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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                   FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 12

                      Bringing More Jobs to Every

         Borough, Block, and Neighborhood

          For the eighth time since we took office, this administration broke the all-time jobs record in our city.

            New data released by the New York State Department of Labor shows we have an all-time high of

                                                 4,770,981 total jobs in the five boroughs

                                                      ensure our young people and disadvantaged com-  Space” plan, a comprehensive strategy to revital-
                                                      munities are on pathways to training opportunities   ize our commercial office sector, attract the best
                                                      and sustainable, full-time jobs. We are closing the   companies across the country and the globe, ad-
                                                      gap and bringing jobs directly to the communities   vance an ambitious goal of 50 million square feet
                                                      still facing unemployment.                   of  total  leasing  by  2025,  and,  most  importantly,
                                                         And  New  York  City  will  continue  to  lead   create thousands of jobs for hard-working New
                                                      the way and win the race to unleash new jobs in  Yorkers.
                                                      emerging  sectors,  from  life  sciences  and  health   And this tax season, we are working to ensure
                                                      care to tech and artificial intelligence. Last week,  no  dollar  earned  is  left  behind  by  working-class
                                                      our administration announced a report that out-  New  Yorkers  and  their  families.  Qualified  New
                                                      lined a series of findings, recommendations, and   Yorkers  can  file  their  taxes  for  free  across  the
                                                      actions to secure New York City’s position as the   five boroughs through our “NYC Free Tax Prep”
                                                      premier Applied Artificial Intelligence capital of   initiative. We want New Yorkers to get their fair
                                                      the  world.  These  smart,  forward-looking  invest-  share, because we know that every dollar counts
                        ERIC ADAMS                    ments will ensure New York City is at the forefront   for working-class people and their families. New
                                                      of an emerging sector and help create the jobs of  Yorkers  can  visit  to  schedule  an
              very day, New Yorkers work hard to build a   tomorrow, starting today.               appointment at a NYC Free Tax Prep location.
              better future for themselves and their fami-  This week, we are kicking off our administra-  As  someone  raised  by  a  single  mother  who
        Elies. They want a chance to get ahead, to buy   tion’s  “Jobs  Week”  by  launching  our  “Race  for   worked several jobs to support our family, I know
        a home, pay for college, and save for retirement.
        We know that in order to make New York City the
        best place on the globe to raise a family, we need
        the best jobs on the globe. And we need to keep
        money in the pockets of working-class New Yorkers.
            That is why from day one of this administra-
        tion, we have made it a priority to make sure op-
        portunity reaches every borough, block, and neigh-
        borhood. We have gone to work to deliver for New
        Yorkers every day, everywhere — and our efforts
        are  working.  Unemployment  is  down  across  all
        demographic groups since we entered office. And
        in the last three years, we have done my favorite
        thing: break records. From a record number of
        new small businesses, to record amounts of afford-
        able housing being created, to record investments
        in  minority-  and  women-owned  businesses,  our
        economy is booming.
            Just last week, we announced that we set an-
        other record: For the eighth time since we took
        office, this administration broke the all-time jobs
        record in our city. New data released by the New
        York State Department of Labor shows we have
        an all-time high of 4,770,981 total jobs in the five   This week, NYC is kicking off “Jobs Week” by launching our “Race for Space” plan, a comprehensive strategy to revitalize the
        boroughs.                                                                    commercial office sector (File photo)
            While these numbers show the strength of our
        economy, our shared prosperity must continue
        to hit every zip code. We know that a job is more   the  struggle  many  are  still  unfortunately  facing.  New Yorkers back to work, continue to grow our
        than  a  paycheck,  it’s  the  bedrock  of  the  Ameri-  That is what drives our administration to make   economy, ensure that prosperity touches every zip
        can Dream, and a chance to prosper here in the   sure that hard-working New Yorkers can get the   code, and make New York City the best place to
        greatest city in the world. We are going to keep   chances I was given to get ahead.       raise a family.
        that dream going strong by building a pipeline to   Together, our administration is going to put   Eric Adams is the Mayor of New York City, NY

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