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Newsmakers of the Week                                            FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 27

                               DAVINDER KAUR

          Academic appointed as Director

             of Online Learning at CUNY

                                                                            well, ‘Who you are cannot be separated from where you have been.’ So, I can
                                                                            never forget my roots, I can never forget where I come from and who has
                                                                            helped me get where I am today.”

                                                                            Noam  Chomsky  is  a  world-renowned  professor,  considered  by
                                                                            many to be a leading intellectual on subjects like political activ-
                                                                            ism. Researchers receiving this award must demonstrate at least

              he City University of New York’s Graduate School of Public Health &  15 years of impactful educational leadership, a strong record of
              Health Policy (CUNY SPH) has recently announced the appointment   contribution to global research and a scholarly legacy promoting
        Tof Davinder Kaur as director of online learning.
            Davinder is a dynamic leader in higher education with over 15 years of ex-  human well-being.
        perience in academic affairs administration and a specialized focus on online
        learning for adult and non-traditional learners. Her career spans a wide range   “The awarding group recognizes promising faculty who are global leaders
        of institutions, including R1 universities, technology-focused schools, public   doing cutting-edge interdisciplinary work,” Roy explained.
        and private universities, and non-profit organizations, where she has success-  Roy’s experience in international relations spans more than 20 years. She
        fully navigated the complexities of diverse student and faculty populations.  has published several influential books using her expertise and knowledge on
            Davinder leverages data-driven methodologies and feedback systems to   topics like conflicts in the South China Sea and Indonesian fragmentation to
        enhance student success frameworks and faculty development initiatives. She   become a part of a greater geopolitical conversation.
        is excited to help transform the technology-enhanced and online learning ini-  She plays a key role in multiple professional organizations in addition to
        tiatives for CUNY SPH by translating innovative ideas into actionable strat-  her duties as a professor at Georgia Southern. Roy has served as the program
        egies that drive measurable improvements in education, faculty support, and   chair for the International Studies Association’s South Asia in World Politics
        student success.                                                    sector, as well as the senior editor for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of
            She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University at Buffalo   International Studies, among other honors.
        in Curriculum, Instruction, and the Science of Learning.  Davinder is deep-
        ly committed to advancing excellence and fostering transformative change                    GUNJAN KEDIA
        in higher education. Her passion lies in building inclusive, forward-thinking
        learning environments that empower students and educators alike.
            In her free time, she enjoys travelling with her family, nature walks, read-  U.S. Bancorp names
        ing, and meditation.
                                NALANDA ROY                                         Indian-American as CEO
            Professor honored with Noam                                           .S. Bancorp (NYSE: USB) recently announced that President Gunjan

                                                                                  Kedia will become the company’s chief executive officer at the conclu-
                         Chomsky Award                                      Usion of the organization’s annual meeting of shareholders on April 15.
                                                                            Kedia also was elected to the company’s Board of Directors. Current Chair-
               alanda Roy, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Political Science   man and CEO Andy Cecere will serve as executive chairman, continuing to
               and International Studies at Georgia Southern University, was recent-  lead the Board of Directors and supporting Kedia as she assumes her new role.
        Nly honored with the Noam Chomsky Global Connections Shining Star       “One of the hallmarks of U.S. Bancorp is its thorough and measured
        Research Award for her research in global affairs, international relations and   approach to succession planning. The company’s bench is deep, and the tal-
        South and Southeast Asian maritime security.                        ent to grow and promote from within is impressive,” said U.S. Bancorp Lead
            Roy’s dedication to her research is what earned her the award, but she   Independent Director Roland Hernandez. “We are grateful to Andy for his
        said it belongs to more than just her.                              years of service to the company and especially his stewardship as chairman
            “It’s not just me,” she explained. “My parents, my husband, my daugh-  and CEO for nearly eight years; we look forward to his ongoing guidance
        ter, everybody…there have been countless sleepless nights working. So that’s   as the company’s executive chairman. At the same time, we are inspired by
        what helped me become who I am today. I love this quote by Malcolm Glad-                                     Continued on next page... >>

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