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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 22

                The Eye Foundation of America Raises

         Over USD 1 MILLION During Fundraiser To

                        End Childhood Blindness In India

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
           was born in a rural village in In-
           dia,  poor  and  legally  blind,  with
           no opportunity to exist,” Sam
        Maddula, Pharm.D., a distinguished
        leader,  visionary  entrepreneur,  and
        dedicated  philanthropist,  said.  Sam
        went on to add, how his life turned
        from darkness to light as his parents
        stumbled upon an Eye Camp that the
        Eye Foundation of America had set
        up in 1987 in rural Andhra Pradesh.
        “It is this organization that rescued
        me from a life of darkness. The Eye
        Foundation  of  America  helped  me
        get a visa to the United States. The
        esteemed Dr. VK Raju himself, per-
        formed  dual  corneal  transplant  sur-
        gery on me two weeks after my second
        birthday in the United States. He did
        it, working with the Eye Foundation
        for free. He cured me just like that,   ing over a $ 1 Million US Dollars. In   ceive neonatal care and 80% of them   Ranger, a Board Member of the Eye
        with the magic of his hands. I could   addition,  Sam  Maddula  offered  to   survive, over 200,000 children are at   Foundation of America and Eye
        see my life went from literal darkness   match two times, the funds that were   risk  for  developing  Retinopathy  of   Foundation of UK, who has been
        to pure sunlight.”                raised on January 31st, adding the   Prematurity (ROP), Dr. Raju point-  honored by Her Majesty the Queen
            Sam  shared  his  life  story  with   total amount raised at the fundraiser   ed out.             on Eight occasions for his Business
        the audience during a Fund Raiser   even more.                          Dr. Raju has dedicated his en-  leadership in and for community ser-
        organized by The Eye Foundation       Dr. Raju promised that the funds   tire life to helping make “the world   vices, “Together, we can ensure that
        of America, Grant Thornton, the   raised will be utilized towards estab-  where every child can see, learn, and   every child has access to quality eye
        Gautami Institute, The Rotary Club   lishing  100  ROP  screening  centers   thrive without the shadows of blind-  care and a chance to reach their full
        District – 3011 (Delhi) in collabora-  across India, training 500 healthcare   ness.” Describing it as “God’s work”   potential.”
        tion with the Young Rotarians, with   professionals in Retinopathy of Pre-  that he and the Eye Foundation are   Dr.  Leela  Raju,  an  Organizing
        the theme, “Hope for Tomorrow” at   maturity (ROP) screening and treat-  doing, Dr. Raju urged “everyone to   Chair  of  the  event,  delivered  the
        the prestigious India Habitat Centre,   ment, and Treating 10,000 ROP-af-  join in the mission to eradicate child-  welcome address. The chief guest at
        New  Delhi  on  Friday,  January  31,   fected babies annually across India.   hood  blindness,  a  tragedy,  we  can   the event was Dr Radhika Tandon,
        2025.                                 Offering  an  overview  of  child-  prevent it. Every child deserves to see   Chairperson of Retinopathy of Pre-
            This life-changing miracle is one   hood  blindness  and  its  impact  on   the  world  with  clarity  and  purpose.   maturity  Center,  who  delivered  the
        of the millions of Eye Surgeries that   children,  Dr.  Raju  told  an  enthusi-  Let’s  join  hands  to  eradicate  child-  keynote address. Richa Jain Kallra, a
        The Eye Foundation of America,    astic audience, who had come from   hood blindness and unlock a bright-  TV News Anchor & Host eloquently
        led by the legendary Dr. Vadrevu K.   across India and the United States to   er future for generations to come.   emceed the event.
        Raju, a world-renowned ophthalmol-  support the noble cause, that child-  Today, we make a new beginning in   In  her  welcome  address,  Dr.
        ogist, philanthropist, and the found-  hood  blindness  has  far-reaching   our concerted efforts to prevent and   Leela Raju stressed the importance
        er of the Eye Foundation of America   consequences.  Three-fourths  of  the   eradicate  childhood  blindness  with   of ensuring that more people know
        (EFA) and the Eye Foundation of   children with visual impairment nev-  the resources and the modern tech-  about the causes and the means to re-
        UK, Chairman of Goutami Eye Insti-  er attend school.  Blindness reduces   nology that are available today,” Dr.   duce childhood blindness and eradi-
        tute has done in the past half a centu-  employability by 50%. Blindness in-  Raju said.              cate it. Dr. Leela Raju stated that the
        ry, transforming the lives of millions   creases poverty and social isolation.   Lord  Rami  Ranger,  a  well-  discussions today focused on “not
        of children, who are born every year   According to the South Indian Jour-  known philanthropist, and successful   just glaucoma, but cornea and pedi-
        with vision impairment.           nal of Ophthalmology, of the 3.5 mil-  businessman from the United King-  atric ophthalmology. And of course,
            The Fund Raiser, a pan-India   lion premature babies born in India,   dom,  while  echoing  the  mission  of   regarding retinopathy and prematu-
        Roll-out Program helped raise over   nearly one in six (600,000) babies are   EFA said, “Childhood blindness is a   rity,  which  is  our  real  push  in  both
        $500,000, which was matched by the   born less than 32 weeks gestational   solvable problem, but it requires our   Delhi  and  around  India  to  reduce
        Eye  Foundation  of  America,  total-  age. Estimating that 40% of them re-  collective action.” According to Lord   the burden of childhood blindness.”

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