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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 19

                                    Prabhakar Raghavan,

              Chief Technologist at Google, Joins

                     the USISPF Board of Directors

                                                                                                   comes from our two countries leading this transi-
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                   tion together. As such, the addition of Prabhakar
        Washington, DC                                                                             to the USISPF Board of Directors is a strategic and
                                                                                                   exciting step in furthering our joint position in the
              he US-India Strategic Partnership Forum                                              global AI race. I look forward to seeing how his
              (USISPF) recently announced that Prabha-
        Tkar Raghavan, Chief Technologist at Google                                                Board presence will bolster USISPF’s efforts to in-
                                                                                                   crease AI collaboration between governments and
        has joined its Board of Directors.                                                         businesses.”
            Prabhakar is the first board member to be an-
                                                                                                      Prabhakar joined Google in 2012 and prior to
        nounced in 2025, adding to a stellar list of industry                                      his role as the company’s Chief Technologist, was
        titans and captains of the tech sector on USISPF’s                                         most recently the SVP for Knowledge & Informa-
        board.                                                                                     tion (K&I) responsible for Google’s Search, Ads,
            Prabhakar  in  his  role  as  Chief  Technologist
        works closely with Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO,                                            Commerce, Geo, Assistant & Gemini products.
                                                                                                      “Prabhakar Raghavan expressed gratitude
        to further the company’s long-standing culture of                                          about  his  appointment  and  said:  I’m  incredibly
        technical excellence.
                                                                                                   honored to join the USISPF Board of Directors
                                                                                                   and contribute to its mission of strengthening the
        Prabhakar is one of the foremost authori-                                                  US-India  relationship.  India  is  remarkably  posi-

        ties on Search and is the co-author of two                                                 tioned in the global technology landscape, not just
                                                                                                   as a nation of over a billion people, but also as the
        widely used graduate texts on algorithms                                                   birthplace  of  population-scale  digital  platforms
        and search. He has over two decades of                                                     such as UPI, which have benefited its citizens and
                                                                                                   moved the tech discourse forward. Google is deep-
        research spanning algorithms, web search,                                                  ly invested in India’s digital future, powered by the

        and databases, has published over 100 pa-                                                  opportunities of AI, and I’m eager to work along-
                                                                                                   side fellow board members to further advance this
        pers in various fields, and holds 20 issued                                                vital partnership.”
                                                                                                      Prior to leading Google K&I, Prabhakar led
        patents, including several on link analysis   overall growth and innovation, especially as we go  the  Ads  &  Commerce  teams  and  also  served  as
        for web search.                              through this next-generation tech transition with  the vice President of Workspace in Google Cloud.
                                                     AI. As Prime Minister Modi shared during his  Before joining Google, Prabhakar founded and led
            Welcoming Prabhakar to the USISPF Board,  2023 state visit, AI is not just artificial intelligence,  Yahoo! Labs. He also served as CTO at Verity and
        Dr.  Mukesh  Aghi,  USISPF  President  and  CEO  but America and India – and the opportunity that  was at IBM Research for 14 years.
        said: “The relationship between the United States
        and India is at a pivotal stage where synergy in fields
        of the initiative for Critical and Emerging Technol-
        ogy (iCET) and subsequently with the India-U.S.
        Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X), are
        driving the relationship forward and touch heavily
        on the role of critical tech in AI in both the private
        sector and next-generation defense technology. In
        Prabhakar, we have a tech leader who can help with
        India’s digital transformation as Google’s ongoing
        investments  in  India’s  digital  infrastructure,  in-
        cluding the launch of cloud regions in Mumbai and
        Delhi, demonstrate Google’s commitment to the
        country’s  digital  growth.  The  critical  aspect  over
        the next decade will be to leverage the digital trade
        economy to enhance the commercial partnership
        between the United States and India. Prabhakar’s
        vision and insight will be key to this mission”.
            USISPF Chairman John Chambers congratu-
        lated Prabhakar and said: “Having spent the ma-
        jority of my career in Silicon Valley, I understand
        the  pivotal  role  of  tech  companies  in  countries’

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