Page 14 - The Indian EYE 021425
P. 14

North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                            FEBRUARY 14, 2025

         Mayor Adams Announces $15 Million Investment

          to Connect 1,500 Justice-Involved and Impacted

                              New Yorkers To Job Opportunities

              Community Resource for Employment and Development to Connect

                New Yorkers to Paid Internships in In-Demand, Emerging Sectors

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            reduction in Black and Latino unem-
                                                                                                              ployment since the start of the Adams
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              administration.  To  find  job  opportu-
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                    nities, free training, and employment
               ams has continued “Jobs Week                                                                   resources, New Yorkers can visit the
        N ”  by  announcing  the  Commu-                                                                      Jobs NYC website.
        nity  Resources  for  Employment  and                                                                    The  administration  has  also
        Development  (CRED)  initiative,  a                                                                   launched and advanced transformative
        new  $15  million  workforce  program                                                                 projects in all five boroughs to support
        for participants, ages 18-40, involved                                                                job creation, including projects ranging
        in the criminal justice system who are                                                                from the Kingsbridge Armory in the
        at risk of involvement in community                                                                   Bronx,  to  the  Brooklyn  Army  Termi-
        violence  or  residing  in  communities                                                               nal and Brooklyn Marine Terminal in
        with the highest rates of gun violence.                                                               Brooklyn, to SPARC Kips Bay in Man-
        Overseen by the New York City De-                                                                     hattan, to Willets Point in Queens, to
        partment of Youth and Community                                                                       the North Shore Action Plan on Staten
        Development  (DYCD)  and  its  net-                                                                   Island.  Cumulatively,  these  projects
        work  of  providers,  CRED  will  offer                                                               will create tens of thousands of perma-
        work readiness training, occupational                                                                 nent and temporary construction jobs,
        training, and internships for in-de- justice-impacted New Yorkers enter  ceive up to 24 weeks or 600 hours of  generate  more  than  $100  billion  in
        mand, emerging sectors for up to 24  the workforce,” said Mayor Adams.  paid training and internships at $20   long-term economic impact for the city,
        weeks, as well as job placement within  “All  New  Yorkers  —  no  matter  their  per hour in high-demand career fields,  and  cultivate  good-paying,  21st-centu-
        a three-month follow-up period.   past — should be able to receive the   including:                   ry job opportunities.
            CRED offers holistic support to   training and resources they need to   New Yorkers interested in partic-  Additionally,  last  year,  NYC  Tal-
        participants, providing access to men-  secure a job. Our ‘Jobs Week’ is high- ipating in CRED should visit DYCD’s   ent announced the city delivered more
        tal  health  counseling,  housing,  aca- lighting that a job is more than just a   homepage for updates beginning in   than 15,000 apprenticeship opportuni-
        demic support, and health care access.  way to earn a living — it provides pur- mid-February.         ties to New Yorkers in less than three
        Today’s  announcement  comes  as  the   pose, a sense of pride, and the means   The Adams administration has in- years — more than halfway to the ad-
        city,  last  week,  celebrated  breaking  to keep people on the right path.”   vested hundreds of millions of dollars   ministration’s  moonshot  goal  of  cre-
        the all-time high jobs record for the   “DYCD is excited to introduce   in  creating  good-paying,  family-sus- ating 30,000 apprenticeships by 2030
        eighth time and unemployment going  CRED to our robust workforce de- taining,  public-  and  private-sector  announced  in  Mayor  Adams’  2023
        down  across  all  demographics,  since  velopment programming and expand   jobs for New Yorkers. The New York  State of the City address.    Further,
        the start of the Adams administration.  those  opportunities  to  include  New  City  Mayor’s  Office  of  Talent  and   last summer, NYC Talent announced
        This week, the Adams administration  Yorkers who are exposed to communi- Workforce  (NYC  Talent)  announced   expanded workforce services for New
        is celebrating “Jobs Week,” highlight- ty violence, have been justice-involved,  that,  last  year,  nearly  8,500  job-seek- Yorkers with disabilities and celebrat-
        ing  the  city’s  efforts  to  ensure  job   or reside in Gun Violence Task Force   ing New Yorkers were connected to   ed a hiring milestone for the commu-
        opportunities reaches every borough,  priority precincts,” said DYCD Com- employment, free training, and work- nity. Finally, Mayor Adams, also last
        block, and neighborhood and advanc- missioner Keith Howard. “Public safe- force development resources over six   summer, announced the city’s first-ev-
        ing Mayor Adams’ 2025 State of the   ty and ensuring New York is the best  months through the through Mayor  er community hiring effort, which
        City commitment to make New York  place to raise a family are top prior- Adams’  “Jobs  NYC”  initiative.  Jobs   leverages more than $1.2 billion in city
        City the best, more affordable place to   ities of Mayor Adams, and programs   NYC  is  a  multi-pronged  citywide  ef-  contracts to create job opportunities
        raise a family.                   like CRED—offering a variety of paid   fort to reduce barriers to economic   for underserved New Yorkers. Com-
           “The best deterrent to crime and   trainings, internships, and opportunity  opportunities  and  deliver  workforce   munity  hiring  allows  the  city  to  use
        keeping  communities  safe  is  simple:  for full time employment—are doing  development services directly to com- its purchasing power, set hiring goals
        a good-paying job. CRED is that de- just that.”                     munities across the five boroughs that  across city procurement contracts, and
        terrent, investing in communities most   CRED is expected to serve 1,500   are experiencing high unemployment.  build on the success of existing project
        impacted by gun violence and provid-  participants  over  Fiscal  Year  (FY)  Thanks to efforts like Jobs NYC, the   labor agreements and agency-specific
        ing the holistic support needed to help  2025,  and  FY26.  Participants  will  re-  city has celebrated an over 20 percent  hiring programs.

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