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Newsmakers of the Week FEBRUARY 14, 2025 | The Indian Eye 26
Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website
First Indian musician ever to Musician wins Grammy for
present at Grammy ‘Triveni’ as Best New Age Album
C hennai-born Indian-American businesswoman and musician Chandrika
Tandon claimed a Grammy award at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Tandon, 71, won the cov-
eted award in the Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album category for her
album ‘Triveni’, a captivating blend of ancient chants and world music.
The honour was announced at the 67th Grammy Awards, held at the Arena in Los Angeles on Sunday. (early Monday morning in In-
dia). Incidentally, Tandon is the elder sister of former PepsiCo CEO Indra
B ritish-American sitarist Anoushka Shankar is set to represent India as Nooyi.
the presenter of the 67th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday.
‘Triveni’ is a seven-track album created as a meditative journey for listen-
This is another proud moment for Indian artists making their
mark on the global stage, following comedian Vir Das’ role as host at the 2024 ers, aimed at promoting “inner healing.”
The project is a collaboration with South African flautist Wouter Kell-
Emmy Awards. erman and Japanese cellist Eru Matsumoto, bringing together their distinct
Apart from this, Anoushka, who is the daughter of composer Ravi Shan- musical styles.
kar, has also received two Grammy nominations this year for her albums ‘Ch The album’s name, “Triveni,” symbolizes the confluence of three rivers,
II: How Dark It Is Before Dawn’ and ‘A Rock Somewhere’ bringing her total which metaphorically represents the fusion of the artists’ diverse traditions.
Grammy nominations to 11. Music producer George Varghese took to his Instagram handle to con-
Anoushka Shankar took to her Instagram account to share her excite- gratulate Chandrika Tandon and the team for the big win.
ment saying she finds herself in a “wonderful position” of representing India Sharing a group picture from the Arena, he wrote, “And the winner is
on the global stage. !!!!! Wouter Kellerman Chandrika Tandon and Eru Matsumoto and my sister
“Eeeeeeee I have news! What a thrill to be asked to serve as a presenter from another mother Tholsi Pillay!!” adding, “Congratulations to the Dream
at the 67th #GRAMMYPremiere Ceremony this Sunday! The last time I pre- Team for winning the Grammy Awards for the BEST NEW AGE album for
sented was in 2016 - an extraordinary day, not only because I was nominated their Album ‘TRIVENI.’ I am ever grateful and blessed to have had the op-
for my 5th Grammy for my classical album ‘Home,’ but also because I was the portunity to be a part of your Video Team but more than that always treating
first Indian musician ever to present at the ceremony. Although so much has me as part of your family over the years.”
changed (personally and globally) over the last nine years, I find myself once This year marks Tandon’s second Grammy nomination, with her first in
again in the wonderful position of representing India on the global stage,” her 2010 for her album ‘Om Namo Narayana: Soul Call’.
post read. She was nominated this year alongside some prominent names, including
“I’m also proud to be nominated this year for my latest album ‘Ch II: How producer Ricky Kej, sitar player Anoushka Shankar, and Indian-origin British
Dark It is Before Dawn’ and my featuring role on Jacob Collier’s ‘A Rock artist Radhika Vekaria.
Somewhere’ - my 10th and 11th Grammy noms respectively! Let’s see what In a social media post earlier, Chandrika wrote, “We wouldn’t be here
happens on Sunday,” she added. except for the incredible support of so many! There are such spectacular fel-
The 2025 Grammy Awards will go ahead as planned on February 2 and low musicians I met along the way -- many nominees and many not -- and I
will air live from the venue in Los Angeles. want to tell you ALL how much joy you created for me and the world with
The telecast will raise funds to aid wildfire relief efforts and honour the your artistry. Thank you.” She also gave a shout out to her collaborators Eru
bravery of the first responders who have risked their lives in combating the Matsumoto and Wouter Kellerman.
flames. Continued on next page... >>