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EYE ON INDIA                                                      FEBRUARY 14, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                           DEPORTATIONS FROM US

                               Govt. says talks on with

          Washington as Opposition protests

                                   handcuffed deportees

        EAM Jaishankar says that deportations by the US are organized and executed by ICE and the

                           standard operating procedure for deportation is effective from 2013

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

             tarting  a  major  row,  a  US  Air  Force  plane
             carrying Indian citizens who allegedly illegally
        Smigrated to the US arrived in Punjab’s Amrit-
        sar on Wednesday. As many as 104 Indian nation-
        als were onboard the plane that landed in Amritsar.
        As the images of handcuffed and shackled deport-
        ees circulated on social media, all hell broke loose.
            Opposition  leaders  on  Thursday  criticized
        the  central  government  over  the  deportation  of
        104 Indians from the United States, alleging that
        they were sent back in an “inhuman manner.” The
        Congress leader claimed that the Prime Minister
        Narendra Modi-led BJP government had “insult-
        ed” the 140 crore Indians after 104 people, includ-
        ing men, women and children, were returned to
        Amritsar from the US in handcuffs and shackles.
            Speaking  to  reporters,  Surjewala  said,  “The
        Prime Minister Modi government has insulted the
        140 crore Indians. The way 104 Indians including   MPs of the opposition parties hold a protest outside the parliament over the issue of deportation of alleged illegal Indian immi-
        women, men and children were sent back to Am-
        ritsar from the US in handcuffs and shackles in an                   grants from the US on Thursday (ANI Photo/Shrikant Singh)
        inhuman manner has shamed the country. Unfor-
        tunately, we expected the Prime Minister to have   Indian  nationals  in  Rajya  Sabha  on  Thursday,  that Jaishankar should have given the statement
        responded to this deportation with ‘chappan inch   Jaishankar said that deportations by the US are   on  deportation  of  Indians  from  US  in  the  Lok
        ka seena’ (a 56-inch).”                       organized and executed by the Immigration and   Sabha first. EAM Jaishankar presented the state-
           “We also asked why were the 104 Indians de-  Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the standard op-  ment on the US deportation of Indians in Rajya
        ported from the US in shackles for 40 hours. But   erating procedure for deportation by aircraft used   Sabha earlier.
        there was no answer from the government. The   by ICE is effective from 2013. He said that there   Stressing that nations need to take back their
        other question we asked was whether the Indians   has been no change from past procedures for the   nationals if they are found to be living in abroad il-
        who went to earn their living out of the country   flight undertaken by the US on February 5.  legally, he said, “It is the obligation of all countries
        were terrorists. To which they did not have any an-  Jaishankar said, “Deportations by the US are   to take back their nationals if they are found to be
        swer,” he added.                              organized and executed by the Immigration and   living illegally abroad. This is naturally subject to an
            Earlier,  Congress  MP  Surjewala  stated  that   Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities. The   unambiguous verification of their nationality. This
        more than 7.25 lakh Indian citizens went to the US   standard operating procedure for deportation by   is not a policy applicable to any specific country
        in search of a better life because the Centre failed   aircraft used by ICE has been effective since 2012.  nor indeed one only practiced by India. It is a gen-
        to fulfil its promises.                       I repeat, that is effective from 2012 and provides   eral accepted principle in international relations.”
            On Thursday, External Affairs Minister S Jais-  for the use of restraints. However, we have been   He called people-to-people exchanges “bed-
        hankar has said that it is the obligation of all na-  informed by ICE that women and children are not   rock” of the deepening ties between India and
        tions to take back their nationals if they are found   restrained. Further, the needs of deportees includ-  US. He stressed that mobility and migration has
        to be residing there illegally and said that the In-  ing during transit, related to food and other neces-  a key role to enhancing its quality. He noted that
        dian government is engaging the US government   sities, including possible medical emergencies are   illegally mobility and migration has many other
        to ensure that the deportees are not mistreated in   attended  to.  During  toilet  breaks,  deportees  are   associated  activities  also  of  illegal  nature.  He
        any manner.                                   temporarily unrestrained if needed in that regard.”  highlighted  that  those  who  have  returned  have
            In his statement on the US deportation of    But Opposition MPs raised slogans objecting   recounted experiences.

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