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COVER STORY                                                       FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                                    BJP WINS DELHI

                     BACK WITH

                                        A BANG

          The Bhartiya Janata Party returns to power after 27 years. AAP’s big guns fail to

          fire. Congress fails to open its account. The results are historic for the people of
                             Delhi – and for the ruling party led by PM Narendra Modi

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
           n a historic mandate, the Bharati-
           ya Janata Party won in Delhi polls
        Ion Saturday, returning to power
        in the national capital after 27 years
        by ousting Aam Aadmi Party with
        several  AAP  leaders  including  for-
        mer Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
        losing  from  their  strongholds.  The
        verdict  came  months  after  BJP-led
        coalition  swept  Maharashtra  polls
        and the party won Haryana, consol-
        idating  its  domination  of  national
            BJP  has  won  45  of  70  seats  in
        Delhi and is leading on three. AAP
        has  won  21  and  is  leading  on  one
        seat. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        lauded BJP’s victory and said it was
        triumph of “good governance” of the
        party at Centre and in states it is in
        power. He said the party will leave no
        stone  unturned  in  developing  Delhi   BJP supporters offer sweets to each other as they celebrate the party’s victory in the Delhi Assembly Election on Saturday (ANI)
        and improving the overall quality of
        life for the people.              from 1998, registered a hat-trick zero   ed for them,” Kejriwal said in a video   for their support to BJP in assembly
            “Jana Shakti is paramount! De-  tally in assembly polls.        posted on X.                      polls and said they are feeling relief
        velopment wins, good governance tri-  Apart from Arvind Kejriwal, sev-  “We have done a lot of work in   on making the national capital “AAP-
        umphs. I bow to my dear sisters and  eral senior AAP leaders lost the polls   the field of health, education, infra-  da free”.
        brothers of Delhi for this resounding  including former Deputy Chief Min-  structure in the last 10 years. We will   Addressing a gathering at the
        and historic mandate to @BJP4In-  ister Manish Sisodia, Delhi Minister   not only play the role of a construc-  party  headquarters  after  party’s  re-
        dia. We are humbled and honored to  Saurabh Bhardwaj, former ministers   tive  opposition  but  will  also  remain   sounding  victory  in  assembly  polls,
        receive these blessings. It is our guar-  Somnath Bharti and Satyendra Jain   among  the  people  and  continue  to   PM Modi said BJP will return love of
        antee that we will leave no stone un-  and  party  leaders  Awadh  Ojha  and   serve them. We did not come into   the people of Delhi in form of prog-
        turned in developing Delhi, improv-  Durgesh Pathak. Chief Minister Ati-  politics for the sake of power, we con-  ress and development.
        ing the overall quality of life for the  shi won from Kalkaji.      sidered politics as a medium through   He took jibes at the ruling Aam
        people and ensuring that Delhi has a   Kejriwal  accepted  the  people’s   which the people can be served,” he   Aadmi Party, referring to it as “AAP-
        prime role to play in building a Viksit  mandate  and  congratulated  BJP  on   added.                da (tragedy)”
        Bharat,” he said in a post on X.  its victory. “We accept the mandate   The results were largely in accor-  “I thank the people of Delhi. Del-
            The Congress, which was hoping  of  the  people  with  great  humility.  I   dance  with  prediction  of  exit  polls,   hi  has  given  us  love  wholeheartedly
        for  its  revival  in  the  national  capi-  congratulate  the  BJP  for  this  victo-  which had predicted a BJP victory.  and  I  once  again  assure  the  people
        tal, again failed to win any seat. The  ry and I hope they will fulfil all the   Prime Minister Narendra Modi   that we will return you double the love
        party, which ruled Delhi for 15 years  promises for which people have vot-  on Saturday thanked people of Delhi   Continued on next page... >>

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