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OPINION                                                           FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    9

                         The Aero India Programme:

          Catalyzing Aerospace to Boost India’s

                             Defense Export Ambitions

         Government policies, such as the “Make in India” and the “Atmanirbhar Bharat”, have greatly enhanced

                         India’s capability to be self-reliant in defense, especially in the air defense market


              he  Aero  India  2025  will  take
              place  at  Yelahanka  Air  Force
        TStation  in  Bangalore  from  10
        to  14  February,  a  hallmark  event  in
        India’s  aerospace  domain.  This  15th
        edition of “The Runway to a Billion
        Opportunities” strives to do better
        by marketing new partnerships and
        increasing the pace of indigenization.
        The event includes the Defense Min-
        isters’  Conclave  that  will  be  themed
        “BRIDGE  —  Building  Resilience
        through  International  Defense  and
        Global  Engagement,”  the  CEOs
        “Round Table,” iDEX start-up event,
        live  and  dynamic  aerobatics  and  air
        show and a massive exhibition area
        with over 200 exhibit providers aimed
        towards displaying Indian indigenous
        defense  manufacturing.  The  exhi-
        bition  could  help  create  technology
        transfer agreements of over  `75,000           IAF’s Sukhoi SU-30 performs ahead of ‘Aero India 2025’, at Air Force station in Bengaluru on Thursday (ANI)
        crores  to  propel  India’s  aerospace
        technology  and  exports.  Acting  as  a   dodara, Gujarat, by Tata Advanced   a result of India’s ambitious “Make in   ing  defense  requirements  in  India.”
        bridge between India and other inter-  System Ltd.’s joint venture with Air-  India” campaign and a cornerstone   Moreover, India’s reliance on im-
        national defense organizations, Aero   bus Spain takes on a new dimension   towards achieving defense autonomy.   ports for most of its defense equipment
        India 2025 will strive to improve the   in  the  country’s  aircraft  production.   This partnership has enabled setting   has been exposed to certain issues, and
        local avionics industrial development,   In  addition,  the  involvement  of  sev-  up of the first private military aircraft   this situation brings out the need for In-
        as well as innovation, and thereby as-  en Indian start-ups in the space and   manufacturing  plant  in  India,  an  as-  dia to indigenously design and produce
        similate Indian organizations into the   defense  collaborative  Indo-US  pro-  pect deemed to have brought a new   air defense systems for its strategic se-
        global production channel.        gramme shows the increasing impor-  paradigm shift within the indigenous   curity.  As  a  solution  there  is  a  need
            The  innovations,  such  as  the   tance of private players in developing   aerospace production industry.   for  a  comprehensive  policy  frame-
        iDEX pavilion for start-ups and MS-  defense innovations.               However,  obstacles  continue  to   work  with  policy  reforms  of  defense
        MEs, demonstrate the intention of   Towards Defense Autonomy        exist even when such development has   manufacturing policies, private sector
        supporting indigenous innovation to                                 been achieved. Per the news platform   participation  and  technology  strate-
        encourage  investment  in  local  man-  overnment  policies,  such  as   National Herald, the Indian defense   gy to create a defense-autonomous
        ufacturing.  Possible  signs  of  India’s   the “Make in India” and the   sector  has  primarily  depended  upon   nation, with programmes like “Make
        defense autonomy in the air defense  G“Atmanirbhar Bharat”, have    state-owned  companies  like  Hindu-  in  India” and “Atmanirbhar  Bharat”
        sector can be highlighted through the   greatly enhanced India’s capability to   stan Aeronautics Limited (HAL),   having started the path of setting up a
        integration of the Akashteer system,   be self-reliant in defense, especially in   Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) and   defense-autonomous nation, especial-
        an automatic air defense control and   the air defense market. The intended   Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders, but these   ly in the aerospace and defense sector.
        reporting system developed by Bharat   goals and objectives of these policies   companies have to work seamlessly to   India as a Major Defense
        Electronics  Limited,  which  provides   are to cut down the reliance on for-  attain its goal timely. While the public   Exporter
        improved support to the Indian Army   eign imports and to encourage do-  sectors continue to dominate, there is
        through  the  networking  of  surveil-  mestic production by making relations   a need to fill the gap by private firms.   ndia’s  rise  as  a  key  defense  ex-
        lance systems, radars and communica-  between Indian firms and internation-  Larsen  &  Toubro’s  chief  financial   porter  to  countries  like  Arme-
        tion equipment. The commencement   al  entities  easier.  The  production  of   officer,  R.  Shankar  Raman,  stated,  Inia and the Philippines has been
        of the manufacturing of the country’s   the  C-295  military  transport  planes   “There was a need to move towards   possible  because  of  policy  measures
        first  private  military  aircraft  in  Va-  in Vadodara, Gujarat for example, is   domestic  private  players  for  sourc-  Continued on next page... >>

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