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EYE ON INDIA                                                      FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                                 INDIA-US RELATIONS

        With tariff war looming, PM Modi going to meet

          Trump to talk energy and defense cooperation

          PM Modi will be in France from February 10 to 12 where he will co-chair AI Summit along

                      with President Emmanuel Macron and address India-France CEOs forum

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
              rime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Unit-
              ed States on February 12,13 and hold a meet-
        Ping with US President Donald Trump and in-
        teract with senior leaders of the US administration.
        This will be the first visit of PM Modi to the US
        since the inauguration of President Donald Trump.
            Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri said at a
        special media briefing that Prime Minister’s visit
        within three weeks of the new administration tak-
        ing office shows the importance of the India-US
            “At  the  invitation  of  US  President  Donald
        Trump, PM Modi will pay an official working vis-
        it to the US on 12th and 13th of February. This
        will  be  the  first  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Modi  to
        the United States since the inauguration of the
        second presidential term of US President Donald
        Trump,” he said.
            “The fact that the Prime Minister has been
        invited to visit the US within barely three weeks
        of the new administration taking office shows the
        importance of the India-US partnership and is   Prime Minister Modi had visited US during the first term of President Trump. This will be his first visit during the president’s
        also reflective of the bipartisan support, that this
        partnership enjoys in the US,” he added.                                        second term (ANI file photo)
            Answering a query, he said PM Modi and US
        President  will  have  discussions  on  areas  such  as   chair AI Summit along with President Emmanuel   “We will be interested in AI applications that are
        energy and defence.                          Macron and address India-France CEOs forum.   designed developed deployed and used in safe hu-
            “Energy and defence, both of these are defi-  PM will co-chair the AI Summit alongside Pres-  mane responsible trustworthy manner,” he added.
        nitely be going to be on the table when the PM   ident  Macron  of  France.  “After  the  AI  summit,   Following the AI Summit, PM Modi will ad-
        and President meets. On Tariffs, you have seen the   there will be a bilateral component to the visit and   dress the the India-France CEOs forum and will
        announcement that have been made in the budget,   PM Modi and President Macron will address the   also travel Marseille.
        some  of  those  are  already  out  there.  We  expect   India-France CEOs forum,” Misri said.  “After the AI summit, there will be a bilateral
        that there will be a more intense and continuing   Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri in a press   component to the visit and PM Modi and Presi-
        conversation with US on these matters,” he said.  briefing on Friday, emphasised the growth of Ar-  dent Macron will address the India-France CEOs
            Misri informed that PM Modi will hold bilater-  tificial Intelligence and prioritised India’s expecta-  forum...PM Modi will travel to Marseille on the
        al meeting with Donald Trump and key US admin-  tion from the summit that AI applications should   evening  of  11th  February.  President  Emmanuel
        istration figures are also expected to call on PM.  be designed, developed, deployed and used in safe   Macron will also host a dinner in honour of PM
            “The  PM  will  hold  a  bilateral  meeting  with   humane responsible trustworthy manner.   Modi,” Misri said
        Donald Trump in both restricted and delegation   “PM  will  co-chair  the  AI  Summit  alongside   On February 12, PM Modi will visit the war
        level format. The senior US administration figures   President Macron of France. The PM will arrive   cemetery to pay tribute to the sacrifices made by
        are expected to call on PM during the visit. PM   in Paris in the evening of 10th of February. He will   Indian  Soldiers  in  World  War  1.  Misri  also  in-
        will also have the opportunity to interact with busi-  then attend the dinner that is being hosted by Pres-  formed, PM Modi will visit Cadarshe, the site in-
        ness leaders and members of Indian community,”   ident  Macron  at  Elysee  Palace.  On 11  February   ternational thermal nuclear experimental reactor,
        Misri said.                                  Prime Minister will co-chair the AI Summit along-  in which India holds vast interest.
            He said India’s relationship with US has been   side President Macron of France. AI is bound to   “The two leaders will pay a visit to Cadarshe
        “one of our strongest international partnership in   have and already having profound impact across   which is the site of the international thermal nu-
        recent years.”                               all sectors of economy, polity, society and gover-  clear experimental reactor, which is a high science
            Prior  to  his  US  visit,  PM  Modi  will  be  in   nance and therefore summit such as the AI Sum-  project in which India is a partner with few other
        France from February 10 to 12 where he will co-  mit is both significant and timely.” Misri said.    countries,” Misri said.

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