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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 16

            AAPI – MSRF Organizes MSRF & PreMed

                                    Medical Scholars Summit

        OUR BUREAU
        New Brunswick, NJ
              he American Association of Physicians of
              Indian Origin, AAPI – MSRF organized a
        Thighly  successful  annual  MSRF  &  Premed
        Medical Scholars Summit at the Rutgers University,
        New Brunswick, NJ from January 25-26, 2025,” Dr.
        Satheesh Kathula, President of AAPI, announced
        here today.
            Organized  by  a  team  of  young  Medical  Stu-
        dents and Residents of Indian origin, the Medical
        Scholars Summit was planned and organized by an
        MSRF Executive Board, led by Priya Uppal, Presi-
        dent of MSRF; Priyanka Kolli, President-Elect; Sohi
        Mistry, Vice President; Priyal Shah, Treasurer; and
        Drishti Patel, Secretary of MSRF.
            The MSRF & PreMed Medical Scholars Sum-
        mit was led by an Executive Board comprising of
        Manan  Pancholy,  President;  Rohan  Chopra,  Vice
        President;  Prerak Shah,  Secretary;  Arjun  Gan-
        gasani, Treasurer.
            The AAPI – MSRF is a national organization
        representing medical, dental, and podiatry students
        and resident physicians of Indian origin in North
        America, founded with the objective of providing a
        channel of networking, support, and open commu-
        nication among its members.
            According to Dr. Priya A. Uppal, AAPI MSRF
        President 2024-2025, “We had over 100 attendees
        at the two-day event, with highlights that included
        our residency and fellowship panel - where attend-
        ees had the opportunity to ask questions directly of
        these program directors from a variety of surgical
        and  non-surgical  specialties,  our  medical  school  participants at the Summit.            The  Honorable  Judges  Panel  at  the  Medical
        admissions Q&A from the Dean of Warren Alpert    On January 25, the Summit began with a session  Summit  consisted  of:  Dr.  Satheesh  Kathula,  He-
        Medical School of Brown University, and an MCAT  on Leadership in Medicine by Mihir Gupta, MD,  matology-Oncology; Dr. Sunil Kaza, Interventional
        advice lecture from a 520+ scorer.”          while the session on Public Health Practice in Med-  Cardiology; Dr. Raj Bhayani, Otolaryngology; Dr.
            This year, the event had High School attendees  icine was presented by Jaya Satagopan, PhD. Novel  Arunabh Talwar; Pulmonary & Critical Care Med-
        encouraging young scholars to start their pre-med-  Technologies in Orthopedic Surgery was presented  icine; Dr. Sumul Raval, Neuro-oncology; Dr. Zee-
        ical journeys early. The research symposium, con-  by Selene Parekh, MD, MBA. Functional Medicine  shan  Mansuri,  Child  and  Adolescent  Psychiatry;
        sisting of oral and poster presentations and arts and  was jointly presented by Subbarao Bollepalli, MD,  and, Dr. Kinjal Solanki, Infectious Disease.
        humanities, was excellent. There was cutting-edge  & Chanakya Bavishi, DO.                    Dr. Meher Medavaran, Vice President of AAPI
        research and parent AAPI judges who provided in-  Niraj Kothari, MD presented his insightful ses-  said, “Since its inception in 1982, AAPI has been
        formative and insightful feedback to propel our stu-  sion on Pioneering Advanced Practices in Medicine,  at the forefront, representing a conglomeration of
        dents’ research forward.                     while  Deepen  Modi  offered  insights  on  Financial  practicing of Indian origin physicians in the United
            “The 2-day-long Summit was packed with ac-  Wellness. Samir Pancholy, MD led a session on Ser-  States, seeking to be the united voice for the phy-
        ademic sessions that were interactive, with partic-  vice Project Pursuing Graduate Medical Education.  sicians of Indian origin. We serve every 7th patient

        ipants having an opportunity to actively engage in  Global Medicine and India: Lessons, Opportunities,  in the US. We are proud of our achievements and
        discussions and enhance their knowledge on a wide  and Challenges for the Next Generation of Physi-  our contributions to the healthcare industry and the
        range  of  topics  relevant  to  Medical  Students  and  cians was presented by Dr. Kumar Belani, MD.   millions of people we serve.”
        Residents, who seek guidance on ways to pursue   As the President-Elect of AAPI, the largest eth-  Dr. Raj Bhayani, Secretary of AAPI pointed
        their careers most effectively,” said Dr. Sunil Kaza,  nic medical organization in the United States, Dr.  out  that,  “In  addition  to  several  programs  in  the
        Chair of APPI BOT.                           Amit Chakrabarty said, “I strongly believe that ac-  United States and in India, AAPI has been in the
            Scientific  Research  Symposium  Oral  Presen-  quiring new knowledge is crucial for professionals,  forefront, advocating for the interests of the medical
        tations, Mentorship and Networking Lunch; Res-  especially for the physicians in a changing health-  fraternity  and  organizing  regular  CME  programs,
        idency  Program  Directors’  Panel,  Medical  School  care  environment.  This  Medical  Scholars  Summit  health & wellness events, and financial workshops
        Admissions  Panel,  Fellowship  Program  Directors’  provided insights on pursuing a career and how best  for its members and outreach, public health educa-
        Panel; MCAT Success: Tips and Tricks were some  to utilize the resources and, help out next generation  tion, and advocacy activities for the community both
        of the exciting topics that were appreciated by the  of Physicians of Indian origin achieve their goals.”   locally and internationally.”

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