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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 15

             Tulsi Gabbard secures Senate Intelligence

        Committee vote in a close call as Kash Patel’s

                              confirmation hangs in balance

              Patel, a former Trump administration lawyer, is accused of promoting a list of Trump’s political

        adversaries and endorsing retribution against them, raising serious concerns about his fitness for the role

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            is still in a strong position to win the
                                                                                                              green light from Republican senators
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              when all is said and done.
             ormer United States Repre-                                                                           The move follows an expeditious
             sentative  Tulsi  Gabbard  has                                                                   effort  by  Republicans  to  move  the
        Fcleared the Senate Intelligence                                                                      president’s  nominees  through  the
        Committee vote for her nomination                                                                     chamber. The Senate has confirmed
        to become the next Director of Na-                                                                    12 nominees in less than three weeks.
        tional Intelligence (DNI), putting her                                                                    Patel,  a  former  Trump  admin-
        one step closer to confirmation by the                                                                istration  lawyer,  is  accused  of  pro-
        full Senate, as reported by The Hill.                                                                 moting a list of Trump’s political ad-
            The vote was a close call, passing                                                                versaries and endorsing retribution
        9-8 along party lines.                                                                                against  them,  raising  serious  con-
            “The  Intelligence  Committee                                                                     cerns about his fitness for the role.
        just voted for Tulsi Gabbard’s nom-                                                                       A book published in 2022 named
        ination to be the Director of Na-                                                                     60 critics of Donald Trump and sug-
        tional Intelligence favourably to the                                                                 gested  they  should  be  investigated.
        full  United  States  Senate.  We  look                                                               The  second emerged this week, in-
        forward  to  her  confirmation  and                                                                   volving FBI agents who probed the
        working with her to keep America                                                                      2021 Capitol riots, where Trump was
        safe,”  Senate  Intelligence  Commit-                                                                 impeached and later indicted.
        tee Chair Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told                                                                        Senate   Democratic   leader
        reporters after the closed-door vote,                                                                 Chuck  Schumer  criticised  Patel’s
        The Hill reported.                                                                                    nomination,  calling  it  a  dangerous
            The vote came just hours after                                                                    move  that  could  compromise  the
        Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), a key                                                                    FBI’s independence. “These actions
        swing vote, announced that he would                                                                   have political retribution written all
        support Gabbard.                                                                                      over  them.  If  Kash  Patel  becomes
            Through a series of posts on X,                                                                   FBI  director,  things  will  only  get
        Young endorsed her nomination,                                                                        worse,” Schumer said.
        saying, “I appreciate Tulsi Gabbard’s                                                                     The judiciary committee was ini-
        engagement with me on a variety of                                                                    tially set to move Patel’s nomination
        issues to ensure that our intelligence                                                                to a full Senate vote. However, Dem-
        professionals  will  be  supported  and                                                               ocrats demanded a second hearing,
        policymakers  will  receive  unbiased                                                                 claiming Patel withheld key informa-
        information under her leadership.”                                                                    tion about his involvement in Trump’s
            He further wrote, “I have done   lieutenant colonel, Democratic con-  Patel’s nomination to lead the FBI was   alleged  plans  for  FBI  retaliation.
        what the Framers envisioned for   gresswoman,  and  2020  presidential   pushed until next week as Democrats   Patel  denied  having  any  “ene-
        senators to do: use the consultative   candidate who switched to the Re-  delayed it due to panel rules. Voting on   mies  list”  and  said  he  intended  to
        process  to  seek  firm  commitments,   publican Party last year. She has, at   Patel’s nomination was on the agen-  expose  lawbreakers.  Texas  Republi-
        in  this  case,  commitments  that  will   times, referred to the tens of thou-  da for Judiciary members, but Dem-  can senator Ted Cruz defended him,
        advance our national security, which   sands  of  intelligence  personnel  she   ocrats requested it be held over one   calling the attacks “political theatre”
        is my top priority as a former Marine   would  oversee  as  members  of  the   week. It is the prerogative of a mem-  and dismissing them as baseless ac-
        Corps intelligence officer.”      “deep state.”                     ber to request such a move one time.   cusations.
            “Having now secured these com-    Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine)   A similar move was made on At-    The  democrats  used  a  rule  in
        mitments, I will support Tulsi’s nom-  also voiced her support for Gabbard,   torney  General  Pam  Bondi’s  nomi-  the  Republican-led  committee  that
        ination and look forward to working   further  clearing  her  path  to  confir-  nation last month.   allowed a single delay of a week in
        with her to protect our national secu-  mation. Collins and Young had been   Patel is now expected to be vot-  any nomination vote. According to
        rity” Young added.                seen as pivotal votes in the commit-  ed out of committee by Republicans   AFP, a new hearing is expected next
            Gabbard, who was nominated    tee, as reported by The Hill.     next Thursday.                    Thursday, where even two Republi-
        by US President Donald Trump for      Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary   This does little to affect Patel’s   can defections could derail his path
        the post, is a former Army Reserve   Committee’s  consideration  of  Kash   confirmation chances, however, as he   to becoming FBI director.

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