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OPINION FEBRUARY 14, 2025 | The Indian Eye 10
favoring exports of the defense sys- India’s dependence on imports. The
tems produced in India. The defense Indian defense industry could main-
exports stood at around $2.6 billion tain export growth through BrahMos
in FY 2023–24, up from $241 million missile and Akash air defense system
in FY 2014–15, of which it surpassed marketing efforts demonstrated by
$2.44 billion. This growth was due to the Philippine and Armenian agree-
India’s determination to advance its ments. These strategic partnerships
defense manufacturing capacities and promote India’s trading performance
increase its marketing and exporting and increase its regional power sta-
of indigenous defense systems. This tus. Through partnerships with dif-
growth reflects India’s commitment to ferent nations and members of ASE-
bolstering its defense manufacturing AN, India should aim to facilitate
capabilities and expanding its global maritime security while countering
footprint. One is in the defense sector, terrorism. Through space-defense
where India shares a defense partner- initiatives with the US, India proves
ship with Armenia. In 2022, Armenia its expanding role in developing crit-
purchased 15 Akash air defense sys- ical strategic technologies. India can
tems that cost around $720 million. bridge production capability gaps,
India handed over the first battery of especially in naval warship build-
the Akash Weapon System to Arme- ing, through international standards
nia by November 2024 to signal a new adoption alongside technological
era in defense cooperation. Arme- progress, like the submarine project
nia has also purchased Indian-origin with Germany’s Thyssenkrupp, which
155mm caliber artillery guns along demonstrates how to scale up domes-
with a Pinaka multi-barrel rocket sys- tic manufacturing capacity.
tem to enhance its defense force. Conclusion
In Southeast Asia, the Philippines
has turned into a major player in im- ero India represents In-
porting Indian defense equipment. In dia’s progress on the path to
August, for the first time, the Philip- A“Make in India” — defense,
pines bought a $375-million BrahMos Paraglider of the Indian Air Force rehearsing ahead of ‘Aero India 2025’ in Bengaluru (ANI) especially in aerospace through
anti-ship missile system from India. technology, originality and interna-
This deal reflects India’s potential to tional collaboration. Organized by
develop missile technology that can be Strengthening Defense are challenges in India’s system. To indigenous systems like the Akash-
exported and offered to other coun- Diplomacy sustain and grow defense exports, teer air defense network and the
tries as strengtheners of their defense. changes and improvements are indis- Tata Airbus C-295 manufacturing
India has several approaches to ensur- ndia’s defense diplomacy, from pensably continuous with a keen focus plant, the event proves the effec-
ing that defense exports assist Global being a means to export defense on international standards. There are tiveness of concepts like “Make in
South countries. By offering inex- Iequipment, has expanded into signs that are good, like the $5 billion India” and “Atmanirbhar Bharat.”
pensive and efficient native defense a process facilitating strategic part- submarine deal with Germany’s Thys- These policies have supported do-
solutions, India helps these countries nerships and cooperation. First, the senkrupp. However, the challenges mestic manufacturing, reinforced
strengthen their defense systems with strategy improves India’s stakes in have to do with production and main- exports and driven the productive
less dependence on conventional different region of the world and gives taining successful partnerships on the change of the aerospace industry.
Western vendors. Besides, it helps in it a role in impacting geopolitics. The international arena for such growth Nevertheless, some challenges still
the enhancement of the bilateral part- selection of seven Indian startups for trends to be achieved. exist, such as import dependency,
nership as well as regional security. the Indo-US space and defense co- Way Forward inefficiencies in state-owned enter-
However, while India is celebrat- operation programme firms, such as prises and competition with world
ing the rising export of 78% in the first KaleidEO and EtherealX likely to ndian public sector involvement powers. To mitigate these, there is a
quarter of 2024–25, at the same time operate satellite observation and oth- with the private sector needs ex- need for policy reforms, private sec-
the country is still away from achiev- er enhanced defense technologies, Ipansion through government pol- tor participation and improvement
ing the Rs 35,000 crore defense export can create expansive markets and im- icies that limit business barriers for of manufacturing capabilities. Also,
target for the year 2025. To bridge the mense revenue. homegrown companies, like the Ta- strategic defense diplomacy should
gap, India must continue to innovate, India’s defense diplomacy reflects ta-Airbus joint venture in Gujarat for speak to the current and emerging
ensure quality standards and navigate the cultivation of strategic partners C-295 aircraft manufacturing. The standards of diplomatic measures
the complex geopolitical landscape across the globe. India and Nigeria effort represents a major advance and the global political map. Aero
that influences defense trade. The have vowed to improve cooperation that must extend to all defense sector India 2025 could provide a strategic
success of India as a defense exporter on maritime security and counterter- projects across India. Public-private direction to transform India into a
to different nations can be seen as the rorism in West Africa. Globally, India partnership models benefit efficiency defense manufacturing hub that en-
growth of the defense manufacturing has deepened defense and security while reducing dependence on state- courages innovative indigenization.
industries and a vigorous foreign pol- relations with Southeast Asian na- owned firms like HAL. The iDEX Lipun kumar Sanbad is
icy. With indigenous source systems tions focusing on maritime-security programme needs faster implemen- a Research Intern at Indian Council of
like the Akash air defense system issues with ASEAN members. India’s tation to facilitate MSMEs and start- World Affairs, New Delhi.
and the BrahMos missile, India not weapon deals with nations, such as ups developing domestic defense Views expressed are personal
only supports the betterment of the Vietnam, are also a strategic approach technologies. Bharat Electronics
defense capabilities of partner coun- towards regional behavior, primarily Limited demonstrates innovation This article first appeared in the web
tries but at the same time strengthens due to China. with the Akashteer air defense sys- articles section of the website (www.icwa.
its place as one of the responsible and Despite the foregoing achieve- tem that combines surveillance and in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
trustworthy defense partners. ments in defense diplomacy, there communication operations to reduce New Delhi, on February 6, 2025