiative came
                                                                                                              into being in 2015. Improving digital
                                                                                                              infrastructure, enhancing online ser-
                                                                                                              vices, and promoting digital literacy
                                                                                                              among citizens are the aims of the
                                                                                                                  Several projects progressed un-
                                                                                                              der this initiative. It includes the Dig-
                                                                                                              ital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA) to
                                                                                                              promote digital literacy, and the Dig-
               BY JAGDISH SEWHANI
                                                                                                              ital Payment ecosystem to encourage
          “That government is the strongest                                                                   cashless transactions. Broadband
          of which every man feels himself a                                                                  connectivity for rural and remote ar-
              part”—Thomas Jefferson                                                                          eas, aiming to bridge the digital di-
                                                                                                              vide, the government have also have
              he era of a new Bharat under                                                                    worked such expansion strategies.
              the Visionary leadership of
                                                                                                                  Prior to Modi’s tenure, the roll-
        TIndian Prime Minister Naren-                                                                         out of the Aadhaar biometric identi-
        dra Modi is here. Today the world is                                                                  fication system originated. But under
        looking at Bharat not only for Lead-                                                                  his government, its expansion plan
        ership, but also Solutions to pressing                                                                carried on. It played a decisive role
        Global issues”. As tens of thousands                                                                  in delivering various welfare benefits
        of loving Indians in person and, tens                                                                 and services directly to beneficiaries,
        of Millions on their screens, look for-  intended at uniting India’s multi-  compliance requirements, and fund-  thereby dipping leakage and increas-
        ward to welcoming Narendra Modi   farious tax system. Old tax regime;   ing support were provided. Thereby   ing transparency.
        in the United States of America,   prior to GST, resulted in incom-  the government pursued to cultivate
        “Bharat” smiling with “Garv and   petence and bigger costs and busi-  a vibrant start-up ecosystem.       Social Welfare Schemes
        Gratitude” for his son, who made   nesses had to traverse a myriad of                                     Launched in 2014, the Swachh
        this moment happen.               state-specific  taxes.  By  substituting   Infrastructure Development  Bharat Abhiyan, aimed to progress
            May 2014 was the year when re-  multiple indirect taxes with a single,   To address the housing shortage   sanitation and hygiene across the
        framing force in Indian politics and   unified tax, GST aimed to streamline   in urban and rural areas, the Prad-  country. The campaign focused on
        governance,  the  Narendra Modi   the tax structure, enhance compli-  han Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)   constructing toilets in rural
        government  first  came  to  power.   ance, and boost economic growth.  was launched. With a target of con-   areas, promoting cleanliness,
        The BJP under Mr. Modi has be-        In November 2016, the demon-  structing 20 million houses by 2022,   and eliminating open defecation.
        come  the  first  party  to  win  clear   etization move was another prom-  the scheme is providing affordable   The Modi government introduced
        majorities, one after another. He is   inent economic policy. The stealth   housing to the economically weaker   several such social welfare schemes
        the only leader to have earned the   and sudden move to withdraw ₹500   sections of society. Infrastructure de-  aimed at improving the lives of down-
        title  of  “Iron  man  of  the  masses”.   and  ₹1000  banknotes  from  circu-  velopment has been proved to be the   graded and vulnerable populations.
            Narendra    Modi    Govern-   lation,  aimed  to  fight  black  money,   keystone of Modi’s governance.  One of the world’s largest health
        ment administration  has  executed   forged currency, and corruption.   Another  significant  initiative,   insurance  schemes,  Ayushman
        a range of policies and creativi-  And they did achieve their intended   the Bharatmala Project, was expect-  Bharat was introduced in 2018. It
        ties over the past decade. Hence   objective as shown in later years.   ed to enhance economic activity, cre-  was designed to provide health cov-
        it has left a thoughtful impact on    The launch of “Make in India”   ate jobs, and enable regional devel-  erage of up to ₹5 lakh per family per
        various  aspects  of  Indian  society.  campaign  was  another  measure  to   opment. It was focused on improving   year to over 10 crore families. It was
                                          encourage manufacturing and invite   road infrastructure across the coun-  a scheme required to make quality
         Here is an overview which will under-  foreign investment. The program is   try. The project aimed to enhance   healthcare more reachable and rea-
         line the major accomplishments that   required to improve          connectivity by constructing new   sonable for the poor.
          have well-defined the Modi govern-
         ment for the past 10 years. It offers a    India’s effectiveness in the glob-  highways, expanding existing ones,    Aimed to provide clean cook-
         nuanced perception on its decade-long   al market by improving the ease of   and improving the overall logistics   ing fuel to women from low-income
                                          doing business and encouraging in-
                                                                                                              households  by offering  subsidized
                     voyage.              novation.  Additionally,  the  Modi   Launched  in  2015,  the  Smart   LPG connections, the Ujjwala Yoja-
            Economic Reforms and          government introduced several ini-  Cities Mission also emphasized on   na was launched in 2016.
                    Policies              tiatives to boost the economy.    urban renewal by the Modi govern-     Designed to reduce reliance on
            Focusing on economic reform       Unveiled in 2016, the “Start-up   ment. This program transformed se-  traditional,  polluting  fuels  and  im-
        has been one of the most significant   India” initiative aimed to nurture   lected cities  into smart, sustainable   proving health outcomes for women
        aspects of Modi’s tenure. Introduced   entrepreneurship and create a favor-  urban centers with improved infra-  and children are the main theme of
        in 2017, the Goods and Services   able environment for start-ups. The   structure, better governance, and   this initiative.
        Tax (GST) was a landmark reform   benefits  like  tax  exemptions,  easier   enriched quality of life for residents.  Continued on next page... >>

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