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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 14, 2025 | The Indian Eye 20
Ro Khanna to co-chair the Congressional
Caucus on India with Rich McCormick
OUR BUREAU the bonds between our two nations.
Together, let’s continue to champion
Washington, DC
the values of opportunity and col-
ndian-American Congressman Ro laboration that define both America
Khanna and Republican Lawmak- and India,” Rich McCormick said.
Ier Rich McCormick will co-chair As per the release, Congressman
the Congressional Caucus on India and Andy Barr said that US-India partner-
Indian Americans in the US House ship is built on shared value of democ-
of Representatives in the new Con- racy, economic freedom, and security
gress, according to an official release. cooperation.
Representatives Andy Barr and “Strengthening this relationship is
Marc Veasey will continue as vice co- critical to advancing our mutual inter-
chairs. Congressmen Brad Sherman, ests in trade, technology, and defense.
who formerly served as chair, will con- I look forward to working alongside my
tinue to serve as chair emeritus, the colleagues to further deepen the ties
release stated. between our two great nations and to
“A strong partnership with India is support the vibrant Indian American
critical for our economy and national community that contributes so much
security. It is an honour to continue the role of vice co-chairs,” said Rep. the Indian American diaspora com- to our country,” Andy Barr added.
serving as co-chair of the India Caucus Ro Khanna munities and advance our shared de- Marc Veasey, who represents the
and to welcome Rep. Rich McCor- The caucus is a bipartisan co- fence and national security goals. The 33rd Congressional District of Texas,
mick as the caucus’s new co-chair. Rep. alition of lawmakers committed to caucus grew to a record number of said, “As the proud representative of
McCormick has supported policies to strengthening the relationship be- 145 members in the 118th Congress, Texas’ 33rd district, home to a vibrant
strengthen the US-India relationship, tween the United States and India. In with 35 new members joining under and growing community of Indian and
and I look forward to working with the new Congress, the members will the leadership of Rep. Ro Khanna Indian American families, I am hon-
him. I am grateful to Reps. Veasey and continue working to strengthen part- and former co-chair Rep. Michael oured to continue serving as vice co-
Barr for their continued leadership in nerships between policymakers and Waltz, the release stated. chair of the Congressional Caucus on
McCormick, who represents the India. I look forward to furthering the
7th Congressional District of Georgia strong ties between the United States
expressed his support to strengthen and India. The Indian American di-
US and India relationship. aspora has made invaluable contri-
“I have the great privilege of serv- butions to our nation, and I remain
ing many hard-working Indian Amer- committed to fostering deeper part-
icans in my district and will continue nerships that enhance both our econ-
to strengthen our relationship with omies and national security. Together,
India. The dedication, innovation, with our Chair, Rep. Ro Khanna, I
and contributions of this diaspora en- know we will continue to build a strong
rich our community and strengthen relationship based on shared values.”